Malicious Compliance

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People conforming to the letter, but not the spirit, of a request.

founded 2 years ago
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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/doingthehumptydance on 2024-02-12 21:43:29.

Several years ago I coached a kids soccer team, it was a community recreation league with volunteer coaches with a focus on fun and equal playing time.

There were two fields next to a school. The third field is a 2 minute walk away and hidden behind a thick stand of trees invisible from the 2 fields. One would never know it was there but did have a small parking lot next to it accessible only by a rarely used, poorly maintained back lane. Most people would park in the school lot and walk the 2 minutes along the path through the trees.

The two fields next to the school were typical school fields, not particularly well maintained, uneven and definitely not regulation sized- typical school fields.

The third field was regulation sized, perfectly maintained, had new bleachers and was maintained like a professional field with regular waterings, cutting and seeding. It was the groundskeeper’s pride and joy.

It was the first day of a new season and my team of 10 year olds- the Brown Pandas (our Tshirts were brown with pandas on them) showed up for our first practice. Except there was another team on our assigned field, a team of talented players with matching socks and shorts, were all wearing cleats and in their late teens.

I approached the coach and explained that he was on our field and that his field was a 2 minute walk away down the path. He politely told me to take a hike- he was there first and that was that. So not looking for a confrontation I took my team to the really nice field, the parents had bleachers to sit in and we had a great time on the ‘big boy’ field.

After the practice the groundskeeper/convenor asked me why we were practicing on this field. I told her what happened with the other coach. She told me she asked the other coach to switch field also, he told her to get stuffed and that was his field.

Two days later at our second practice his team was on our field again. The convenor called me over to talk to her and the other coach. She stated “just to confirm for the rest of the season you are switching fields with the brown pandas on the far field and your team on this field here?”

“Yeah, this is our field and the little kids will be on the far field.” He looked at us arrogantly.

“Fine by me.” I stated grabbed my big net sack of balls and trudged over to the professional field.

Two glorious weeks passed when during practice the other coach came over with his team and saw our field. He approached me and told me that we needed to switch fields.

I laughed in his face “go get the convenor over so we can discuss.” I turned my back on him and probably did something like tie a kids shoe or dry some tears (remember they were 10 year olds.) His team started trying to use our field, one of the brown pandas was scared of the bigger kids and started crying. A couple of parents stepped in and started shooing them away before one of the 10 year olds got hurt.

He returned with his entire team and the convenor, she was beaming. She asked him if he remembered our conversation of two weeks ago, he started to argue. She told him that we were keeping with the terms of that agreement and to go back to his own field. “Go on! Scoot!” I remember her saying.

We had our first game the next week. All the brown panda parents were in attendance watching their children playing soccer on a beautiful field with semi-comfortable seating and a working scoreboard. As we left we walked by the other team playing on a muddy, undersized field. They eventually changed their game dates and times so they could use the big field but had to practice on the old field. The brown pandas never had to set foot on the older field all season.

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/subliminalconnection on 2024-02-12 21:13:42.

I was at Costco the other day and I had just finished punching my food order in at the kiosk and was on my way to the order pickup line when a large, heavy set, angry old man wearing a US Veteran baseball cap blocked me with his shopping cart so he could cut the line. I looked him up and down to see what I was dealing with and he glared right back as if to say “try me boy”. Now, I’m not one to get in a fight over a spot in line and I could tell that telling him off was not going to go anywhere good, so I let him be. But I did notice something during my assessment; he did not have an order slip from the kiosk. At least, not that I could see. So I waited.

Imagine the grin on my face when he finally got to the window to find out that he had been in the wrong line the whole time. Carrying my order back to the car I wore that grin as I passed that dude who was now at the very back of an even longer line than the one he had just left empty handed. I could have told him he was in the wrong one. Maybe saved him some anguish, but that is not a courtesy I believe he deserved.

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/Flamingblueberrypie on 2024-02-12 17:15:52.

Recently, my school locked the women’s bathroom closest to my classes due to skipping. My school groups all your classes in one proximity, so you can travel between them quickly and efficently. Most of us are frustrated, because the only other washroom is one across the school. Meaning a 2-4 minute bathroom break is now turned into a 10-12 minute one due to the walk there and back. I decided to just suck it up and wait until they opened it again, as I am a rather quick walker and ahead in all my classes (besides maths and bio LOL) a few days ago, right after the lock, I asked my English teacher to use the washroom. I managed to make the trip there and back in about 7 minutes. After class, my English teacher pulled me aside and explained to me that I “clearly wasn’t actually using the washroom” because I took too little time, she explained that I need to take longer to even make it there, and while that’s usually true, I’m a fast walker as mentioned. Especially when I need to use the washroom. I nodded and apologized, every time I used the washroom, it happened. Until the point that they took me to the principals to have a meeting about my repeated “insubordination and avoidance of classes” I was fed up, and now I’m writing this on minute 20 of my bathroom break. She wanted me to take longer, so I’ll take longer.

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/bigguy011890 on 2024-02-12 17:05:38.

I (34M) work for a company famous for being anti-union, pro insurrectionist sympathizers, having 2 registers open with lines longer than the Drive-thru lines at Chic-fil-A.

