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[–] Tinidril@midwest.social 1 points 1 hour ago

arguing that you can’t isn’t a defence

And then what happens?

[–] Tinidril@midwest.social 68 points 15 hours ago

It didn't help my kids growing up to have Trump in the Whitehouse either.

[–] Tinidril@midwest.social 1 points 21 hours ago (1 children)

That door can be made to swing both ways.

[–] Tinidril@midwest.social 7 points 21 hours ago (1 children)

Anyone can be a pedophile, regardless of other characteristics. The major champions of actual sexual abuse of minors today are politically right wing. Compare age-of-consent laws in red states to blue, or advocacy/performance of child marriages, and a pattern appears.

The conflation of evidence-based methods of sexual education with "sexualizing children" is a bald faced attempt to make kids more vulnerable. Kids trained in the importance of consent are far less likely to keep quiet when dealing with an abuser.

I would not concede, as you have here, that there was ever any appreciable link between trans advocacy and sexual abuse advocacy. The fact that some people somewhere advocated for both is true of any movement of sufficient size.

[–] Tinidril@midwest.social 24 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I've devoted years of my life to dealing with these motherfuckers rhetorically. The problem is that they don't care about winning logical arguments, they just want to muddy the waters. The average fan of these idiots doesn't want to do the work of educating themselves, or considering logical arguments. The dumb arguments are the path of least resistance, so that's the path they take.

I literally just ended a 40 year friendship with a guy who let himself fall for this crap. We were each-other's best-man, but I haven't been able to have a single conversation with him in years without the anti-woke bullshit ruining it.

At this point, it's clear that rhetoric has failed. I'm not happy about it, but I have no problem whatsoever with violence happening to these freaks. I see no reason to struggle with it. What they do is violence to society and it results in suffering and death on a difficult to comprehend scale.

[–] Tinidril@midwest.social 3 points 3 days ago

Journalists, with or without quotes, don't generally get to write headlines. Editors write those.

[–] Tinidril@midwest.social 16 points 4 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Point? And who is telling anyone to "BeEeE aFrAiD!!". Vaccination is incredibly effective for measles, so most people have nothing to worry about personally. Still, who wants to see kids get an unnecessary disease that hospitalizes 1/4 and kills 1/1000?

This isn't fear, it's just disgust at having one more reason to despise far right morons. These are the same people who will wring their hands and cry "think of the children" for every damn oppressive piece of bullshit legislation they want to pass.

[–] Tinidril@midwest.social 1 points 5 days ago

It’s not holding society together; it’s bleeding it dry

That's what the oligarch's think. It won't be the first time the powerful have ignorantly destroyed themselves.

You think people depend on this machine?

Absolutely. It's in the math. A middle age existence could never support the number of people alive today. If Americans had to grow their own food, most would fail spectacularly. We depend profoundly on specialization and trade. We can't live as islands in this modern world.

And hunting? Spare me the tough-guy act.

There is nothing tough about hunting, and it's just what will be. You are ignorant trash who doesn't care who your ranting destroys.

[–] Tinidril@midwest.social 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (2 children)

The machine seems to be breaking just fine but, on behalf of the people who depend on that machine (pretty much everyone in the US and a whole lot of people outside the US) if you want the machine broken then you are my mortal enemy.

Accelerationism is insanity. Even when you get past "some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make" collapsing societies rarely lead to something better. It's almost always the worst people that manage to win the resulting power struggle because, like you, they don't give a shit who dies in the process.

The most likely scenario if (when?) the machine breaks is that we look a lot like Russia does today. I know plenty of people like you and, on that day, I start hunting.

[–] Tinidril@midwest.social 1 points 5 days ago

Some maybe, but the sloppiness makes me think they are the result. People obviously fall for this shit or we wouldn't have Elon for President.

[–] Tinidril@midwest.social 2 points 5 days ago

The libertarian movement was originally left wing and was co-opted by anarcho-capitalists. The original meaning was very anti-authoritarian, but not the one adopted by the Libertarian party. Real libertarians see one of the government's primary purposes is populist opposition to financial dominance by oligarchs. Libertarians see any government action as definitionally oppressive and blindly pays homage to oligarchs and the "free market".

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