Remember the good old days when we had entire generations of sexually frustrated young men who could easily be manipulated into doing violence?
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Old days?
That’s so fucked up
And people say gang stalking isn’t real
There’s an episode of The Dollop about it, 194 - The Girl Watchers. Highly recommend.
This is so cursed wtf
If she had large beasts it's no wonder so many were staring! What kind of beasts? Bears?
The past was a weird place.
The world is healing, big boob white lady with blonde hair and blue eyes makes 16 year olds want to lose all their limbs and die a slow death in a trench again
This makes literally zero sense.
You gotta touch more keyboard
Why is dying in a trench a good thing?
Ah fascists:
- You WILL live in the barn
- you WILL drive the pod
- you WILL forget to read
- You WILL die in the war
And you will be happy.
I guess it's an observartion not a yearning
It's good for the stonks of the military industrial complex and therefore is good for the people with the capital to invest in the military industrial complex!
Death Drive is real but only for fascists. They yearn for the void
it's so masculine
"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his."
-A different fascist who is way less fucking stupid and brain broken than this moron.
How do i translate soldatische Männlichkeit? Warlike masculinity? Soldier's dudebroism? Anyway, it's this. Fascists want you to sublimate your sex drive into their death drive (nvm that sublimation is a doubtworthy concept to begin with, they think it works like this). They've been like that when they marched into Poland in 1939 and they haven't changed one bit since then.
She's wearing so many microplastics
Stupid sexy microplastics
Its kinda how I feel. She's wearing a ton of glitter, she's wearing nylons (also plastic), and those ballet hose that make your skin shiny (also plastic), form fitting attire (likely synthetic elastane, polyurethane, and polyester, all plastic), and glitter in her makeup and possibly other plastics for adhesion. Her shoes are likely polyurethane but we cant see them. Let's not even discuss the plastics that may be inside of her due to us poisoning the water ways.
Anyways what I'm saying is being a Barbie is very real in this oilpunk timeline
Gooning has changed
Goon, goon do be changing
wait this isn't ironic? lmao