The part of the store I work on is OGP as a dispenser. And during the fall when it's chilly out. We were allowed to wear our hoodies outside. Along with heavy coats in the winter. Last week a rule was implemented saying we were no longer allowed to wear hoodies.

Alright no problem, so I started wearing my heavy winter coat as a substitution which still had a hood. One of my immediate supervisors (let's call her Karen (also not her real name), because the name I originally use to describe entitled customers is Candice. I had a bad experience with her, but that a story for another time). She tells me that my heavy winter coat still violates the no hood rule and had to tuck it in.

I had a better idea because it was malicious compliance time. So I hung my heavy winter coat up and put my beanie on as the only way to stay warm, since no one was allowed to wear any form of winter clothing unless it was hoodless. The first day I saw myself in the two-way mirror, I couldn't help but think about the SpongeBob episode Can You Spare a Dime. Pantomiming myself shaking a tin can asking "spare change?"

Most parents and my Generation will know what I'm taking about with the joke. Anyway back to the story I started going out in close to freezing temperatures and some of the delivery drivers started asking me where's my coat? I couldn't help but be honest when they learned we wasn't allowed to wear either hoodies or coats with hoodies. And they wouldn't make exceptions for cart pushers and dispensers.

This went on for about a week until as of today we got an update on the no coat with hood rule. Now dispensers are allowed to hear hooded coats outside again, when dispensing, as long as a safety is visible.

I don't know what sparked the sudden change but I want to think I had something to do with it when telling our delivery drivers and customers about the ridiculous rule change. Knowing this company would rather donate to keep insurrectionist sympathizers in office over having to pay out a possible class action suit.

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/DoctorFantastic9th on 2024-02-12 07:02:25.

My (20) paternal grandma (70) is the landlady's secretary of the apartment complex we're living in. We don't live in the same unit because the one we live in only has a single bedroom, so it's just me and my parents, and I sleep in the living room. We are neighbors, however, and she has a key to our house, which is a problem for EVERYONE because she just enters whenever she wants. And before you ask why don't we just change the locks? You need to have permission from the landlady, which means you'll have to go through HER. Add locks? She won't stop knocking and it became a problem with my dad who couldn't open the door from the outside when we are still asleep. My mother and I have always had a problem with her because she's too demanding about chores. This is why in the last decade and more, we moved houses to houses just to get away from her, but we ended back here because of financial problems.

Her constant meddling with the way our household works and our chores is becoming a problem again. Unlike before, we cannot clean the house everyday because my mom is no longer a housewife and I'm already in college and classes usually end in the evening. My dad has a night shift and weekend shifts so he comes home in the morning and would rather sleep. In short, nobody has the time to extensively sweep the floor, wipe everything clean, mop, etc. We do clean, but not like my grandma, who wants to move everything just to get into every nook and cranny. So my grandma does it for us "as a favor" and it has disrupted me during my online classes and during my mom's rest time just to ask us to help her. My dad has not experienced it personally because my grandma just respects her son more than us and whenever I drop hints that I don't want her here at this time, my dad defends her when she notices.

Yesterday, my dad came home late and grumpy, and proceeded to go to bed. My grandma did not visit us the last few days, so we just kinda did whatever we wanted. But then she saw the mess and decided that she will clean WHILE my dad was asleep at around 2 PM. Because I was not in my online class yet, I complied and helped her with the chores, which included sweeping the bedroom. So naturally, she turned the lights on, had to move stuff around, turned the electric fan off (we don't have an air conditioner and we live in a tropical country), and this of course, disrupted my dad's sleep. My dad sat up, furious, and walked out. I didn't say a word. He was not supposed to wake up until 5 PM and he cannot go back to sleep easoly and I KNEW THIS. My dad shouted that she's being disrespectful of everyone's time and she knows it's wrong to disturb him especially because it's not easy for him to fall asleep. Grandma tried guilt-tripping him but my dad was just baffled with her audacity to be mad at him.

My grandma hastily wrapped up the cleaning and left the unit, almost teary-eyed. I know, like every other old person, she wants to feel like she still has a use in our family, but she just ends up being extremely disrespectful towards us just so we can live up to her standards of "clean."

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/OneGlassOne on 2024-02-11 22:04:50.

(English is not my native language, so I apologize for any spelling mistakes in advance)

I work for my country’s customs administration. We basically do what you would expect. Anything that comes into my country is subject to duties, levies & taxes and the goods can be inspected to ensure all the paperwork filed actually conforms with reality.

Certain differences exist between private and commercial goods. Most private goods are not subject customs duties (exceptions being meat, alcohol, tobacco and a few other products). But other than that, customs law applies in every aspect to both commercial and private entities crossing the border. Meaning that many regulations usually reserved for truck drivers and professionals can easily be applied when it comes to private individuals.

This was something a particularly nasty traveler had to realize, when he bumped heads with my superior.

I was working a night shift at a rather small border station in the north of my country, where me, a colleague and my superior had activated an irregularly manned border station (not all border stations are permanently manned and opening a border station outside of its assigned working hours is referred to as ‚activating’ it).

