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[–] rtfm_modular@lemmy.world 2 points 5 months ago

All fair points, and I don’t deny predictive text generation is at the core of what’s happening. I think it’s a fair statement that most people hear “predictive text” and think it’s like the suggested words in a text message, which it’s more than that.

I also don’t think Turing Tests are particularly useful long term because humans are so fallible. We too hallucinate all the time with our convictions based on false memories. Getting an AI to have what seems like an emotional response or show uncertainty or confusion in a Turing test is a great way to trick people.

The algorithm is already a black box as is the mechanics of our own intelligence. We have no idea where the ceiling is for this technology yet. This debate quickly goes into the ontological and epistemological discussion about what it means to be intelligent…if the AI predictive text generation is complex enough where you simply cannot tell a difference, then is there a meaningful difference? What if we are just insanely complex algorithms?

I also don’t trust that what the market sees in AI products is indicative of the current limits. AGI isn’t here yet, but LLMs are a scary big step in that direction.

Pragmatically, I will maintain that AI is a different form of intelligence because I think it shortcuts to better discussions around policy and how we want this tech in our lives. I would gladly welcome the news that tells me I’m wrong.

[–] rtfm_modular@lemmy.world 2 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Talk to anyone who consumes Fox News daily and you’ll get incorrect predictive text generated quite confidently. You may also deny them their intelligence and lack of humanity with the fallacies they uphold.

I also think intelligence is a gradient—is an ant intelligent? What about a dog? Chimp? Who gets to draw the line?

It very may be a very complex predictive text generator that hallucinates but I’m concerned that it minimizes its capabilities for better or worse—Its ability to maintain context and has enough plasticity to reason and change its response points to something more, even if we’re at an early stage.

[–] rtfm_modular@lemmy.world 17 points 5 months ago (4 children)

First, we don’t understand our own neurons enough to model them.

AI’s “neuron” or node is a math equation that takes a numeric input with a variable “weight” that affects the output. An actual neuron a cell with something like 6000 synaptic connections each and 600 trillion synapses total. How do you simulate that? I’d argue the magic of AI is how much more efficient it is comparatively with only 176 billion parameters in GPT4.

They’re two fundamentally different systems and so is the resulting knowledge. AI doesn’t need to learn like a baby, because the model is the brain. The magic of our neurons is their plasticity and our ability to freely move around in this world and be creative. AI is just a model of what it’s been fed, so how do you get new ideas? But it seems that with LLMs, the more data and parameters, the more emergent abilities. So we just need to scale it up and eventually we can raise the.

AI does pretty amazing and bizarre things today we don’t understand, and they are already using giant expensive server farms to do it. AI is super compute heavy and require a ton of energy to run. So, the cost is a rate limiting the scale of AI.

There are also issues related to how to get more data. Generative AI is already everywhere and what good s is it to train on its own shit? Also, how do you ethically or legally get that data? Does that data violate our right to privacy?

Finally, I think AI actually possess an intelligence with an ability to reason, like us. But it’s fundamentally a different form of intelligence.

[–] rtfm_modular@lemmy.world 12 points 6 months ago

Speaking as a designer, it’s important to separate the style/trend of a UI from its function. I think what you’re looking for is actually UX design.

As a discipline, User Experience uses evidence-based research to understand how and why users behave they do. This leads to specific design patterns and principles that underlie all the good UI design seen from the giants like Apple, Google, Microsoft, etc. It gives you the language to evaluate designs. This is the foundation of your UI and the rest is just style — fonts, colors, imagery and icons which is subjective and less important. I lost ambition to be a trendy UI designer, so every design looks the same, but usability will shines through. Clean, simple and accessible is timeless.

Study the articles from nngroup.com. They pretty much established the field of UX Design, with content talking about user behavior in the 1990s. https://lawsofux.com is a more attractive and consumable option, also heavily influenced by NN Group. Finally, accessible design is good design for all, not just those with disabilities. Understand the guidelines set by the W3C for accessibility, like minimum font sizes or contrast ratios for colors.

[–] rtfm_modular@lemmy.world 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

The point is not to say all is lost so fuck it, but to highlight that maybe there are systemic issues with an unregulated free markets. Networks have consolidated into a handful of streaming services to a point where there are really no other options for consumers.

