At this point, even if not great, I'm not actually entirely against Hamas doing that.
But again, the same thing applies to attacks against civilians. It rarely works in any strategic sense.
Let's not pretend as if anyone here can know the real answer to that. But... Kyiv has been attacked with terror attacks since the start of this war, so why not Moscow? Perhaps it might bring some sense to the russian people who are currently complete sheeps when it comes to their leadership.
Unfortunately(?) attacks against civilians rarely work in lowering morale.
Why would they want peace talks between Trump and Putin to succeed? That's like wishing that peace talks between Hitler and Stalin went great.
Finland's territorial security has been constantly threatened by Soviet Union and Russia since WW2. Does that give us the right to bomb their civilians, or do only big countries with nuclear weapons get to use this logic?
Otoh, I totally get that in 2025 only big countries with nuclear weapons have any say in geopolitics. It didn't use to be that way and I wonder greatly about people who think this is a good change.
Good to know, thanks.
Would be great if they got some of that out there.
oh whoops
If that figure of $1 billion is correct, that's just 1/44 ownership. Hardly a portion that allows one to control anything operative.