It was 03:40 in the morning and we didn’t see too many cars. The ones that crossed over were foreigners who drove into our country for work. Many of them lived in the border region, knew the procedures and played ball. Some were friendly, some a bit grumpy (unsurprising if you have to get up that early). But all of them did as we asked. Show some identification, answer our questions about what is in your vehicle and maybe endure us taking a look inside.

And then it arrived. A black Porsche Cayenne (until then I didn’t even know that Porsche made SUVs). In the Porsche was Mark (not his real name). Mark basically looked like Christian Bale looked while playing Patrick Bateman in the movie ‚American Psycho‘. The suit, the haircut, his briefcase…everything indicated that he had money and wanted people to know about it. Which is fine. People should enjoy having nice things and signaling is a part of social interaction. We treat everyone the same and we expected this encounter to go as uneventfully as the previous ones. Boy were we wrong.

We nicely asked him for his ID card or passport, which he handed over. We then asked Mark what he was transporting in the car (when he stopped we saw that there were several cardboard boxes in the trunk and on the back seat), which he answered with „I don‘t see how that is any of your business.“

Bad mistake. It was in fact not only our business, but the very nature of our job. And since Mark had not only failed to answer, but had also failed the attitude test, we ordered him to open the trunk. He got out of the car and opened his mouth again.

„I will open the trunk. But just so you know, I want this done by the book. You touching my stuff is unacceptable to begin with. So if you damage anything or I find as much as a smudge, I will put you in a world of hurt. Now confirm that you understood me. Now.“

At this point my superior stepped forward.

„We have understood you quite well. Now I just need to know whether you were serious when you said that you want this to be done by the book? Can you confirm that you want this done by the book?“

Mark then sealed his fate by answering in the affirmative, upon which my superior updated him on the situation.

„Splendid. According to customs law, the person crossing the border is responsible for opening and unloading the vehicle he or she drives, must unpack all containers, present the goods for inspection, repackage them and reload the vehicle. When it comes to non-commercial crossings we usually do all that, as not to inconvenience private travelers, but since you want this done by the book you will have to do it. Failure to comply allows me to keep you and your vehicle at this border station for as long as I want. Any kind of resistance allows me to restrain you. And now get to work. And make sure you don’t accidentally damage your own car or its contents.“

Mark then had to lift several cardboard boxes filled with all kinds of personal items (it appears he was moving apartments) into the border station, had to unpack all of them, lay out the contents piece by piece for inspection, repackage everything and reload his car.

Had he simply answered that the boxes contained nothing significant, we would have taken a quick glance into the trunk and he would have been on his way after 3 Minutes. This way the whole procedure took 35 Minutes and left some nice sweat stains on Mark‘s shirt.

He filed a complaint…the complaint was dismissed…since everything was done…by…the…book.

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/SometimesDaniel on 2024-02-10 21:08:57.

Not a very dramatic story, but I enjoyed it so... Also my first time posting in this subreddit.

I work as an over-the-phone interpreter, (yes, I understand using an interpreter is annoying but our job is literally to help people out, so be patient with us) and I just got this call where the English speaker (let's call him Ken) seemed to be in a rush and was already losing his patience. And of course, I was paying the price. Ken was asking a very specific question and the Spanish speaker (let's call him BP for "buena persona") was giving a very general answer. Ken was also at times speaking in very broken Spanish to BP and was getting more and more frustrated because José was not giving him a more detailed answer. After I translated another general answer from BP, Ken just said: "I don't need you to translate what he is saying, I just need blah blah blah".

Cue Malicious Compliance.

Not 1 minute later, BP gives him a different, but still general answer. Silence. A minute goes by and nothing. Eventually, Ken asks in a frustrated and upset tone: "Interpreter, what did BP say? I need you to work with me on this" So I answered: "This is the interpreter, I am sorry agent but you asked me not to translate what BP was saying, that is why I didn't say anything". Silence again.

I just added that from that moment on I was just going to translate everything both parties were saying. Ken also quit his attitude and his BS after that.

Not a very satisfying story, but it was my own MC and it felt good. Have a nice day everybody!

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/Rick_B_9446 on 2024-02-10 20:25:38.

Spoiler alert: no dramatic ending; I just had fun with the situation. On with the story.

More than fifty years ago I got my first ‘real’ job in a hardware store. I was the guy who stocked shelves, cut and threaded pipe to sell in various commonly-used lengths, cut large sheets of glass into common sizes to fit picture frames, cut keys for customers, and so on (I just realized: there was a lot of cutting in this job). I had a pretty fun time as a typical teenage boy in a hardware store. The store had been founded years earlier by kind of a grumpy guy, but he ran the best hardware store in our area so we all shopped there anyway. By the time I worked at the store he’d given it to his two sons, who co-owned it AND co-managed it; both sons were equally in charge, which was of course a recipe for pandemonium. Oh, and the father, in his late seventies by then, would still come into the store almost every day and give employees orders as if he were still the boss. Fun times.