What are you going to do? Read a book? Go back to DVDs? They can afford the relatively few people willing to take an all or nothing proposition to squeeze consumers for all they got. They are also really good at lobbying to keep the law on their side to keep it that way.

[–] rtfm_modular@lemmy.world 15 points 8 months ago (5 children)

Good concept in theory but consolidation of streaming services to a handful of providers in an $88 billion dollar industry means the reality for most is that you can culturally isolate yourself by not consuming or seek illegal means of getting your entertainment.

Voting with your dollars works for mom and pop shops, but a loss in viewership due to changes in fees was calculated and note in the ledger.

[–] rtfm_modular@lemmy.world 51 points 9 months ago

Your body and mind is just a bag of chemical soup, undergoing a constant reaction. Your tangle of nerves and synapses feed a mess of neurons that are wired in a circuit that gives you that spark of consciousness. But none of this is a fixed system, and your body goes through constant change. As one neural pathway dies, another one is rewired and the circuitry is now different.

You can play the game of debating the Ship of Theseus, but who you “are” or “were” is just an illusion. Our memories are just the old circuits powering up, but even those change over time. Your memories are a false representation of the past because they only ever exist in the present and you’re at the mercy of your own perceptions.

You “are” until you are not. So do what feels good —Kiss your loved ones, hug a tree, and be kind to yourself and others while your bag of soup ain’t leaking.

[–] rtfm_modular@lemmy.world 9 points 10 months ago (2 children)

I can also attest to hearing “eggs in a basket” and “toad in a hole” growing up. My son has just dubbed the dish “egg bread” and requested it almost daily. He also calls fried eggs “dip eggs” and boiled eggs “shape eggs.” He was probably 3 when he solidified these terms, but they have all stuck, 6 years later.

[–] rtfm_modular@lemmy.world 1 points 10 months ago

Obviously the insurance company actually dictates your healthcare and the prescriptions you receive, not your doctor. If you have great insurance, more physicians and treatments will be covered. Under insured is just having insurance that doesn’t cover your treatment.

Anytime a drug comes to market, manufacturers need to make sure drugs are covered by insurers. So, pharma companies go out to the “payers” (it’s what’s we call them at work) and vie to get a good position on the payer’s “formulary” (the list of drugs covered by insurance).

In this negotiation, you have things like “prior authorization” where the prescriber needs to make a case to the insurance company before a drug can be prescribed. There’s also different tiers for a class of drugs. This means the payers allow certain drugs to be covered only after a patient steps through other (cheaper) treatments. If it’s not covered, you can pay out of pocket but none of this shit is priced for an individual.

There’s a cold calculus on both sides where the pharma company has sunk $300 million to $5 billion dollars to bring a drug to market that can sometimes take a decade to go through clinical trials and receive FDA approval — they need to charge a lot to recoup their investment and hopefully become profitable. Meanwhile, insurers have a population they need to cover and a set pool of money and they don’t need a new $50,000 therapy when there’s a generic that will treat 80% of patients. The other 20% can jump through the hoops or get stuffed…

[–] rtfm_modular@lemmy.world 8 points 10 months ago (2 children)

PSA from someone who works in the industry. Drug manufacturers offer “patient assistance programs” where people who are under insured or uninsured can receive treatments at a discount or sometimes free. They are not broadly advertised and I had no idea they existed until I started working in the space. Just search the drug + patient assistance or financial assistance.

Also to state the obvious... The US healthcare system is fucked — mostly insurance companies but also pharmaceutical companies and hospital systems in the US are all doing everything they can to increase their profits at your expense.

  1. Hospitals and pharma set high menu prices in order to negotiate with insurance companies. 2) Insurance companies make money by NOT paying. So you’re fucked unless you’re fortunate to have a cushy white collar job with good benefits. The people that get fucked the most are the ones that can’t afford the premiums
[–] rtfm_modular@lemmy.world 9 points 10 months ago

Meh, I opened Reddit just to lurk on the only subreddit I would post on. Recap for that community reminded me it was all one big circle jerk… but now with more advertisements.

[–] rtfm_modular@lemmy.world 41 points 10 months ago

I also hear people make the same claims against Alexa, but I usually start explaining what cookies are and how ad networks collects your data to more effectively target you. It doesn’t make fiscal sense to do mass audio surveillance when you already freely hand over your data.

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