I agree that it's useless, moralizing advice for people who struggle to lose weight. That doesn't mean the theory itself is unsound, and for people who don't have larger issues regarding their weight but want to regulate a little bit it's basically the only thing they need to be aware of.
It's not a falsehood. First of, one example wouldn't disprove literal decades of research proving the contrary, but also this example isn't incongruent with CICO at all. You can increase caloric consumption and lose weight if other factors causes your body to burn more calories.
When I say CICO is the only way to regulate body weight I don't mean calorie tracking. Calorie tracking is absolutely not required, or arguably even helpful, for most people. But you have to do SOMETHING that either changes the amount of calories you consume or how much your body burns. If you don't nothing changes.
It's useful because for most of us it's the only way we can realistically regulate our own body weight, which a lot of people want to do. For people who struggle to do that, as well as obviously for people who chose not to, I agree that it's completely useless and somewhat insulting medical advice. But there's no need to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
The reason Ozempic is used for weight loss is because it slows down your digestion and reduces appetite and cravings. It literally just makes you eat less. How is that an argument against CICO?
Because humans haven't been selectively bred for specific traits.
Because dog breeds are not comparable to genetic differences in humans. They've been actively bred for certain characteristics, going through a lot of generations extremely fast in controlled environments in a way that's impossible in nature. All humans are essentially mongrels. The reason we don't do racial classification of personality traits in humans isn't just because it's morally abhorrent, but also because it doesn't work, while because of the selective breeding of dogs, there can be big differences in their behaviour due to their breed.
It's also important that while a dog's breed does have an influence on it's behaviour, it's not absolute, and you can't actually predict a dog's behaviour through its breed alone.
Zero respect for people who "sympathize" with Palestinians, but who instantly condemns fighting back against their occupation.
Are Palestinians meant to just sit there and die slowly while we feel sorry for them?
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