As soon as I realized there was no way to beat their awful management I decided to just do my job and enjoy the buffoonery, so cue malicious compliance by the fifteen-year-old stock boy. Whenever one of them gave me a task to do I did it cheerfully. Invariably one of the others would come up to me, ask what I was doing, and then tell me to do it another way. More cheerful compliance. When the one who’d originally given me the task asked why I hadn’t done it the way he’d told me to my answer was always, “Oh, I did it that way. When I was done [other brother, or Dad] told me it was supposed to be done this way, so I changed it.” Of course he’d tell me to change it back to the way it was REALLY supposed to be (according to him) and I re-did the whole thing just as cheerfully. Keep in mind I was just a minimum-wage teenager doing menial tasks in a hardware store, and I absolutely did not care which way might be ‘better for business.’ Their store, not mine, right? Hey, I did the tasks well, and cheerfully, so I was never called out for slacking or poor performance.

I wish this story had a great ending where my compliance led to some disaster, or even to some ‘Aha’ moment where they realized their procedures were ineffective and got better at managing, but that’s not the case; sorry. I just had lots of fun for a year watching the two brothers and their father chase each other around that store fixing the rolling sh*t show they’d created.

I actually really enjoyed that job.

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/Ben_In_Utah on 2024-02-10 18:13:03.

As a bit of background, when my wife and I had our first child, my wife's Grandpa paid thousands to buy our son a lifetime membership in a political organization (we are in the USA) whose values do not match my wife and I. We were frustrated but didnt say anything because her Grandpa lived alone and was toward the end of his life.

When my son was a toddler, I lost my job. This was in the middle of the recession and jobs were hard to come by, particularly for recent college grads with no experience.

The next 10 months were difficult. I often went to bed crying at the rejection after rejection. It was at a particularly low point that my son received a letter in the mail from this political organization that he is a part of. It talked about how they needed "every penny (he) can spare" to help this group in their fight. They needed "(his) best" My sadness turned to anger. And I wanted to call them up and lose my mind.

Instead, i decided to maliciously comply. My toddler son had no money but he could scribble on a piece of paper! He scribbled in various colors on a piece of paper. I wrote a note on the back saying that when you hit up a toddler for money, this is the best he could do and I sarcastically told them I hoped it helped in their fight.

I put it in the envelope they had enclosed, attached that envelope to a rock so that they had to pay extra postage, and sent it back. It makes me happy to think they lost money on hitting him up.

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/batkevn on 2024-02-10 06:01:55.

There is a particular delivery app that I use. The unfortunate thing is that they direct the drivers by what seems to be the fastest route, but isn't always logical. My condo just so happens to be located right next to a senior living community, and it takes the drivers there. I know this and put directions on my orders. I sit by the phone because the app is broken and I cannot contact the driver until they reach out to me. It is an incredibly quick fix (three immediate left turns), just annoying.

The other day, I placed an order and got a new driver who went to the senior community and spent 30 minutes wandering around, getting farther and farther away from where I accurately was on the map before finally calling me. I told him exactly what he needed to do, "Go back to the main road and turn left. The turn left into the very first driveway with the for sale sign next to it. Then make an immediate left as soon as you enter the complex. That is where I am." He said okay and hung up. I then watched as he went back to the main road an turned right...

Repeated calls went unanswered and I watched for another 30 minutes while he went everywhere but the direction toward my home. He finally called me again and I was able to get him pointed in the right direction and he even found my complex! He then proceeded to discard all other information I provided and began wandering my complex. He was getting close, so I headed toward my door.

Now, it is important to note that I am disabled (hence the heavy delivery app usage), and everything from the bellybutton down is mostly numb. I don't know I need to use the bathroom until it is near emergency status. He was almost at my door when the feeling hit, and I figured I'd have my order momentarily, so I didn't rush to the bathroom. In the time it took for the app to refresh, he had walked right past me and was nearly on the opposite side of the complex. At this point, I decided to go to the bathroom and he could now wait for me.

Just as I was about to stand up, my phone started ringing. I answered as I stood, and the exertion made me release the contents of my bowels into my pants. The man was screaming into the phone that I give him directions when I looked down and saw a puddle forming on the floor at my feet. I muttered, "You've got to be fucking kidding me." The man heard me and shouted, "Don't move!" then hung up. The damage was done, I already had a mess to clean up, and it took this idiot 2 hours to go 300 feet, so he can smell the fruits of his labors. I sat back down and waited.

It still took him a while, but what was really unfortunate for him is that the order included alcohol so he had to scan my ID, and my porch light doesn't work. I could have used my phone light, but decided I didn't want to. He saw what was going on at my feet and was trying as hard as he could to get out of there. Hey, you wanted to find me, and now you did. Stay a while!

He eventually got my ID to scan and he ran back to his car while I cleaned myself up. The drinks may have been warm, but they were delicious.

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/kiltedturtle on 2024-02-09 21:48:35.

Working at BigCo with lots of agents in the field. Agents had pretty decent 15" laptops to work with customers in the field.

New project comes up to give the field people some better tools. Project owner and the other stakeholders haven't been pleased with the way the old apps work. "Looks like it was scraped from a 3270 terminal" (pretty close, but well before my time). They make sure I hire a "real graphics designer" to develop the GUI. Fine, I can do that.

Interviews, offers made, designer arrives. Suze is nice, programming team is excited to start, looks all good. As a gesture of "welcome to our IT group" get her the developer setup. souped up 15" laptop, docking station, two big monitors. Developers like it, they get to put windows all over the place, life is good. Suze seems to be happy. Pretty soon her, the lead developer and the business liaison go to make a great GUI experience.

