
joined 1 year ago
[–] dfyx@lemmy.helios42.de 25 points 1 day ago

I would say I miss some specific people or groups, both on Lemmy and on Mastodon, rather than generally "more" people. Friends of mine, certain people I used to follow on Twitter that haven't made the jump, some communities about specific hobbies, that sort of thing.

Overall, I enjoy the fact that I can get a rough idea about who is who instead of interacting with a mass of faceless strangers.

[–] dfyx@lemmy.helios42.de 11 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I highly doubt the overall validity of that data, even where it's available. You want to tell me that in 12 of the 48 countries on the list, the average person is not intelligent enough to harvest vegetables? (compare Alan S. Kaufman, IQ Testing 101, p. 126)

I would assume that either the tests were mostly performed on young children or presented in a way that's not suitable for the demographic. Someone who can't read isn't necessarily less intelligent but they will have trouble completing a test that includes written instructions. Same for a general familiarity with the most common forms of geometric logic puzzles which is what IQ tests mostly seem to contain.

[–] dfyx@lemmy.helios42.de 12 points 1 day ago (1 children)
  • Some places show me the same ads over and over, sometimes even back to back. No, Super Car Insurance 2000, I wasn't interested the first time and I'm not interested the tenth time. I don't even have a car and showing me your ad again won't make me buy one just so I can get your insurance.
  • Telling me what I can save without telling me what it costs. Number 1 offender is Hello Fresh on German podcasts. Apparently I can save 150€ on my first three boxes... which makes me wonder in what world the regular price can still be a good deal. Groceries are expensive but sure as hell I don't spend that much on dinner alone.
[–] dfyx@lemmy.helios42.de 69 points 1 day ago

When reading a long text, disconnect from the internet as soon as it has loaded so you don't pay for the time you spend reading.

[–] dfyx@lemmy.helios42.de 6 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Seems to be a framework to build your own custom fediverse stuff.

[–] dfyx@lemmy.helios42.de 9 points 2 days ago (2 children)

While what you're saying is true, getting the raw text is only a tiny part of the job. More importantly, for good subtitles you need to:

  • account for bits where the actors and editors have deviated from the script
  • decide if lines need to be shortened (reading is sometimes slower than listening)
  • decide if long sentences need to be split into multiple subtitle lines (so not too much text is on screen at the same time and information isn't given too much ahead of what's happening on screen)
  • decide if background conversations, music and sound should appear in subtitles
  • get the timing right (everyone who has subtitled even a short youtube video knows how much work that can be)
  • probably more

I haven't worked in the industry myself so I don't know how these tasks are distributed between multiple people but I think you get the point.

[–] dfyx@lemmy.helios42.de 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Position und Größe vom Logo deuten auf eine Cherry hin. Ich würde auf eine G80-3000 tippen, allerdings hab ich kein Foto von einer gefunden, die sowohl das Logo über der Escapetaste als auch die graue Umrandung um die Status-LEDs hat, immer nur eins von beidem.

Edit: könnte aber auch ein beliebiger anderer IBM Model M Klon sein. Da das gleiche Logo auch auf dem Monitor zu sehen ist (danke @aaaaaaaaargh@feddit.org), könnte es sein, dass hier einfach irgendein Hersteller eine ungelabelte Tastatur aufgekauft und als Teil von einem Komplettsystem mit PC, Monitor und Tastatur mit eigenem Label weiterverkauft hat.

[–] dfyx@lemmy.helios42.de 9 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Das ganze Bild ist spiegelverkehrt. Schau auf die Tastatur.

[–] dfyx@lemmy.helios42.de 4 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Which makes it even more crazy to me.

I live in a very Protestant area in Europe. In fact, many of the Protestants who got driven out of France around 1700 have settled around here, so roughly a similar timeframe to the ones in America. And we turned out entirely different. Here, Protestants are considered the "technically Christian on paper but probably hasn't seen a church from the inside in a decade" kind of person while (some) Catholics are the conservative hardliners who want bibles and crosses in classrooms.

[–] dfyx@lemmy.helios42.de 7 points 4 days ago (4 children)

I never understood why Americans do that. For international events where the anthems of both teams are played, sure. But otherwise? Do you guys forget which country you are in?

[–] dfyx@lemmy.helios42.de 2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Either that or you're making assumptions about OP while repeatedly refusing to answer questions that challenge those assumptions and accusing people who ask those questions of making bad faith arguments. You see the problem, right?

I don't even want to accuse you of doing that on purpose. Confronting and correcting your own assumptions is hard.

[–] dfyx@lemmy.helios42.de 4 points 5 days ago (3 children)

You did:

You didn’t read the part about wanting her current partner to watch?

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