
joined 1 year ago
[–] 5 points 1 day ago

While there have been successful prosecutions of the J6 terrorist, there is still an ongoing campaign to try to whitewash J6 as peaceful tourists that have been unfairly singled out due to their political affiliation. So while I agree, we do need to go after these people we there also needs to be a push to stop the gaslighting that happens


One study by the First Street Foundation, a research firm that studies climate threats to housing, found that roughly 3.2 million Americans have already migrated, many over short distances, out of flood zones, such as low-lying parts of Staten Island, Miami and Galveston, Texas. Over the next 30 years, 7.5 million more are projected to leave those perennially flooded zones, according to the study.

All of this suggests a possible boom for inland and Northern cities. But it also will leave behind large swaths of coastal and other vulnerable land where seniors and the poor are very likely to disproportionately remain.

[–] 3 points 4 days ago

If I notice that I am spending too much time trying to cover all the bases so someone can't nitpick or acktually my reply I just give up and hit cancel. I appreciate an entertaining comment thread, what bug the shit out of me are people that reply to a comment with an obscure edge case or who are just pedantic for the sake of being pedantic.

[–] 17 points 6 days ago (3 children)

I agree with all of this and I think many people on Lemmy do as well. My concern is: Will the population that is excited to vote for candidates that are willing to push these changes through have the staying power?

These are huge changes to a system that has been manipulated to benefit a small group of well connected, very powerful, very wealthy people. It's not something that can change in one or even two presidential terms. These are changes that will take many election cycles to complete. These, and other big changes, need sustained focus.

Not saying it can't be done - it can. The republican party has proven that. Over the course of 40+ years they have reshaped America to fit their ideals. But it took 40 years. One part of how they did it was/is by keeping the pressure on their voting base even during non-election years through FOX news, rush limbaugh, alex jones, and other pieces of shit. So when it was time to vote their base was already "educated" on why they had to vote for the republican candidate. It made/makes it easy for the republican candidate to step in and just say the right words and phrases to the voting population and they were guaranteed a certain % of the vote.

So if the left wants to re-shape how America looks and how it treats it's population then they have to be willing to play the long game.

[–] 94 points 1 week ago

Fuck You, Eric.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

And its because of this real lack of quality care for the elderly (outside of the wealthy elderly) that I workout and eat right as much as I can. I probably won't be able to afford a good retirement home so I need to stay as health and fit as I can for as long as I can.

[–] 42 points 1 week ago

Just posted about this in a different thread:

The US senators: mitch mcconnell, ted cruz, and lindsey graham used fraud to win their respective seats in 2020. All three were in tight races according to the polls but all three won with bigger margins than was to be expected.

This idea came from a few articles that were discussing this issue a few days after the election, then those articles all just disappeared.

Maybe the articles disappeared because there was no fraud

Maybe the articles disappeared because there was?

[–] 40 points 1 week ago (2 children)

What always confuses me is why don't they hire a few people that actually do repair and take the business? It seems like a simple way to keep the locals from getting suspicious.

[–] 14 points 1 week ago

You're right there has been some shitty things happening to protestors that for the most part have shown great restraint with the way they're protesting. But an honest question, is this a feature of the Biden administration or are the crack downs happening at a more local level?

Because what I have seen and heard about from trump and his lessor demons is the desire to make protests illegal on a Federal level and to uphold that idea with state sponsored violence.

There is an argument to be made that Biden, as President to all Americans, should be making a statement to condemn these violent acts against mostly peaceful protestors at the very least and I have not seen that from him which is disappointing. But yet he and his administration have not in any way pushed for legislation to outlaw the protests. Nor has he tried to coerce the media from reporting on it. I don't have faith that a trump administration would do that.

I also understand why people are frustrated that the best we have is "well we will let you protest (with a little violence), but we will not really listen to you." But at least we get to stay on the path of democracy and hopefully there can be better candidates that can start to shift the focus in a different, better direction. As much as people want big changes to happen right now, unfortunately the country is too big and too entrenched for that to be reality. BUT it can change if we can keep it from becoming a dictatorship.

[–] 27 points 1 week ago (3 children)

The difference is that even if Harris continues the policies of the Biden administration, the American citizens should feel safe enough to protest those policies and maybe something will change?

Under a trump administration the idea of people being able to protest safely is less certain.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago (2 children)

But that boost came because people were still feeling the need for revenge for 9/11 three years earlier. Also there was a hell of a lot of fear mongering and out right lies about Iraq that was being reported as facts from all the media at the time. So the American citizens had been primed for war and most wanted it.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago

Okay, I'm glad you said you saw reports about that too. It's where my conspiracy theory started, but then there hasn't been anything since so I genuinely gas lighted myself.

Hell it could be that there wasn't anything there to report on, but it did disappear quickly and quietly.


What's your go to for music while you workout?


This question has been around for a while but I'm curious as to your answer


Sometimes you just want to brag about something you excel at but never get the chance or you're just to modest. Now is your chance to tell a bunch of internet strangers about your amazing talent.


When I tell people I've never seen the Lion King they are really baffled by that.


I see a lot of posts for apps that I would like to try but they all send me to a Github link - What is the process for getting an executable of these apps? Do I have to compile them myself? OR am I missing the .exe or .zip file option?

I really feel like I'm missing something easy..


So Alpha Centauri is now only .016 light years away.

Boom! suck it Astronomers


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