Time passes and I check in with the PM. "Going ok, on schedule, and we have the GUI walk through in the morning". Super, I ask about how that's going to work. "Built a mock up as static web pages, they can just click through the pages. Dev team gave some fake data for the drop downs." Sounds like it's under control, I go off to see what fires may be getting started elsewhere.

Next day come back from my last meeting of the afternoon. Email box is showing full red alert (Lotus Notes unread emails) and my message light is on my desk phone.

Before I can mouse click my way into the mess, my boss comes into my office. "Kilted, what exactly happened in the demo today?" "No I idea says it was all set, business liaison was good, I had other priority ones so I skipped it." "Poor move, get on top of the disaster NOW".

Find PM, Business liaison, Suze and started asking questions. Demo in the conference room went fine. They sent the link out to the field people to look at. Field people had some issues.

"Like what?" "Well a few said it was completely unusable" said Suze. She turns, pulls up a browser window on one of her big monitors. "This is it, a very nice clear GUI."

It looked a little busy to me, lots of boxes on one page. "Hey can you drag that down to your laptop screen?" Yep looks pretty crowded now that it's 1/3 size.

"Suze, it looks a little tight". "Yes, but it looks perfect on my monitor" as she slides it back to the big monitor. "People in the field have 15" screens." "Well we should get them bigger ones, it looks perfect here, and I'm the GUI expert."

Sigh. Second sigh. Tell the PM to meet me in my office, tell the others to go home.

Long unhappy conversation with PM, much arm waving, etc. May have use the F word a few times. Maybe a few times in the same sentence. Bottom line was going to be hard to move Suze from the "works perfect on my monitor".

Next day, Suze comes storming into my office "What the fucketyfuck happened to my fucking monitors some fuckwad fucking stole them that fucker." breath "And they left a fucking note, what the fuck does "Eat the Dog Food" fucking mean."

Wow. She could be management material.

"Oh, that is a phase we use, "Eat our own dog food. Every time we build a new system that has user impact we are the first users. So when it's bad we get to see it first."

Suze yells "What does that mean to me!?!" No f words. Maybe not management material.

It means that your users have 15" screens, you had a giant screen and kept going "it looks perfect on your monitor. Now you have 15" screens to see what they see. Ya know, eat the dog food."

Suze sighed and walked away. Four days later the revised GUI demo went very well and she got her monitors back.

(Monitors was from the IT storage area, they were happy to get rid of two of the old monitors, unamused when they came back)

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/Inner_Performer3568 on 2024-02-09 15:55:17.

So one of the bosses came up to me one day and made the comment that all of my vendors (that’s I’ve been dealing with for over a yr) now have to go through my boss because “I might not know what’s going on”. My boss has only been here for barely a month, and all my vendors haven’t met my boss and still only go through me, but okay. I’ll let all my vendors know they have to talk only to him now. No more texting me about stuff. Fast forward a couple weeks. Other boss wants to know why something is empty(that’s a vendor item). He asks me. I tell him I don’t know. All my vendors go through someone else now. So he asks me to text them. Ope sorry, I no longer have their numbers, gave them all to my boss. Not my job anymore 🤷‍♀️ My bad.

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/MMW_Oxford on 2024-02-09 14:40:09.

This is just a short one, but makes me smile a lot. When I first started to travel to London for work around 2006 I would get a low cost airline I will call Sleazy Jet. Their London airports were lets say euphemistically described as being in London, but in fact from them you could see London using a telescope on a clear day if you knew which way to look. This made travel a daunting prospect, as multiple trains and tubes were required, anyway on this occasion I was flying from London-Stansted!! I had just finished up an employment and was glad to be moving on. I had with me all my worldly (work related) possessions in one massive bag from my 3 month stint. Because it was everything it was very heavy and I knew it would attract an additional expense to go in the hold, but was resigned to paying it. I got to the airport early and since there was a slots arcade I went and played starting with £100 and in two hours I ended with £800 mostly in £1 coins (this was before payout machines issuing paper money). I was now even more weighed down. I then went to check my bag and got the good news that it was going to cost me £330 extra you could see their satisfaction with catching another overweight hold bag. They were shocked when I agreed to pay and gave them £330 in £1 coins. Everyone was compliant! To this day the shock on their faces still gives me a warm glow!

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/hmmidkmybffjill on 2024-02-08 13:30:32.

Tow truck story reminded me of my own tow truck MC a few years ago. Obligatory mobile post sorry bad formatting yada yada.

I was living in an apartment with a small lot, and during the winter if there was a storm we were supposed to move our car to the street for the plow. Usually we would get an email and/or text with the time to be out by. Usually.

So one night overnight we get about an inch and a half of snow. This is a place that gets a decent amount of snow, so no big deal. I wake up at a normal time, no text or anything, it’s gonna be like 40 degrees and sunny so it’s gonna melt anyway, I figure I don’t need to bother moving the car so I sit down to play some video games before I go to work.

