
joined 2 months ago
[–] 45 points 4 days ago

This is your friendly reminder, that the Stop Kiling Games campaign is still running. I haven't been posting updates for a while, because progress has slowed considerably over the last month and there hasn't been anything to write about. But it feels relevant here.

(Campaign only running in select jurisdictions, the US is not one if them)

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Years ago I tried Ubuntu which used GNOME and assumed that its desktop layout was “the default” GNOME.

Ubuntu never provided a "default" GNOME experience, or at least not since the early 2000s. At one point Ubuntu had it's own desktop environment, unity, and when they abandoned the project and switched to gnome shell, they modified it to look similar to that. So we went from this:

to this:

I later tried PopOS which also uses it and it was the same

I doubt that. Pop_OS was never the same as Ubuntu. In the beginning it provided an experience that was arguably much closer to vanilla gnome than Ubuntu:

later they started to add their own flare customising the desktop a lot and rebranding all of this as Cosmic Shell:

I installed Mint I saw that it’s still fundamentally the same

Mint never used Gnome. They have their own desktop environment called Cinnamon, which uses some of the same underlying technology, manly the GTK toolkit but is it's own independent project.

Well, few days ago I installed Bazzite (Fedora) which is also GNOME. It doesn’t look anything like anything I’ve seen before

It still should be familiar in some aspects. The grid-view of all apps for example should be something that you know from Ubuntu (Pop replaces that part in more modern iterations - kinda). Bazzite still does modifications, they're just a lot more subtle than the ones from Pop and Ubuntu. But I agree with you: Gnomes workflow doesn't agree with many users. There are those who like it and they tend to really like it. Gnome wants you to heavily use keyboard shortcuts and virtual desktops and I found that casual users aren't really a friend of either.

So what is the default Gnome experience? try it out. There is an extension manger installed that ships with bazzite (and if not use the software store to install it). In it you can disable all the modifications. You can also install extensions to fix some of the usability problems. "Dash to Dock" tends to solve like 90% of them (It's also what Ubuntu uses for their modifications)


geteilt von:

  • Ukraine must have the possibility to defend itself fully
  • Parliament deplores the declining volume of bilateral military aid to Ukraine by EU countries
  • MEPs demand tougher EU sanctions against Russia and its allies
  • Accountability for war crimes and Russian reparations are essential elements of any peaceful solution

In a resolution, MEPs want EU countries to lift current restrictions hindering Ukraine from using Western weapons systems against legitimate military targets in Russia.

The text, adopted on Thursday 19 September with 425 votes in favour, 131 against and 63 abstentions, states that without lifting current restrictions, Ukraine cannot fully exercise its right to self-defence and remains exposed to attacks on its population and infrastructure.

[–] 13 points 3 weeks ago

It's worse than that. The numbers I originally posted was only the exit poll. Now we have a preliminary result and it's not looking good.

Here are the results:

Parties with less than 5% of the vote share don't get any seats (there are exceptions but these don't apply here, resulting in this makeup of state parliament:

You need 45 seats to have a governing majority. SPD and CDU together have only 44. There is no majority without either the fascists from the AFD or the tankies from the BSW.


[–] 2 points 1 month ago

He'll, even an Intel based thin client would probably be enough. You can get them on eBay for like 30 bucks, which is about as much as a pi costs. You'll probably have to replace the ssd though. That'll set you back an additional 30 bucks.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

There is BigBlueButton. It's more focused in educational usecases (online classes and the like) but it works just fine for everything else. You need to host it yourself, but there are hosted instances out there. I for example use senfcall.

But I think we are talking about different things here. What Chanuk was talking about (I think) is a ms-teams or slack alternative, not a zoom or oracle WebEx alternative. Basically Discord but for business. Sidenote: there is a open source Discord clone called revolt

[–] 9 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (4 children)

I would probably go with bluefin. KDE is great, I myself use aurora on one of my devices, but it can also be kinda fiddley with all of it's options.

