
joined 1 year ago

I have to use Windows on my work computer and I am finding it hard to get FOSS applications on Windows that can do stuff like

  1. Record a video (like SimpleVideoRecorder does)
  2. Take a screenshot (there's snip, but it isn't very customizable)
  3. Unzip .zip files

Just the routine things I used to take for granted on Linux, so I was wondering if there was a FOSS app store for Windows

And it would be very helpful if someone could suggest alternative for

  1. SimpleVideoRecorder
  2. Archive Manager

Even the apps I installed for these things either had ads or asked me for payment to record more than 2 minutes of video, I am pretty sure there are FOSS apps to do these things out there, but I don't know where :')

PS: To everyone who has tried to help, thank you very much. I was feeling guilty for not replying to most of you, so I thought I would reply to all of ya, but funnily enough, lemmy had had enough of my gratitude!


I am low on money these days and my life is hell for it. I have to do with substandard everything in my life I recently had an incident where an elderly woman asked me for money while roaming the street with her family begging for money. I had no money to spare, but had I had any, I wouldn't have given a penny to her (Life is tough, I can't give away money I didn't earn)

But, she later said something which melted my heart, "Majboori hai beta!" (Hindi) "We don't want to do this, but we have to do it son" (now add some emotional value to it), I didn't know what to do, I was on my cycle and I could feel their eyes on me as I passed them and I just peddled faster with teary eyes.

I didn't know how to deal with that. i.e., I don't have enough money for medical necessities or to improve the standard of living of my own life, but I was being asked to spare change by a poor family that was demonstrably in a worse spot than me.

I was always taught that if you give beggars money, they will spend it all on alcohol (not blaming them), and given the number of beggars who have come to be smelling like alcohol and death with wobbly balance, it has been a rule not to provide them with money. Also, let's not forget, if you're really poor (homeless and have nothing to lose) and you are really desperate, you are often dangerous i.e., not someone around whom your kids can roam, again, not blaming them. But... I don't know what is right or wrong in this situation!

How do you deal with external problems you can't solve around you? What is the moral thing to do here?

edit: This kinda reminds of a story about Jesus where a prince once came to him and told him that he isn't at peace with himself no matter what he does, and Jesus told him that to get peace he must give away everything to the poor and follow Jesus around and the prince refused (something along those lines).

I know what the most moral thing might be in this case, but even if you tell me that I should give money to those who live in abject poverty, I probably won't do it as often as I should.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

You know better Big Brother, you have watched a lot of folks. All Hail Big Brother :')

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

I live in India and I am pretty poor, I hope to be middle-class/upper-middle class someday, but I have noticed something sinister from some people who are extremely privileged, they can be still be bought with money.

Lack of money makes you desperate, and paranoid, and comparison drives you crazy, hard to be morally perfect as a poor man, but I see actors who have made insane amounts of money on the backs of their Indian fans like Shahrukh Khan, Canada Kumar, Ajay Devgan, Hrithik Roshan and many more who are well-respected in the industry and who still can sell their own fans financial ruin (gambling) or death (Tobacco) in ads. I thought the point of being rich was that you could be more moral, what is the use of getting rich if you use your influence and fame to do more harm than good?

Also, all the actors mentioned above have made numerous movies about patriotism, many in their private conversations like to brag how much they "love their country... blah... blah... blah", but yet they feel ok selling Tobacco to their fans who made them what they are.

I have a cousin who worships Shahrukh Khan and who took up Pan(Tobacco) because he was naive and because he probably thought it was "cool" since his favorite actor (on whom he has modeled all aspects of his life was selling tobacco), thankfully we were able to get him off that a few years ago, but he spent money like water and he gained worse health for it. He got off easy, many suffered financial ruin or even death. So, when is it fucking enough!? When will these people have enough money?

edit: It's just not India, it happens everywhere (just watch CoffeeZilla to see more prime examples of this) Also, I am not saying I am perfect, if someone gave me an insane amount of money to sell Pan, I will, judge me if you will. But, I like to think if I had "enough" money, I would be immune to the attractions of blood money, I like to think I can try to be as moral as I can be then, but these people almost make me think that there is never "enough" money.

edit 2: Kurt Vonnegut's Quote on Money is quite interesting

[–] 2 points 3 months ago
 The joy of “figuring it out”

No absolutely not, I used to be an IT consultant, but like most people I like things to just work, and Linux has done that for many years now.

My bad, I meant that for Linux.

except for a classic game I still play occasionally with my wife.

Cheers to that!

[–] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Windows forced me to update to a version that has advertisement in it.

God! Tell me about it! I by mistake clicked on Upgrade to Windows 11 (I wasn't paying attention and Microsoft categorised it in bad faith) And voila, it's downloading Windows 11 now (I have paused it for 14 days) But how can I make sure that the download is cancelled, any ideas?