Around 10am or so, I hear the plow outside and say ahhhh ok, get my boots and coat on and get ready to go. I get outside, plow is gone and people are starting to move back into the lot so rather than move my car for the sake of moving it, I clear off the snow, grab my shovel and clean out around the car where it got plowed in. Honestly our plow drivers suck so it was the cleanest spot in the lot.

Go back inside for an hour or so, walk outside to go to work and car is gone. Hmm 🤔 what’s that about?

I didn’t get any call or notification or anything, nobody knocked on my door, I’m 99.9% sure it got towed but I’m fuming so I called the police non-emergency line to report it stolen.

Police super helpful, I explain the situation and that it’s probably towed but I’m confused as to why it was towed, they say it’s a civil matter so they aren’t going to charge anyone with theft but they are at least able to locate where the car is.

Tow shop across town, $15 dollar cab fee, whoopee. Call the shop to confirm my car is there and see what the damage is, $180 cash only. This is like 2019 in the United States so cash only kinda weird but I was working at a winery making tips so I had a lot of cash saved for a rainy day luckily.

A quirk of that is that being a small place, oftentimes the tips are in small bills, and we usually don’t have enough big bills to exchange them, so on a day I make $100+ in tips I leave with a lot of ones and fives. First I tackle my change jar and count out $18 of loose change. Then I get the rest of the cash, as many ones as I can, then 2 fives gets me to $180 even. Perfect.

Honestly this was only half malicious and half wanting to take the opportunity to unload the absurd amount of cash I had laying around, but off I go.

Get to the shop, ask if there’s anyyyyyything they can do because I really don’t think they had a real reason to tow me, nope nothing we can do just following orders the person behind the counter says with a very smug grin.

Her grin turned to horror when I pulled out the change bag. I spend the next 15 minutes watching her meticulously count out pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, ones, fives, $180 even.

I’m $10 short, I misheard her on the phone, it was $190. I pull a $20 out of my wallet and ask for the two fives back. Oh man she was pissed.

Was this petty and did the tow truck desk lady do nothing wrong? Absolutely, but if you’re gonna tow peoples cars and make them pay nearly $200 in cash, don’t be surprised when they bring cash.

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/Buffy0943 on 2024-02-08 12:52:30.

My son was always big for his age. He weighed 10 pounds when he was born. He weighed 50 pounds when he was 2 years old and was the size of a normal 5 year old, so when he was 6 years old he was still really big. He was not fat at all, just big. Anyway we lived on the farm with my Dad, one spring day, I had to go somewhere and left my 6 year old son with my Dad. They were going to do some yardwork. Instead my Dad decided that it would be a better idea to have my son rake the front yard by himself and he could take a nap in his chair. My son didn't argue he just waited for my Dad to fall asleep. So my Dad is sleeping in his chair and he hears the sound of a tractor and doesn't really pay attention, because we live on a farm out in the country. But the tractor is getting closer. Then he looks out the window, and there's my son on the tractor right next to the house, my son is waving at him and smiling ear to ear. My Dad jumped out of his chair and went outside to see my son on the tractor with the hay rake raking the front yard. My Dad just stood there dumbfounded watching. Then my son drove back to the pole barn and put tractor back. He came up to my Dad said "I'm done raking now, Dadu." My Dad picked up the hand raked and asked why he didn't use it. And my son said "You said rake the yard, I raked the yard, you didn't how." My Dad couldn't argue with that logic. My son has been driving the tractor since he was 2 years old. It's a small tractor that has been in my family since 1976.

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/rocknglow13 on 2024-02-08 02:09:14.

A while back in College my English professor was getting mad at all of the bad Grammer and simple mistakes that people were making. He challenged the class that whoever could come up with the most random spastic sentence that couldnt be fixed with 2 English skills( Grammer, punctuation word changes, etc)would automatically get an A in the class at the end of the year. The challenge was it had to be 1 single sentence. I thought long and hard so here is what I came up with. "Ain't ya never gonna get you some of that there stuff?" My professor looked at it and looked at me and simply said you win. He couldn't even begin to fix the sentence. He quietly left class muttering there is always 1. The class was supposed to be an hour long and it ended that day in 10 minutes. Needless to say I got my A at the end of the year.

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/Due-Opportunity-313 on 2024-02-07 18:35:50.

My (F20) ex-boyfriend was VERY pretentious but I always found it amusing so I would let it slide. He was hell-bent on proving that he was "intellectually superior" to me because of his gender.

About 4 months into our relationship he was bragging about an IQ test he did and how he had scored 121. It was a Saturday night and I had just drank a couple of glasses of wine so I ignored him but he kept insisting. After some more begging, I decided why not? It might be fun.

Even though I wasn't sober I scored 132 which was higher than his score. It was clear he was trying to play it cool but he was fuming and it was hilarious! He never talked about IQ again.

Needless to say, that relationship didn't work out. We recently broke up he went back to his ex who, in his words, is "extremely stupid".

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/A-Truckers-Thoughts on 2024-02-07 00:00:37.

^ Link to original post ^

So after my original post many things have transpired.

My terminal is getting a new classification, which means more freight, more jobs, positions switching around, etc.

The bitch of a supervisor is transitioning to a night position because, "No one respects me."

Well, if you weren't such a pain in the ass maybe someone would.

When she announced this today she looked at me and flat out asked me, "Are you gonna miss me?"