The user has never even used a PC and therefore won't profit from the familiarity that KDE's default desktop layout provides. Gnome on the other hand offers a more simplified experience with few options and big icons. All of that might be an asset here. You can use menulibre to hide menu entries from the menu and use the official documentation to remove command line access:

Plus it's still atomic which I actually think is helpful here. For once all the important system stuff is read only. Secondly if one manages to screw something up you can just rebase.


geteilt von:

BEUC [the European Consumer Organisation] and 22 of its member organisations from 17 countries have filed a complaint on 12 September 2024 to the European Commission and the network of consumer protection Authorities (CPC-Network) to denounce several deceptive practices by leading video game companies (Activision Blizzard, Electronic Arts, Epic Games, Mojang Studios, Roblox Corporation, Supercell and Ubisoft) marketing popular games (such as Fortnite, EA Sports FC 24, Minecraft, Clash of Clans and others) and affecting millions of European consumers.

The Norwegian Consumer Council's @finnmyrstad posted a thread about it on Mastodon:

2/ 🕹 According to our analysis, these companies are using misleading tactics that do not comply with the EU rules on unfair commercial practices. In particular we identified that:

🎰 Gamers cannot see the real cost of digital items, leading to overspending.

💵 Companies’ claims that gamers prefer in-game premium currencies are wrong.

⚖ Consumers are often denied their rights when using premium in-game currencies.

🚸 Children are vulnerable to these manipulative tactics.

[–] 12 points 1 month ago

I can't find it

(Exploration: I'm using thunder, which is gesture based, you swipe to upvote rather than pressing a button)

[–] 10 points 1 month ago

That they leased

[–] 12 points 1 month ago (1 children)

A UK petition is in the works. It might take some time until that goes up because your election a couple of months ago reset a lot of work, but it's comming

[–] 15 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Would they be mandated to give out the server code that people could run their own servers?

Sort of. The Idea is that people should be able to run their own servers, but developers wouldn't need to give out their code. All you need is the server binary. After all server software is just that software, just like the client and they don't need to give out the source code for that for you to run the game. Alternatively they could patch the game so it's peer-to-peer. (and yes in this case that would be unreasonable as the game is not successful enough to even break even)

The initiative is so ambiguous (to the extend that it is - I'd argue that it's a lot clearer than many people claim) because it's not actually legal text. It's not supposed to be. All it should do is describe the problem and explain why the problem falls under EU jurisdiction. Everything else is supposed to be handled by EU lawmakers after the initiative has met it's signature goal.


geteilt von:

Stop Killing Games is an European Citizens Initiative aiming to keep games playable even after their developers and publishers have stopped supporting it.

Only two days ago Denmark passed its respective threshold (I reported) and just last night the Netherlands joined the club. Both countries did so after two weeks of virtually no movement in their numbers.

To get the initiative onto the EUs agenda so it has the chance to become EU law, it has to both reach 1 million signatures total and minimum thresholds in at least 7 countries. The Netherlands is the 6th country to pass the threshold. So who will be the 7th? Currently it looks like Ireland (69%) followed by Belgium (66%), France (64%) and Austria (62%). But as Poland has shown, things can change quickly.

All that has happened already, happened in only just over one month since the initiative started accepting signatures showing a remarkable momentum. So let's keep the momentum going. If you haven't already signed and are a citizen of the EU (even one abroad) consider signing the initiative.

Even if you are from a country that already reached the threshold you can still sign. Your signature counts to the 1 million goal.

Relevant links:

PS: Hi LTT crew. I'm honoured to be your source when reporting on the initiative. But maybe consider also citing the primary sources. The link "Sign the initiative here" leads directly to the page of the European Commission, which has even more up to date numbers than my screenshot.


Stop Killing Games is an European Citizens Initiative aiming to keep games playable even after their developers and publishers have stopped supporting it.

Only two days ago Denmark passed its respective threshold (I reported) and just last night the Netherlands joined the club. Both countries did so after two weeks of virtually no movement in their numbers.

To get the initiative onto the EUs agenda so it has the chance to become EU law, it has to both reach 1 million signatures total and minimum thresholds in at least 7 countries. The Netherlands is the 6th country to pass the threshold. So who will be the 7th? Currently it looks like Ireland (69%) followed by Belgium (66%), France (64%) and Austria (62%). But as Poland has shown, things can change quickly.

All that has happened already, happened in only just over one month since the initiative started accepting signatures showing a remarkable momentum. So let's keep the momentum going. If you haven't already signed and are a citizen of the EU (even one abroad) consider signing the initiative.

Even if you are from a country that already reached the threshold you can still sign. Your signature counts to the 1 million goal.

