[-] wahming@monyet.cc 2 points 6 hours ago

Because, based on her behaviour before and even during captivity, it sounds very much as if her spirit remains unbroken. The concern is not that she's learnt to keep quiet, that's perfectly within her rights. It is that she's been disappeared so that we'll forget about her.

[-] wahming@monyet.cc 1 points 6 hours ago

Yeah, I can see your history on pc. On mobile though, it insists you've never made any comments before this post. Probably kbin has some different api or something.

[-] wahming@monyet.cc 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Not sure why you're citing US law when we're discussing foreign govts. Also the obvious thing signal can do, that most complainants would probably expect as a minimum, is banning their accounts and closing the group.

[-] wahming@monyet.cc 14 points 2 days ago

I've never felt the urge to explore new genders until I read this...

[-] wahming@monyet.cc 1 points 2 days ago

I don't get what you're trying to say at all. If a party is in a group chat and reports it, they can provide their credentials to Signal to enable Signal to view the contents of the chat.

Yes, they're a carrier that does not know the content of what they carry. But once they are made aware, the legal system considers them to now bear responsibility if they don't take action. Whether or not that's fair is a pretty large topic, though I'm inclined to think so myself.

[-] wahming@monyet.cc 1 points 2 days ago

That's weird. I wonder if it's because they're a kbin account. My client still insists they have only 2 comments in their history.

[-] wahming@monyet.cc 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

~~No no, they're equally bad. According to the just-created account in its 1st ever comment.~~

[-] wahming@monyet.cc 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

~~No no, they're equally bad. According to the just-created account in its 1st ever comment.~~

See other comment chain

[-] wahming@monyet.cc 5 points 3 days ago

Funny how the .ml admins are so opposed to free speech on their own server, then.

[-] wahming@monyet.cc 14 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

But Biden is still worse because Israel something something

[-] wahming@monyet.cc 8 points 3 days ago

What's the use case, though? There really isn't much benefit to humanoid form robots outside of looking good to human aesthetics. Much of what robotics and automation would be good for don't actually require humanoid forms.

submitted 6 months ago by wahming@monyet.cc to c/futurology

NASA is elevating its digital platforms for the benefit of all by revamping its flagship and science websites, adding its first on-demand streaming service, and upgrading the NASA app. With these changes, everyone will have access to a new world of content from the space agency.

NASA is elevating its digital platforms for the benefit of all by revamping its flagship and science websites, adding its first on-demand streaming service, and upgrading the NASA app. With these changes, everyone will have access to a new world of content from the space agency.

“Our vision is to inspire humanity through a unified, world-class NASA web experience,” said Jeff Seaton, chief information officer at the agency’s headquarters in Washington. “NASA’s legacy footprint presents an opportunity to dramatically improve the user experience for the public we serve. Modernizing our main websites from a technology standpoint and streamlining how the public engages with our content online are critical first steps in making our agency’s information more accessible, discoverable, and secure.”

This new web experience will serve as an ever-expanding yet consolidated homebase for information about the agency’s missions and research, climate data, Artemis updates, and more. The updated nasa.gov and science.nasa.gov websites will provide a connected, topic-driven experience, with a common search engine, integrated navigation, and optimized publishing capabilities in a modernized and secure set of web tools. NASA will continue to update and improve the beta site on a rolling-basis as it receives feedback from website visitors. Once fully launched, the online content from a selection of popular agency websites will be included within this new experience to ensure easier, integrated access to NASA information currently found across the agency’s many websites.

Later this year, NASA also will launch its new streaming platform, NASA+., and upgrade the NASA app. Through the ad-free, no cost, and family-friendly streaming service, users will gain access to the agency’s Emmy Award-winning live coverage and views into NASA’s missions through collections of original video series, including a handful of new series launching with the streaming service.

“We’re putting space on demand and at your fingertips with NASA’s new streaming platform,” said Marc Etkind, associate administrator, Office of Communications, NASA Headquarters. “Transforming our digital presence will help us better tell the stories of how NASA explores the unknown in air and space, inspires through discovery, and innovates for the benefit of humanity.”

NASA+ will be available on most major platforms via the NASA App on iOS and Android mobile and tablet devices; streaming media players such as, Roku, Apple TV, and Fire TV; and on the web across desktop and mobile devices. Following the launch of all new digital platforms, NASA will continue to connect additional agency websites and multimedia libraries into this new experience to continually streamline all the information shared across its centers, missions, and programs. With an enhanced digital presence, NASA will share science, research, exploration, and innovation with the world through cohesive platforms.

“From exoplanet research to better understanding Earth’s climate and the influence of the Sun on our planet along with exploration of the solar system, our new science and flagship websites, as well as forthcoming NASA+ videos, showcases our discovery programs in an interdisciplinary and crosscutting way, ultimately building stronger connections with our visitors and viewers,” said Nicky Fox, associate administrator, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters.

submitted 8 months ago by wahming@monyet.cc to c/patientgamers@lemmy.ml
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by wahming@monyet.cc to c/newcommunities@lemmy.world
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