My answer was short, simple, to the point, and in front of about 60 other employees, including my bosses boss: "Nope."

She looked aghast. She looked surprised. When everyone burst out with laughter, she looked defeated.

I win bitch....and you lose.

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/paperkitten75 on 2024-02-06 23:11:21.

This one is more petty compliance than malicious, but I think they got the message. Right at the beginning of the meeting, I was told I "wouldn't need my computer," even though we were going to be discussing and referring to shared documents, you guessed it, on our computers. I had just opened my laptop and logged in, but after being told this, I closed it and put it into my bag. Granted, we were all told we wouldn't need our computers during this meeting. I'm not sure why, since by the end of the meeting, everyone apart from the person who said we wouldn't need them, had opened their computers. But I didn't bother to get my computer from my bag. Nope. You said I wouldn't need it. You know best. I was so annoyed. Why would they tell us we don't need our computers when we clearly do? How am I supposed to comment on documents if I don't have them in front of me?

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/Tahiti1114 on 2024-02-06 23:04:31.

I purchased a flip phone for my elderly father from one of those companies that only cater to older adults. His phone stopped working so I asked for a replacement. I was told that phone is no longer sold but there is a new version. I ordered the new phone. It worked for about a month and a couple of days then stopped.

When I called customer service the rep told me it is a known issue with the new version. I asked to have another phone sent but was told the 30 day warranty expired. I asked if this is a known issue then why aren't you sending replacements. She said she didn't know. The rep did some troubleshooting. It worked for a day then stopped again. I reached out to corporate and they refused to replace the phone. I asked for a refund for the phone and a refund for the last month I was charged. They flat-out refused to refund my last bill. Corporate told me to return the phone. Meaning I would have to pay the shipping cost.

After sending complaints to the Better Business Bureau, the FTC, the district attorney and posting about my experience on Google and Yelp they FINALLY sent me a return shipping label. They did refuse to refund the last month even though my Dad had, with their own admission, only used the phone for a couple of days the last month.

Cue malicious compliance.

So I sent the phone in the box it came in. I also double boxed it & packed it with a ton of stuffing. I overloaded it so much you can barely see the box the phone is in. I made sure that box was ridiculously heavy. You will pay for the last month even if it's through your return label.

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/According-Sugar-520 on 2024-02-06 22:40:18.

I work in the finance department. Recently, some of the collection departments responsibilities have bled over into my department due to some staff changes. This means that now when people get collection letters, they come in to pay at our department directly now instead of the collections department.

Anyway, it is typical for people to come in acting like they have no idea what they owe or why they owe this much. I am getting pretty sick of people pretending they don't know they owe money. We are a non-profit...we don't even charge interest or late fees.

Today a male Karen was throwing a whole fit pretending he didn't owe us 5k. He has a tantrum and demands a copy of every contract, payment, letter, etc...any correspondence that has ever taken place between our company and himself. So....I printed everything....

I MEAN EVERYTHING....probably half a reams worth of correspondence

and I placed a nice clean, crisp, duplicate copy of his collection letter on top.

I mean...he did ask for a copy of everything XD

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/geekynpooch on 2024-02-06 16:36:59.

Short and basic story but it gives me a lot of happiness

Back in college my supervisor at work always pointed out flaws with what I did

If she asked me to restock item A and I noticed that item B also required a restock, I would find her or a shift lead and ask about it. Turns out it bothered her and distracted her a lot when I did that because it prevented her from talking the ear off customers (we had a million complaints about a talkative manager who wouldn't let the customers go).

So one day I had enough, not wanting to be written up (again) for taking initiative I decided to do exactly what she asked. It was Halloween season and for some reason the candy shipment for one specific item was delayed. It was a favourite so we were losing money everyday it wasn't in stock... (You might be able to guess where this is going)

I noticed that the candy had arrived but she had not noticed the same or had missed the message she got about it so it wasn't restocked. No one else really cared. It stayed that way for 2 days until she asked me about it and i told her it's been 2 days.

I got an earful but she couldn't do anything to me. I resigned a month later as i was got an internship in my industry and i later heard that this affected get promotion (one of many factors but I still count it as a win)

Edited: Updated a spelling mistake

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/mdlapla on 2024-02-06 12:22:47.

This happened around mid 2006. I was a low level team leader in a tech consulting company.

I was in charge of two teams of 3 each.

The client was a bank, if you've ever worked with a bank, you know that technology moves pretty slowly on a bank.

For instance, the project we worked at was in Java 1.3, that got deprecated in march 06.

One of the guys in my team, let's call him MaxPowers, was the kind of guy that's always always trying to be on the cutting edge of everything, and we had him working on the project and he asked several times to migrate the project to a newer version of Java or be assigned to a project with more up-to-date tech (there were, he just was assigned to this one) but I couldn't do any of those things.

I knew he was unmotivated because of this, and I was also pretty bummed about having to work with outdated technology, so we both started researching open source tools to use in the company that were cutting edge and proposed some improvements to our manager. He liked the idea so he formed a "task force" to create tools for the company, the tasked force was Max and myself.

However, this was a side job, our main responsabilities were still on the bank project.