Relevant links:

PS: Hi LTT crew. I'm honoured to be your source when reporting on the initiative. But maybe consider also citing the primary sources. The link "Sign the initiative here" leads directly to the page of the European Commission, which has even more up to date numbers than my screenshot.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Yes there was one but didn't have anything to do with it closing, at least not directly. If an election happens all open petitions are closed as a matter of process, because "it's a new parliament". And then you need to resubmit.


geteilt von:

Stop Killing Games is an European Citizens Initiative aiming to keep games playable even after their developers and publishers have stopped supporting it.

To get the initiative onto the EUs agenda so it has the chance to become EU law, it has to both reach 1 million signatures total and minimum thresholds in at least 7 countries. Denmark has just hit their threshold becoming the fifth country to do so. Earlier this week the initiative also reached 1/3 of the required 1 million votes.

All of this happened in only just over one month since the initiative started accepting signatures showing a remarkable momentum. So let's keep the momentum going. If you haven't already signed and are a citizen of the EU (even one abroad) consider signing the initiative.

Even if you are from a country that already reached the threshold you can still sign. Your signature counts to the 1 million goal.

Relevant links:

PS: Hi LTT crew. I'm honoured to be your source when reporting on the initiative. But maybe consider also citing the primary sources. The link "Sign the initiative here" leads directly to the page of the European Commission, which has even more up to date numbers than my screenshot.


Stop Killing Games is an European Citizens Initiative aiming to keep games playable even after their developers and publishers have stopped supporting it.

To get the initiative onto the EUs agenda so it has the chance to become EU law, it has to both reach 1 million signatures total and minimum thresholds in at least 7 countries. Denmark has just hit their threshold becoming the fifth country to do so. Earlier this week the initiative also reached 1/3 of the required 1 million votes.

All of this happened in only just over one month since the initiative started accepting signatures showing a remarkable momentum. So let's keep the momentum going. If you haven't already signed and are a citizen of the EU (even one abroad) consider signing the initiative.

Even if you are from a country that already reached the threshold you can still sign. Your signature counts to the 1 million goal.

Relevant links:

PS: Hi LTT crew. I'm honoured to be your source when reporting on the initiative. But maybe consider also citing the primary sources. The link "Sign the initiative here" leads directly to the page of the European Commission, which has even more up to date numbers than my screenshot.


geteilt von:

This is your somewhat regularly scheduled Stop Killing Games update.

Stop Killing Games is an European Citizens Initiative aiming to keep games playable even after their developers and publishers have stopped supporting it.

Germany has hit the threshold sometime yesterday evening. France has also started to catch up. They are still below 50% but there growth over the last couple of days has been the biggest. Netherlands and Denmark are still in the low 90s.

The milestone comes on the eve of this years Gamescom in Cologne, Germany which is set to kick off today. SKG is not going to have an official presence there. (I've checked with the organisers) But if you are attending and want to help spread the word I'm happy to share official marketing material, either in the form of flyers or the files for flyers, so you can print your own. They come in both German and English. If you want some, send me a DM.

Relevant links:


This is your somewhat regularly scheduled Stop Killing Games update.

Stop Killing Games is an European Citizens Initiative aiming to keep games playable even after their developers and publishers have stopped supporting it.

Germany has hit the threshold sometime yesterday evening. France has also started to catch up. They are still below 50% but there growth over the last couple of days has been the biggest. Netherlands and Denmark are still in the low 90s.

The milestone comes on the eve of this years Gamescom in Cologne, Germany which is set to kick off today. SKG is not going to have an official presence there. (I've checked with the organisers) But if you are attending and want to help spread the word I'm happy to share official marketing material, either in the form of flyers or the files for flyers, so you can print your own. They come in both German and English. If you want some, send me a DM.

Relevant links:


geteilt von:

I'm not going to post an update every time a (small) milestone is reached, but i felt this time it was warranted.

Sweden and Poland both passed their respective thresholds. That brings us to 3 out of 7 countries where we need to pass the threshold. We are also past 25% of the one million signatures needed continent-wide.

Thank you to everyone who already signed.

Relevant links:


I'm not going to post an update every time a (small) milestone is reached, but i felt this time it was warranted.

Sweden and Poland both passed their respective thresholds. That brings us to 3 out of 7 countries where we need to pass the threshold. We are also past 25% of the one million signatures needed continent-wide.

Thank you to everyone who already signed.

Relevant links:

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