Original source :
Ultrahigh Specific Strength by Bayesian Optimization of Carbon Nanolattices
Figure 1 caption :
Multi-objective Bayesian optimization for generative design of carbon nanolattices with high compressive stiffness and strength at low density. a) Illustration of process workflow. b) The top four MBO CFCC geometries with their 2D Bézier curves. c,d) FESEM images of CFCC MBO-3 and Standard CFCC of equivalent density.
Properties :
Specific strength : 2.03 MPa m³ kg^−1^
Density : ρ < 215 kg m^−3^
My own comparative table 😋 :
Material | ρ Density (kg/m³) | R Strength (MPa) | R/ρ Specific Strength (MPa·m³/kg) |
new Carb. | ~200 | 400 | 2.03 |
Steel | 7850 | 400 | 0.050 |
Aluminum | 2700 | 300 | 0.11 |
Diamond | 3500 | ...↓ | ... ↓ |
...compres. | 3500 | 135000 | 38.6 |
... tensile | 3500 | 90000 | 25.7 |