This is exciting good news for several reasons. Firstly, geothermal energy makes a 100% renewables grid easier, than if that was just solar+wind. As it's effectively on-demand, it irons out the problems with solar+wind's variability.
Secondly, it eases the job transition for fossil fuel workers. Many of the skills and experience in the fossil fuel industry are transferable to solutions like this. Now that the conversation has moved from fossil fuel reduction to setting the timeline for their complete elimination, being able to point to things like this will help win arguments quickly.
It seems like the tech to completely eliminate fossil fuels has arrived, now the remaining issues are political. How can we constantly accelerate and move faster to eliminate coal and oil use more quickly.
They used a powerful machine called a quantum processor to make, for the first time, a brand-new phase of matter called non-Abelian topological order. Previously recognized in theory only, the team demonstrated synthesis and control of exotic particles called non-Abelian anyons, which are neither bosons or fermions, but something in between. Anyons are quasiparticles in a two-dimensional space.
What's exciting is that they can be used to make a quantum computer that is much more stable than current efforts with superconducting qubits.