
joined 4 days ago
[–] 4 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

I've been trying to use Ardour for the first time as part of my ongoing process of replacing all the proprietary software in my workflow to open source software. My hope is that Ardour can replace Audition and/or ProTools for me, but as of right now I've struggled a lot with how to even use the program. I probably just need to immerse myself in some tutorials haha

[–] 12 points 10 hours ago

Here's hoping this pushes more people to Firefox

[–] 3 points 12 hours ago

I'm not myself familiar with that subreddit but that's interesting.

[–] 13 points 12 hours ago (2 children)

...huh. I didn't see that coming.

Honestly better left wing than right wing I think, even if they're stance on the wing is... questionable, to say the least. Though I say that with the benefit of hindsight.

I'm not proud of it, but long ago I myself fell into some of those spaces actually. And not to get into all of it now but I can absolutely see what leads one to have those perspectives, and I also think to some extent I am uniquely qualified to challenge those perspectives becaus, and ofc this doesn't go for everyone, but for many I've associated with the hardline posturing comes more from a defensive paranoia perspective than any will to opress or subjugate anyone. That was certainly always true for me, I'm trans ffs, I never wanted to opress anyone. But the opinion you'll run into at the heart of the authoritative left wing is that control is necessary to secure freedoms and prevent the new society from collapsing from outside influence. If you can challenge that core assumption (and also misinfo about Soviet Union etc. but that's a whole other topic), you can actually make meaningful dialouge.

But by far the thing that kept me in those communities for the longest time was the sense that anyone on the outside would not accept us for our beliefs and could not be trusted, and when all my friends and social connections were in those spaces it was in my interest not to deviate from the line, leading to a kind of spiraling of radical opinions in an echochamber. The thing that brought me out of it was an anarchist extending her hand and us just getting along well on a fundamental level, and not judging me for the beliefs that I'd fallen into or calling me stupid or anything else but just challenging them on an intellectual basis and having evidence to back up her arguments.

I suppose the best takeaway from all of this is that if any time you push someone away, you simultaneously push them closer towards the group that is influencing them. And I get it, sometimes it really isn't worth the energy to deradicalize people, especially those who are truly fargone. But I think it'd be a mistake to ostracize everyone from the outset.

Sorry for the long response, I got a lot more vulnerable here than I was really planning on 😅

Thanks for listening to my ted talk lmaoo

[–] 15 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

This is part of why I, who am part of Gen Z, am actually really thankful that I didn't get access to iPad until 9 (first gen, it might still be around here somewhere, kinda wonder if it'll ever become a relic) and phone until 13, but did have access to a super old windows computer. It taught me how to install mods in Minecraft. It was astronomically difficult for me at that time with my limited understanding and all the fake green "Download here!" buttons that kept duping me and installing tons of bloatware and even malware onto the PC (yet another reason why AdBlock is a privacy and security concern, honestly deadass don't let kids use a computer without it). But eventually I caught on and got good at identifying the scams from a young age and was able to teach other kids, and even eventually got into command stuff and writing my own mods. I memorized all of the block and item IDs before the flattening, but after that I was so disheartened that all my memorization was useless I kinda just stopped and never got really good at it. But still, just from that alone my computer knowledge was way ahead of other people's around that time, and you might even say it set the foundation for my now linux-using open-source-contributing fediverse-loving self hahaha

[–] 10 points 13 hours ago (14 children)

Why is full of assholes? Wasn't that one of the original lemmy instances? Genuinely asking

[–] 4 points 13 hours ago

Okay my bad, I think I just misunderstand BSD-3 and read somewhere that Proton is Valve's proprietary software. In terms of open source software, the only licenses I'm really familiar with are GNU, Apache, and MIT. So I read one thing online saying Proton was proprietary and assumed BSD-3 was a proprietary license without looking into it further.

[–] 2 points 13 hours ago (4 children)

I have no advice for you but as someone relatively new to lemmy I'm trying to understand all this drama. It seems like hexbear is leftist which I thought was cool (full disclosure tho I've not checked it out at all), but this just seems... really extreme. That joke comment reply probably wasn't the best thing to say but it's crazy to me that you didn't even get any dialouge opened up or anything, just an outright ban? And it seems like the person who reported it had no frame of reference for Stardew. Sorry this happened :< Seems kind of knee-jerk on their behalf. I hope you can open a dialogue, clear things up and get your account back <3

[–] 1 points 22 hours ago (2 children)

Tbf if wine were released under regular GNU instead of LGPL, Valve wouldn't have been able to make Proton proprietary, and so their contributions would also be open source. It is unfortunate that this is the situation, but by using the LGPL license WINE basically permitted this, no?

[–] 13 points 22 hours ago

:O The Archive! It's back online!! WOOOOO

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

Ugh, not surprised. Apparently even sci hub is blocked in the UK

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