
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 3 months ago

Thanks for following up and sharing this; sincerely. There's not enough of this kind of emotive sharing with Gamestop. I agree that a lot of the 'movement' borders on being cult like in the blindly following kind of way.

I touch base on reddit monthly or so to keep tabs because the same thing you find sad, I find absolutely fascinating. All the dynamics at play...from shifts in sentiment, conspiracy-style interlopers, systemic corruption to the highest levels of bureaucracy, and sometimes actual information about the mechanics lubricating the movement of stocks and money.

I've been told I'm an emotionless rock though, so it might account for our differing perspectives on how people spend money.

[–] 4 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Talking points: That bunch of retail traders made a bad choice and ego won't allow them to bail out. That it was 'luck' for a few people a few years ago.

It may have been a bad choice for you and that's why I wonder why you posted what you did instead of your own opinion baked through your own experience. More powerful words generally come from personal experience.

I'm not here arguing with you about the stock, it being a good/bad investment isn't what I'm on about. I guess I'm more hung up on why you said what you did.

Like, what was it that compelled you to post such a banal response to this post? It's so sad that people are holding stock in a company with a ton of cash, a motivated and aligned management team, and very little debt?

Sounds like you're painting a brush and saying that any person holding Gamestop makes you sad. It's a pretty broad assertion that, honestly, feels like it has a story behind it.

[–] 6 points 3 months ago (5 children)

Just because a few people got lucky...? My dude, instead of parroting media talking points do the reading so you know what's actually keeping folks holding the stock.

[–] 25 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Honestly, the best way to lower your intake of sugar isn't to replace it with a different sweetener. In most cases, you'll find its not an adequate 'replacement' because psychologically, looking for a direct analog (or super close in taste at the minimum).

It's the habit that needs to change, not the way you scratch the itch. I'm not a fan of absolutes, so I don't think an intention of "no more refined sugar. Period." is practical or reasonable. But cutting down how much you intake by reducing the frequency, that'll do wonders for you.

This method is what kick started my journey down this same path. You can still have sugar (yay!), but you most likely won't want to very often after not too long (wtf?).

It is so mind bottlingly crazy how much sugar is in literally everything from breads to sauces. Once I cut down how much sugar I was taking in (by cutting down how often I had a sweet drink of any kind, one drink at a time), I could taste the sweetness in food at restaurants, savory stuff from the bakery...I couldn't escape it.

Now, I'll have a couple of sweet drinks in a day. I control how much sugar I put in by not buying sweet drinks and instead making stuff at home. Coffee, flavored water, etc.

Long story short...

There is NO great methadone for refined sugar. If you want to reduce how much you're ingesting, reduce the frequency. Be kind to yourself by setting reasonable, bite-sized goals so that the achievement encourages you to continue on and make more progress.

Anything in moderation; nothing in excess

[–] 32 points 8 months ago

Say what you mean; mean what you say.

No idea where I heard or read it, but preteen me internalized it and it's become part of my creed to this day

[–] 3 points 8 months ago

Find out when that record resets. If they've created a system where talent is penalized for living on this planet of bacteria, viruses, and the grossest of all, people...then the system should be exploited to its full potential.

Find out how many days in a row count as one sick day, often times employers will only count multiple consecutive sick days days as one occurence.

With those two pieces in hand; if you're going to be taking a sick day, take the full amount allowed under one occurence, and do that to the maximum allowed until reset.

This write up in your record is nothing more than intimidation being used to "align" your behavior with that of the business, and it's obscenely disgusting.

If you're in the UK, then you're probably well into your work day. I hope this message finds you in better spirits, with the awkward conversation behind you.

[–] 42 points 8 months ago (5 children)

When it comes time for the conversation, and if it's a paid sick day; remember that it's part of your compensation package and you're entitled to use it. Would you feel guilty about cashing your paycheck?

Don't apologize for being sick and needing a day; take the mindset that they should be glad it's just a day because let's face it, no one gets back to 100% after one day.

Be human, man. Be kind to yourself.

[–] 10 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (2 children)

I think telekinesis is the way to go.

  • You can only fly so high before the cold or lack of oxygen get you.
  • Poo is technically not part of me, so you'd see shit floating around when the rest of me is invisible.
  • Speed is only good until you need to turn, and i see no mention of an adamantium skeletal system.
  • Moving all kinds of shit with my mind? I'll be over here not jerking off with this empty velvet glove
[–] 3 points 8 months ago

Thanks for the kind words!

[–] 10 points 8 months ago (1 children)
[–] 14 points 8 months ago

I think from a global general-population perspective, if things don't go the right way there are going to be some very angry and disillusioned people. People who are already teetering on the brink of going from abject frustration to full-on rage. For one side, nothing short of a cease-fire will do (as a bare minimum); for the other side, anything imposed on them is a crime against humanity.

I feel like UN/ICJ know this, so they'll hedge their bets and swing for the middle. No matter which way it goes, some chunk of the general population is going to be let-down. Again.


Sounds silly of course, and it is silly. But I thought it would be interesting to think it through. And with multiple minds.

How do you go about "turning off the internet" for a particular country? Because this is being attributed to Trump, I'm presuming that "turn off the internet" could mean a number of things.

Mess with DNS? Disable infrastructure? Buy out telecom?

Let's say we're committed to this task, how do we go about it? Let's hear the crazy ideas



Hows everyone doing, holidays coming's them stress levels?


I've sorted by All -> New and have been watching posts come in below these two that have a timestamp in the future. is this by design?

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