[–] 3 points 3 months ago

But it’s everything. The intrusion, the quasi monopoly, the shitty anti,consumer choices, all of it.

Since either Linux or win 7 do almost everything I need, I’ll never use anything higher than win 7

God YES! I am required to use Windows 10 or 11 rn, but I am keeping it "downgraded" as much as possible because bloated "Fat Man" won't run well and the more features there are in a certain version of Microsoft, you seem to be giving it more control over your life. That "intrusion, the quasi monopoly, the shitty anti,consumer choices" hit hard tho!

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

This happened to me when I was installing windows (on Dual Boot) I spent three. fucking. days. trying to solve an error to find out at the end that it was a different fucking error. Damn you Microsoft :')

[–] 4 points 3 months ago

Scripting stuff on Linux is relatively simple, trying to fuck about with powershell

that is the fucking best thing about Linux, I have so many scripts and customizations, I can't even tell you!

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

bloat the system more and more and more with every update.

Kinda why I call Windows the "Fat Man"

Of course, when you grow up on Windows, Linux has a learning curve. It’s different OS.

tbch, it's not that. I haven't used Windows in 7 years, never touched it, but gotta admit, the new Windows 11 is pretty cool

[–] 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

So by the time I got a reliable x86 laptop in hand, Linux felt more normal to me than Win 8.

Know and respect this feeling, I am using MX Linux and have a very customized panel, settings and shortcuts. It's home, even if it were to be wiped out, I would still put in all the effort to reinstall it.

But, I gotta admit, when Windows works as intended, it's good for being productive and I technically should be learning how to use Windows properly as my work requires me to :')

[–] 6 points 3 months ago

We are free. We are GNU. We are linux.


[–] 4 points 3 months ago

.” I might come and use it time to time, but only when absolutely necessary

I get that!

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

I realize this is a Linux community, but I was wondering why you still hate Windows. I mean, I love Linux, but I will not argue that it's more convenient to the average person in most use cases to use Windows, I recently had to switch back to Windows and I realized how convenient it all was and how I was missing so many things because of my love for Linux. But at this point, Linux is a part of my personality and my self-image and I will not leave it, but I gotta be honest, it's pretty convenient being on Windows. So, why have you guys chosen to still stay on Linux? Some reasons I can appreciate include

  1. The terrible privacy policies of Microsoft. It sometimes makes you feel like your computer is not owned by you but lent to you by Big Tech.
  2. The community and the spirit of sharing
  3. The joy of "figuring it out" and customizing everything you want to the minutest details
  4. FREEDOM!!! sudo su Kinda ties into the previous points, but still one of the best selling points, the freedom to do whatever you want is liberating. You can run a server on it or you can create a script while knowing you have control over almost every FOSS app there is or just destroy your whole system with one command. Idk, feels good man!

These are the big ones, but one must realize you are sacrificing many things while not using windows too, productivity can be much greater there if you are a normie, it's really convenient! So yeah! Give me your reasons! Also, how many of you dual boot?

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

I think it has cloud connectivity and it's gonna require me to login online (if I am not wrong) Feels hard to pirate

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

Wrong community. This is for open ended questions and discussion, not for asking for help.

Ohh... I am sorry, will delete it then, any community suggestions for this?


I am an Indian and I have become hyperaware of the people and the culture that surrounds me and I am beginning to see the flaws in it. One of the flaws that trouble me the MOST is how most Indians behave when they encounter any authority figure (mostly higher class or "higher" caste or the wealthy or the bureaucrat class).

When an average Indian walks into a Government office with a corrupt bureaucrat in it, he begins treating himself as an insect, he is way too afraid and he is way too submissive and slavish, this doesn't end here however, if you meet someone of a higher social status than yourself you become slavish and submissive there too and this happens every time an authority figure is in the room and even with people who think very highly of themselves(at their homes, with their families etc.,) I dress well and look somewhat well so once I had a guy who is my father's age call me sir and use language which is reserved for "the higher classes". This is not ok! I wish he had a spine, I don't want to be him when I grow up, but I know he didn't choose to be that way, it's the environment he was brought up in and not being aware of one's own slavishness.

I am not blaming my people, but I do detest the culture which caused this. And don't be fooled, I am not an observer, I (used to) do this too and I hate this

It's like our bones melt and our brain switches off and we become in our own eyes the lowest form of life on earth. Probably justifiably because the education we have received is subpar (counter-productive) in most cases. And you can't think highly of yourself if you are capable of doing anything productive, but it's not just that, it happens with those people who are productive members of the society, but to a lesser extent.

