Fascism and daddy issues correlation goes hard
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Like that bozo white rapper putting out a track about this with human toilet head Rosanne Barr, just publicly airing out your daddy kink.
Every day I'm reminded of the blessing of having normal relationship with my Pops. It's so strange to hear the popular "daddy" trope in earnest. It's really fuckin' weird.
All politics is sexual pathology etc.
Ok, he either has some particular tastes, or that sounds like abuse, considering the belt part...
There's an episode of South Park that portrays Mel as a sadomasochist who projects that fetish onto his films based on the fact that that lot of characters in them, especially ones played by him, have a scene where they get tortured in some way.
I'm starting to think they were on to something.
Even big tough alpha males like Mel Gibson are calling Drumpf "zaddy".
Taking his belt off to goon maybe
danny glover and mel gibson having p much the opposite politics is sorta funny
Who is he gonna beat, Mel? The poor? You like that?
Actually don't answer that last one.
If Trump takes his belt off, his pants are gonna drop down immediately.
All his mass is gonna suddenly go back from his torso to his legs, like cutting a zip tie off a juice pouch
Well...uh... thanks for putting that image in my head.
“Patricide” is a wonderful word.
Volcel police! Mel's about to publicly get off and at critical danger of spilling seed in public
نحن شرطة VolCel.بناءا على تعليمات الهيئة لترويج لألعاب الفيديو و النهي عن الجنس نرجوا الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة حتى يوم الحساب. اتقوا الله، إنك لا تراه لكنه يراك.
parrotting the tucker carlson line..
He does not look good at all. Is he using the same brand of spraytan as Trump?
If whatever Steven Seagal has is a 7 this is like a 4. That process, that disease, that whatever it is. It's how many d6 you have to roll to see if you turn into chaos spawn next turn.
I confess that is not where I thought that quote was gonna go.
I thought he had better politics than that.
And then I realized I was thinking of Mel Brooks.
I will not make it through the next four years if we don't get a Wilhelm Reich emoji
care to elaborate, mr gibson?
To be honest I always thought he was Australian
he was born in the US but spent his teenage years in austalia. his breakout role was mad max and you can hear an aussie accent slip out a few times in the first lethal weapon movie(s?) lol