
joined 2 years ago
[–] lenz@lemmy.ml 2 points 3 months ago

Is there something I can read to learn how to do this? A book or course? Or is this something gained only through experience and thought?

[–] lenz@lemmy.ml 6 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

There are so many episodes in all the series but here’s a few from Voyager: VOY: “The Chute”, “Dreadnought”, “Learning Curve”, “Meld”, “One”, "Once Upon a Time”, “Timeless”… the list goes on. Many other episodes focus on a single member of the crew, many times with the Captain not being an important part of the story at all.

[–] lenz@lemmy.ml 7 points 3 months ago

Because life is priceless, and the life of the cat you care about should be priceless to you. When you get a companion animal, that’s what you sign up for. And if you’re not willing to go the distance to take care of your pet when they are sick, you shouldn’t get a pet.

[–] lenz@lemmy.ml 3 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

Part of that is also how in our car-centric society, our public transportation sucks. And biking is unsafe in many places— even spots that have bike lanes. Everything is too far way, so you can only get there by car. Everywhere you that is close is either unsafe or actually impossible to bike to, unless you’re lucky. And if you wanna take the metro or bus, it’s slow af, unreliable, and in many places has very few stops and runs infrequently.

And then the lack of people using public transportation only leads to more cars on the road which makes the problem even worse! More lanes, more land used for parking lot deserts, etc.

Nowhere to go, no way to get there, nothing to do.

[–] lenz@lemmy.ml 31 points 3 months ago (7 children)

Idk why communists defend China’s every move. Communism can be defended without excusing China’s authoritarian practices. I have Chinese friends living in China who tell me all kinds of horrific stories that they’ve had to deal with because of China’s mass surveillance (and more). That isn’t western propaganda, that’s people’s lived experiences. There is literally a “Great Firewall of China” lmao. China IS bad when it comes to their mass surveillance and suppression of speech. USA IS bad when it comes to their letting giant corporations have such free rein that it makes us all into serfs. Why compare to China? Because China is a great comparison.

[–] lenz@lemmy.ml 5 points 4 months ago

Ouch 😅 …at least a (non junk food) vegan diet has been shown to improve people’s diabetes symptoms. If you ever go for it, I hope that ends up being the case with you!

[–] lenz@lemmy.ml 9 points 4 months ago (1 children)

How it is being forced on you exactly? What precisely have you seen in “almost all of the schools” you attended where anyone was forcing kids or forcing you to be LGBTQ+?

[–] lenz@lemmy.ml 15 points 4 months ago

I’ve seen videos of the ventilation bs. To call it awful and disgusting is an understatement. They get slow cooked alive and take hours to die and they scream for all of it until they can’t scream anymore. And there’s hundreds of them. Hundreds of screaming voices dying in absolute agony. For hours. It’s literally the Brazen Bull. It’s torture, full stop. I can’t believe we allow this bs to be done to anything that can feel pain and suffer.

[–] lenz@lemmy.ml 1 points 5 months ago

The dude who made this site believes in the “great replacement” and that the Covid vaccines were a psy-op to modify people’s dna and make the sheep slave people.


Maybe due to his paranoia his privacy advice might be good lmao. But still. Wow.

[–] lenz@lemmy.ml 23 points 5 months ago

Ironically, cars are stopping me. Roads used to be for walking, and now they’re for cars. They gave us sidewalks and now some places don’t have them, and are unwalkable. The bike lanes either don’t exist or are too dangerous to use. It’s all roads and stroads now, with speed limits dangerous to pedestrians, and large SUVs meaning that car crashes with a pedestrian are more likely to end in death.

The amount of people in cars has also crippled public transportation. Buses aren’t quick, and there are so few of them in general. Not to mention the lack of high speed trains, and the inefficiency of our subways.

Giant parking lots with no cars took our parks. Took our public spaces. Took our nature. And they’re everywhere. Everywhere I look is dull, grey asphalt.

It’s depressing to be outside. And where would I walk to? Everything is too far away to walk to. It used to be a 5-15 minute walk away. Now it’s more like 40 minutes to hours...

I’m tired of human interests and public transportation being overlooked so that people can drive a couple minutes faster to their destination. When people in Europe, Japan, and China can just… get on a train.

Sorry for the rant but I hate this bs

[–] lenz@lemmy.ml 10 points 5 months ago

Mentioning the obvious things: Remember that depending on your location, you will not get full sunlight everyday of the year. The orientation of your roof and whether it’s pointed toward the sun also matters. If you have any young trees around you, they might grow and cast a shadow on your roof. If you have neighbors, they might plant trees.

You can use Project Sunroof to roughly estimate the average sunlight your location receives during a full year (accounting for weather conditions): https://sunroof.withgoogle.com/

[–] lenz@lemmy.ml 3 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)

Personally, YouTube isn’t other people’s inane rambling for me. It’s science education, it’s about how to identify and forage for food, it’s video essays about nuclear disasters… it’s constantly introducing me to new concepts— like why lawns are bad for the environment, how other countries tackle the problem of traffic and public transportation, why DIY air purifiers are more effective than nearly every commercial air purifier on the market, etc.

It’s a platform where the medium is video form content. Everything is available there. Both garbage and gold. It’s the way that you use it that determines which one you get. For me, it’s like Wikipedia in video form. With the occasional bit of entertainment on the side, as a treat.

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