I have heard many Southern Asian countries are like this in this aspect. So, I was wondering how you treat authority in your culture and if you thought it was healthy. I would be very much interested if your culture is similar to mine and what you think might have caused it.

And most importantly, how do you think I can get rid of this disgusting habit, is it even possible in India? (fellow Indians jump in here)

edit: Thanks to everyone who replies! :)


I am an Indian and I have noticed that Indians are way too proud of their country for some reason and at the same time lack any civic sense towards it, they are extremely loud and extremely proud. We feel like the world revolves around India and our culture is superior to that of others. Also, a considerable chunk of the population has been sold the "India is a world-leader" myth and they think India is somehow leading the world in innovation, science and technology, human development etc.,

Now, I know for a fact that this is not true, when I try to gauge the perception of Indians abroad on Twitter, I get pretty negative results, but Twitter has nothing good to say about any group of people, so... I kinda wanted to know what you people though of India, don't base it upon the etnic Indians who might be your friends and are decent people, but base it upon the news you read, the stories you hear from those Indians, etc.


I should be studying right now, but everytime I sit to study, I can't sit there long enough, I want food even though I am not hungry, I want to watch TV/youtube, self-pleasure... etc...

No matter what productive work I want to do, I will try to not do that and do something which gives me momentary pleasure. I want to masturbate, eat lots of food even though I am not hungry while watching TV/Youtube and I don't seem to be able to break the cycle and it's destroying me. How can I break the cycle and do something good for a change instead of pleasuring myself in the moment meaninglessly?

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

My Views: I would love it if Solar, Hydro and Wind and other renewable sources of energy + Non Renewable Nuclear were to provide enough energy reliably to completely replace fossil fuels, but I know it's not a feasible solution at least at this point. And maybe it will never be. Renewable sources of energy are highly dependent on some metal mining (some are rare metals) and I doubt if the prices of those metals would go lower as the demand for those renewable sources of energy sky rockets. i.e., It's a non-linear equation, the price of renewables will not remain the same if we want to meet 100% of our energy needs from renewables. So, Just Stopping Oil is a pretty stupid idea concocted by people who have a much better standard of living than me.

Skip This if you must: As an Indian, I can speak for 1.4B people (I asked) when I say that, no matter how much pressure developed nations impose on India and countries like India, we will still keep using the least costliest source of energy, because we too want nice things and we too want our women to be liberated from cow dung/wood stoves and from the burden of washing clothes and utensils. So yeah, there is no way bar great scientific innovation which will phase out fossil fuels at least in the near future and perhaps ever.

PS: I don't like fossil fuels, I don't like the pollution or the effect it has on the environment and I wish they could be replaced by something renewable, but I just don't like the chances of that happening.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

The media won't give me great answers to this question and I think this I trust this community more, thus I want to know from you. Also, I have heard reports that Russia was winning the war, if that's true, did the west miscalculate the situation by allowing diplomacy to take a backseat and allowing Ukraine to a large plethora of military resources?

PS: I realize there are many casualties on both sides and I am not trying to downplay the suffering, but I am curious as to how it is going for Ukraine. Right now I am hearing ever louder calls of Russia winning, those have existed forever, but they seem to have grown louder now, so I was wondering what you thought about it. Also, I am somewhat concerned of allowing a dictatorship to just erase at it's convenience a free and democratic country.


My phone screen broke but everything else works fine except for the fact that I can't see what's happening on my phone, I was able to install an app which mirrors my phone and thus control my phone indirectly, but I was wondering if there was a way I could do basic functions like reading texts without seeing the screen. I mean, I am also curious what do people with visual disabilities use? Are there any apps like VoiceOver which help you read texts?


Thank you very much! Know that I really appreciate your help, even if I can't Thank you individually!


edit: just installed WaterFox and apparently they use bing, very interesting choice. I am not sure if I am for that, but heck I can change the default engine. So, I don't care

also, I like Waterfox already uninstalled Chrome. I can't believe I didn't know this until now. Why can't Firefox do this btw?

I know firefox is the only non-chrome browser out there, but how hard is it to make an extension for firefox along with chrome?

I cry myself to sleep knowing that the extensions I want are available on Chrome and not on Firefox. And it's not going to get any better as Firefox is not gaining any users. Also, why the hell is this the case? I would pay to use Firefox! It's FOSS and it has so many features, Idk, deserves to be no 1, but it's f*cking dying!

There are some extensions I can't live without and only for those extensions I am forced to keep Chrome on my computer. I don't like Chrome and I don't want Chrome but I want them extensions :(

Also, how safe is Chromium? Is it de googled? I think I might go for de-googled chromium + Firefox from now on. I will uninstall Chrome. I have disabled updates for it anyways!

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