
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

How did you try to mess it up?

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

Oh so this is their business model now, interesting.

[–] 11 points 1 day ago

Love this... Imagine the kid getting the cake

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

I didn't know about noolbengers, dunnarts or quendas.

Antechinus are super cute, sadly you need to go out of way a bit to see them.

[–] 8 points 2 days ago

Your efforts are appreciated

[–] 4 points 3 days ago

Many big studios use linux (red hat or rocky, although I'm not sure what is the industry standard distro nowadays) for their 3d side of the pipeline, that would include all of that software and more. I think Zbrush is the only one that doesn't have official Linux compatibility and the hardest one to run, but don't quote me on that.

You are right in that finding good support for issues that pop up in Linux is hard, especially for the average joe that doesn't have a team of specialized IT support. But when you make things work, the results are way more efficient.

[–] 10 points 3 days ago

No, but now that you point it out I can't unsee it

[–] 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Extra fast shipping I guess, or click and collect somewhere

[–] 5 points 3 days ago

Thank you! Now for some reason finding it funny and asking about it gets me downvotes, go figure.

[–] 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

And... What did the boss say?

[–] 6 points 3 days ago

Aaaaaaagh I quit my job two weeks ago, what a wasted opportunity

[–] 7 points 3 days ago

Not a showerthought, this community could really improve its moderation. I volunteer if you're short on mods


In any way you know of. I find people here are more aware of politics and ethics behind big companies and this is what prompted my question but I'm also curious about any other differences.

I'm in Australia and I've only used Ebay and AliExpress so far. I find AliExpress has more variety and somewhat cheaper prices but I don't know why or anything else.

When I first heard about Temu it was always in relation to dodgy products and sex toys so I didn't pay much attention to it, however lately I keep hearing about people buying regular stuff without issues. Never tried it myself though.


So I accidentally turned backup on with my butt or something the other day, and Google Photos decided it was fine to upload to the cloud all my photos which I keep locally on my device.

I don't need or want cloud backup, thanks very much, and I didn't enjoy having to research how to delete all the images from the cloud while keeping them in my device, and enjoyed even less then doing all of that manually.

Zero out of five stars, I did not enjoy and would not recommend.

Now, can you recommend a free app that lets me browse and manage my own personal local collection of images? My preference is for something with an intuitive, easy to use interface. What are y'all lemmings using?


I've been searching online for some trinket/budget gifts but couldn't find anything interesting. The person I have in mind for the gift is in his 60's, into tech and a geek, although the gift doesn't necessarily need to cater to his geeky side.

I'm just dropping the question here since Lemmy has a solid geek/tech userbase, and maybe some of you have better ideas than me.



And if yes, what are the implications? Are times changing for piracy in this regard?

I'm asking since I've been noticing headlines every odd day or so about different streaming sites getting shut down. I don't know if this is because people are sharing these types of news more now, or if it's because in fact the tides are turning significantly and now companies and governments have more control and power over the web.

Is it just me getting fear mongered with these headlines or is it for real? Any veteran pirates out there that can share some thoughts?


I want to know. I don't care if it's a fancy artisan gelato or just your regular soft serve at McBurger's. Do you have a flavor you like? Perhaps a brand? Perhaps you make it yourself? If you're getting scoops, do you have a preference for which flavor goes on top of the other? Do you like wafer cones or are you a cup person? Any toppings?

I always prefer gelato, and some of my all time favorites are sabayon, mascarpone, anything with rum/berries/sultanas, and choc chip mint. I prefer cup to cone. When I was a kid I used to love the soft serve cones but as I grew up they started making me sick so I avoid them now.


go easy on me guys this is the first time I ever have something like a showerthought


I used to be good at time management and very motivated in my career. Then about two years ago I lost a close friend over a strong disagreement and then lost my job.

Slowly but surely I became a bit depressed and had some physical health issues. I'm seeing a therapist already, and a few months ago I finally managed to get a plebe job at a retailer, but when it comes to doing my personal work that would open doors in my industry I just can't seem to find the time and motivation to do it.

Don't get me wrong. I got plenty of time available, I just find myself being ridiculously avoidant or distracted or tired, you get the idea. And, no, I don't use social media much, I don't videogame or binge shows. I just get distracted with house chores or simply overthinking.

I've already tried lists, planning and goal setting ( all this comes naturally to me), but it makes no difference.

I've tried reducing the expectations and goals, no difference. I still don't do anything.

I tried apps to keep track of my progress; also useless.

I've even considered finding a life coach, but I get the feeling they're a scam. Unfortunately I don't have any friends or relatives that can help me stay on track with my goals.

TLDR I'm getting a bit desperate here. Any suggestions welcome. Thanks.


Just out of curiosity. I don't have a real need for this.

So I've been trying to find info on my great-grandparents but after snooping around in and I realise there are no records for any of my parents, grandparents or great grandparents online. At least not on those sites.

And so I'm here wondering, what happened with those records? Anyone had any luck searching elsewhere? I've tried googling the names and nothing comes up either. Hooray for privacy I guess?


I'm not too bad at casual writing but when it comes to sales, especially to sell my skills, I keep feeling like I lack a certain grace or flair with words.

Chat gpt can help with suggestions but I always find anything I write with its assistance feels, well, robotic in a way. Awkward.

So I'm reaching out to you for your inspirational word material out there. English isn't my native language so I'm hoping to improve it further with your suggestions. Authors? Websites? Perhaps eloquent YT creators I can learn from transcribing what they say?



Turns out I have a disc bulge between two of my cervicals and it's pinching a nerve, which is very very painful and weakening my arm and finger sensitivity.

I'm not here asking for advice, rather to get an idea of what's down the road for me depending on the type of treatment I'll end up following. I am seeing a doctor, I have an appointment tomorrow. I also had a CT scan done.

So basically if you've had something similar anywhere on your spine I'd appreciate to know about it. Did you recover fully? How long did it take? What treatment did you follow? Did you complement it with anything such as specialized exercises, acupuncture, massage or else?


There is this guy I like, I have reason to think he may like me too but we're both playing dumb, or maybe I'm just imagining it all.

Yes, that's how immature I am. Now please help me.

We've known each other for years and we seem to get close to each other, then we take distance, then close again, repeat, repeat, repeat.

I'm terrified of losing him as a friend for trying to be more than just that. I've already lost people for showing my interest and I've also had to burn the bridge with guys who wouldn't give me space or kept hitting up on me repeatedly. This happens.

I would like to create a consistent, regular conversation going on. I'm afraid of overwhelming him so I don't even know what's a good frequency to reach out.

Personally the biggest challenge for me is finding ways to deepen our conversations. Things tend to stay pretty much on the surface most of the time, even though we can talk of almost any topic openly. Another barrier is our very different interests, we have almost no shared media in common (different music, different shows watched/liked, different videogames liked etc).

Usually when talking to other friends, conversations tend to naturally steer towards more meaningful topics. I don't know if I'm inadvertently holding myself back with him, or if finding meaningful topics has always been a thing started by the other person and I've never realized it.

So, any tips?

Have you got ways to deepen conversations?

Guys, have girls ever impressed you positively and how?



Seen this in many houses, people upgrade their lighting setup and install a dimmer. Which works. But usually it also makes the lights flicker unintentionally, which is super annoying IMO.

Now, my understanding of electrical engineering is pretty rudimentary so I'd appreciate more something that explains the concept in a way that Cavewoman Mothra can understand rather than something technically accurate.


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