A veteran Silicon Valley Software Executive.... aren't those a dime a dozen these days? And for every success story out of Silicon Valley aren't there dozens of failures. It would be more impressive if the person was a senior engineer.
It's secret like Area 51 is secret. We know it's there, we know the government is doing something with it, but we don't know fully what, when, why, or how.
So they removed an article for the world because of a lawsuit in one country?
This is one of those games that defined my childhood. Like the nerd, I never beat, but I revisit it every few years. Maybe I should make the effort and push to the ending.
Didn't Dodd-Frank get gutted a bit in recent years?
I had to dig a little. Looks to be John Anthony Castro and he's running for PotUS on the Republican ticket. I'd never heard of him. He is apparently tied to a good percentage of these lawsuits in the states.
Opening a walled community is always good for the end users. Promoting competition is always good for the end users.
None of this rhetoric is new with Trump. This was all out there the first go around. Where was Mitch then? Now that the dog is off his leash and isn't so useful he's decided to "say something". Seems too little too late.
Just a thought, but with deep brain implants aren't the electronics separate from the electrodes that actually go in the brain? That would make them a little more accessible without needing to do brain surgery every time.
Maybe that's the middle ground for this situation at this moment in time: make the sensors/electrodes/static components needed for the health issue follow the same life+20 years and separate the processing pieces into a container that could still be surgically stored under the skin, but more easily accessed for maintenance, repair, replacement.
Theoretically, this could allow 3rd parties to come in and leverage existing installations by leaving the lifetime components in place and replacing the processing unit.
This could be the beginning of human device engineering standards similar to what IEEE does for computers and technology.
Sometimes I feel like the only person on the planet that enjoyed the movie. It's my guilty pleasure watch.
I like the fan theory that Event Horizon is a prequel of sorts to the Warhammer universe.
Has anyone played it? I looked at it on steam and the VA seemed subpar. Is the story really so good so you should go in completely blind?