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[–] 28 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (2 children)

QT is a cross platform UI development framework, its goal is to look native to the platform it operates on. This video by a linux maintainer from 2014 explains its benefits over GTK, its a fun video and I don't think the issues have really changed.

Most GTK advocates will argue QT is developed by Trolltech and isn't GPL licensed so could go closed source! This argument seems to ignore open source projects use the Open Source releases of QT and if Trolltech did close source then the last open source would be maintained (much like GTK).

Personally I would avoid Flutter on the grounds its a Google owned library and Google have the attention span of a toddler.

Not helping that assessment is Google let go of the Fuschia team (which Flutter was being developed for) and seems to have let go a lot of Flutter developers.

Personally I hate web frontends as local applications. They integrate poorly on the desktop and often the JS engine has weird memory leaks

[–] 25 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I know a couple game devs and absolutely blasted them for that take.

We have had quite a few indy devs make the point that the "Linux" bugs are generally cross platform issues and Linux users are more likely to raise a bug report and tend to raise more useful bug reports.

Which means avoiding Linux due to higher bug reports is just hiding from technical debt.


Recently I have been trying to play my old games (Worms, Sims, Black & White, etc..) on my Steam Deck.

I created an ISO of the various CD's via the dd command, but I have noticed Crossover doesn't support ISO. I needed to mount the ISO to a location.

This worked to install the game but fails copy protection. If I connect a USB DVD drive it detects the disc and works but this isn't particularly helpful.

Does anyone know what I should be setting or doing so the game sees the ISO or ISO mount as the disc?

A lot of the games I want to play simply don't have a steam version to buy

[–] 23 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)

SpaceX are on track to launch 130 times this year. The industry competitors launch 6-12 times per year.

I suspect the higher incident rate is related, since you will need to manufacture, roll out, etc.. much more often.

The article also talks about most the incidents being in booster recovery. Only 2 Space competitors do that,

Blue Origins sub orbital booster always returned to launch site and at best managed monthly launch. This rocket hasn't launched in more than a year.

Rocket Lab perform ocean recovery but only launched 11 times last year and only recovered the booster twice.

So its hard to really compare


I need help figuring out where I am going wrong or being an idiot, if people could point out where...

I have a server running Debian 12 and various docker images (Jellyfin, Home Assistant, etc...) controlled by portainer.

A consumer router assigns static Ip addresses by MAC address. The router lets me define the IP address of a primary/secondary DNS. The router registers itself with DynDNS.

I want to make this remotely accessible.

From what I have read I need to setup a reverse proxy, I have tried to follow various guides to give my server a cert for the reverse proxy but it always fails.

I figure the server needs the dyndns address to point at it but I the scripts pick up the internal IP.

How are people solving this?

[–] 1 points 5 months ago

How would you buy it in the US? I can see any uk retailers stocking it

[–] 7 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Lays is called Walkers in the UK and the Sensations brand is still sold.

Here there are in my local supermarket. Personally I prefer the Sensation Thai Sweet Chilli nuts, they are the perfect thing while you wait for food to cook on the BBQ.

[–] 4 points 7 months ago (2 children)

When AMD launched Ryzen they deliberately offered way more I/O bandwidth than Intel.

The first generation Ryzen CPU's used RAM frequency that could cause performance issues if you used low frequency RAM. That got fixed in the 3000 series.

There are a small number of Ryzen CPU's which end with "3D," it means they had 3D Cache memory and its supposed to add rediculous performance in certain situations. Phoronix runs tons of benchmarks on CPU and GPU.

The only Intel instructions AMD haven't implemented is AVX-512 and AVX-10. No one uses AVX-512 as Intel CPU's get so hot they performance throttle so much its faster to not use the extension. AVX-10 is something new Intel released this year to get around that.

AMD does support AVX2 which a lot of Audio/Video products do use.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (1 children)

You are far worse than the people you are claiming to act against.

Lots of people can feel something is a problem and struggle to articulate it. So you have to take people on a case by case basis.

OP talks about how they feel diverse characters are shoe horned in or badly written. Ask them to provide an example.

When they can't, then call them out. They are a bigot and deserve scorn.

If they can provide an example, help them understand the issue and use appropriate language.

Calling someone out who genuinely feels there is a problem doesn't stop them feeling there is a problem. These people will go looking for some who acknowledges their feelings.

Which is how you make a bigot

[–] -1 points 7 months ago (5 children)

I think they are saying most attempts at diversity come from middle aged white guys and just end up being poorly done and so detract from the game/story.

Similar to how 00's electronic companies just painted it pink to appeal to women or why South Park added Token.

So arguing for more diversity within the companies themselves

[–] 0 points 7 months ago (4 children)

I wouldn't get massively excited.

Python is a scripting language, its shines when you want to write a stand alone file which takes an input and performs a task. Scripting languages are great to learn as a first language and so python is wonderful for non developers.

The issue you hit is the build management solutions for Python are kind of broken and these help support and encourage good development practice so a lot of Python projects end up a collection of scripts rather than a mature project. You can have good projects but...

In raw benchmarks Java has 90% of the performance of C/C++, but in reality Java is more performant because developers get bogged down in memory management on C/C++ and they get more time to optomise in Java as a result. I'm not sure where Rust will come out to be honest.

Python benchmarks at 50% the performance of Java, in reality I've found code ends up slightly worse because Python is procedural, library support and streaming is poorly supported.

Take library support, Spring really rose to prominese because of 'hibernate' which was a way to abstract talking to different databases through objects, you could switch from PostgreSQL to Oracle through config. Spring data has dumbed this down so I define a plain old Java object and Spring will generate everything I need.

Python expects you to hand craft SQL statements and every database extends SQL slightly differently, so i need to write SQL for every operation and manage/own it. So the win in being able to quickly read/write to a database (since you don't have to learn anything about Spring) is quickly ruined because of the all the boilerplate and error handling you now have to write.

[–] 18 points 7 months ago (4 children)

Every programming languages has communities built around them.

Its becoming clear Rust solves a lot of C/C++ type problems and the embedded communities are definitely shifting over.

Apache is the primary community for Java, a quick look at their project list shows it's entirely web servers, data engineering and clustered projects for distributed computing.

Personally if you asked me to solve this problem I would use Spring Boot with various Spring libraries for talking to the caddy, user control, etc... Looking at the project, its exactly what they have done

[–] 2 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Every big UK company I have worked for doesn't own its building. They will typically agree to rent a building for 5-20 years at a fixed rate (longer times if its being purpose built for them) .

So I would expect this is paying out the rest of the rental agreements for a building to escape the building lease.

It is to do with financial reporting and the way asset and operational costs are reported.

[–] 12 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (2 children)

See its the opposite in Linux land.

AMD open sourced their drivers so everything just works, while Nvidia drivers have to be built against your system and Nvidia refused to supply proper desktop drivers for years (EGLStreams vs GBM).

The downside of AMD's approach is it has to trickle down which depending on what distribution you use can take weeks to a year and it normally takes a couple iterations to get everything working nicely. Which basically expect the 6800 XT to work brilliantly but the 7300 to be flakey for a bit.

My favourite bit is I owned a few Athlon 5300 APU and 5 years after they were released AMD were still adding performance improvements to them.

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