One day, on a team, project leaders and managers meeting, we were talking about desired and undesired rotation (people leaving the company) and how to stop it. I brought Maxes case up, saying that having someone extremely focused on cutting edge tech doing boring outdated stuff was probably the recipe to undesired rotation.

The manager said: "you're wrong, this is totally desired rotation, we want people motivated to work here, he's not".

I said: "But he's not because you're unwilling to move it to a project with better tech, plus, he's one of our best assets by a mile, he's doing the work of 2-3 people and the task force, we wouldn't want him to leave, it would be a problem".

Then manager said: "then it's your fault, you have to motivate him better!".

I stopped arguing, to me, Max leaving was totally a case of undesired rotation, it was a problem to my planning and, furthermore, it was losing someone whom I saw as one of the top assets available in the company.

But the manager said that I needed to motivate Max better. Cue malicious compliance.

So I did. I motivated him to get the hell out of the company. He wasn't going to be allowed to work in cutting edge projects there.

He found a new and exciting job in no time. He's a millionaire now, he got called by Google to interview with them (he rejected the offer), he could have been retired by age 38, but he kept on working because he still loves what he does.

We struggled to cover him, we had to hire 2 more devs and the task force came to an end (I couldn't do it just by myself and the rest of the devs weren't as interested in it).

TLDR: Manager told me to motivate a bored employee without tending to the underlaying problem at the company, I motivate him to leave the company.

EDIT: changed "cutting edge companies" for "cutting edge projects".

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/unqiueuser on 2024-02-06 06:50:54.

I work in claims and because we’re long term / personal injury claims we’re not considered a call centre, but we DO take calls from our claimants and need to be available to take calls from claimants, and on average I receive about 6-8 calls a day, but generally only 4 of those are for me.

Recently there has been a trend of some colleagues putting themselves on unavailable for long periods of time (3+ hours daily) to avoid calls and when you reach out to ask if they’re free for a call, they don’t respond until it’s been at least 5 minutes because in that time you’ve probably ended the call for them anyway.

I’d taken a call for a colleague named ‘Sally’ already (and in a department of 100+ colleagues, 2 calls for 1 person is unusual) when I received another call, but this time it was from an external complaints body wanting to ask Sally some questions which at that stage not YET a complaint.

At 2:32 I messaged Sally to ask if she’s free and while I wait I get the background from the nice external complaints person.

At 2:42 she replied and said ‘Sorry I was just on a call, everything okay?’ and I immediately replied saying ‘No, they’re still on the call and I can transfer you’.

Sally immediately backtracks and says ‘Sorry I’m still on the call, can you take a message?’

What Sally doesn’t know is that I can see her status and it’s set to ‘do not disturb’ and not ‘on a call’ so I know she’s just trying to get out of taking calls, but I just agreed and I decided instead of resolving the call, I WOULD take a message and pass it on.

As requested I took a message from the nice external complaints person as I wasn’t able to resolve the query I confirmed that I would escalate it urgently to Sally’s manager and our internal complaints team as they wanted to know about an urgent payment that hadn’t been processed in a week.

Sally immediately replied and said I should have said who it was and she’d have taken the call. That’s so odd, I thought she was on a call?

TL;DR Sally didn’t want to take a call that she could have resolved immediately and asked me to take a message, I helpfully took a message and sent it to her manager and our complaints team.

(Also before anyone asks either way the payment will be processed today so me taking the message didn’t screw anyone other than Sally over)

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/A-Truckers-Thoughts on 2024-02-05 21:24:35.

I work for a freight delivery company, drive a semi truck, and usually go out with 10-15 deliveries a day. Our policy is that when you deliver to a residence you have to take a picture with the work phone as an additional proof of delivery. That has morphed into now if the delivery receipt (dr) says "residential" you have to take a picture of it, regardless if it's going to a business or a house. There are so many small details on a dr that can get missed so this is an important detail.

One day last week I have a delivery for "Laura Lopez" (Name changed). It was being delivered to a construction company that Laura is an employee of, the Dr does not say it's residential. I make the delivery and leave, no picture.

Next morning my bitch of a supervisor says, "I have a write up for you." Puzzled, I ask her for what. "For the Laura Lopez delivery yesterday, it was residential." I explain to her that it was at a business and the dr did not say residential. She wasn't having it, I should also mention that her and I butt heads often and she's been trying to get rid of me for some time.

I told her that we need to go talk to my manager about it, so we do, and he sides with me because she has no ground to stand on. This infuriates her. I tell her that under no circumstances will this be an issue again.

That day is when I start my mc. I take pictures with the work phone at EVERY STOP. What happens is when I hit depart on the work phone it sends a pop up to her computer with the picture and she has to acknowledge it before she can do anything else on her computer, I crashed her computer 3 times that day. At one stop I took 20 pictures.

I get a call from her telling me that I have to stop taking pictures. I politely tell her that I'm covering my ass and not going against policy. "I'm giving you an order!" I laugh and hang up.

Sure as shit she wrote me up for it. I don't even argue, I say we need to take it to my manager. I walk in and he says, "what now?" I tell him the story, he looks at her, takes the write up and rips it up. "Are you seriously writing him up for over performing?" She had no words, and I still take a picture at every stop because I'm petty lol

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