My comments were mostly directed at the summary, although a couple criticisms apply to the article as well. As I said, it's legitimate to discuss how complicit Biden is, and you can add the Senate to that as well. The problem is doing it in the context of incomplete and misleading information about what was actually in the bill, who put it there, and why. Such a discussion does more harm than good in the ways that I explained.
The bit at the end was perhaps over the top, but it's not wrong that this kind of reaction against the Democrats is exactly why the Republicans put it in the bill.
You weren't privy to the negotiations, so your commentary that Democrats just passed it because it was "easier" is entirely speculation. Stating that as fact is something I consider offensive. It also didn't just "sail right through". The negotiations took months, and the negotiations on such a bill don't end until the votes are known. The actual process of calling the vote is irrelevant. I criticize Democrats myself, but not for things I just make up in my head.
We know they didn't remove it from the bill. We don't know that they didn't fight to remove it from the bill. We do know that they objected and negotiated it down for what it originally was. We also know that passing no bill would be worse, even for any children impacted by the coverage restrictions.
My comments were directed at the summary more than the article. The article does have some of the same flaws though.
I hope they are clear eyed about who is responsible. I don't think it likely that they would blame Democrats and ignore the Republicans who pushed it.
I made no objection to anyone being upset. It absolutely sucks that this was included and I'll fight right along side you to get it changed. We should all be upset. But, we are in a split power situation with the Democrats seriously weakened after the election. That's going to have consequences, and I'm afraid this was the tip of the iceberg. No President with a split Congress has ever been able to control everything in every piece of legislation they sign. That's just not reality.
Postulating that negotiations happened, or what happened in those negotiations? We know the negotiations happened, and we know that early drafts were worse on this and other Republican culture war issues. Beyond that, I don't claim to know anything, but you seem to. It was you who postulated that they didn't try to remove it.
Maybe in the near future we'll learn something about the negotiations that will change my opinion. Maybe the Democrats traded this to the Republicans in exchange for more pork for blue states or more bombs for Israel. Are you aware of any such dealings?