
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Paramedic here! They both serve different purposes. CPR keeps blood circulating to keep one’s brain and other important organs alive. An AED will detect the activity of someone’s heart and if it is a specific rhythm it will shock it. Cardiac arrest isn’t always a flat line, it can be the heart quivering or ineffectively pumping. This shock stops the heart briefly and then hopefully their heart will return to a normal rhythm.

In the simplest terms I can think of, someone in cardiac arrest needs both. Without CPR their brain will die. Without an AED they are less likely to come out of cardiac arrest and will just remain dead.

[–] 7 points 10 months ago

Yes. I’ve been in a lot of operating rooms for a lot of different surgeries. It’s also common to give antibiotics before a surgery..and wear surgical masks.. which is my point, also in the context of COVID masks still work to reduce the spread of a virus. Antibiotics will not work against a virus.

[–] 3 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Yes, please make sure if you have surgery you tell your surgeon “no need to wear a mask, just a helmet and some knee pads”.

[–] 2 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Late reply but to specify, the crumple zones dissipating energy to protect the occupants, but in part the situation you’re describing airbags do a great job at preventing people from hitting the steering wheel / walls.

A very very advanced harness system might compensate a little for a lack of crumple zones during a very rapid deceleration collision. The issue isn’t so much as stopping someone from but being thrown around in the car, seat belts do that, but nothing can stop one’s internal organs from doing the same thing inside their body. So when a body stops during a rapid deceleration, internal organs still try to move. This movement tears everything, most notably one’s aorta and a torn aorta means death with no possible chance of survival.

A small tear in one’s aorta and one may survive long enough for emergency services to show up, a bad one and they will have bleed out before a 911 call taker has time to answer a call for help.

[–] 2 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (1 children)

How does one host their own beeper server?

Edit: found it

[–] 2 points 11 months ago

Yes, pain is pain. People can still feel it and suffer even if they do not remember it. Anesthesia in context of surgery is too complex of a topic for me to comment on but I do frequently manage patients that are sedated, on ventilators either going to or coming from surgery. There are different scales and tools we use to assess if someone is under sedated or in pain. Keeping explanations simple pain can reflect as changes in vital signs, rigid or tense muscles, facial expressions. Sedation in the context I’m referring to is more a scale of either how awake someone is or what type of stimulation they respond to, for example do they open their eyes if someone says their name? Or do they open their eyes if I gently tap on their shoulder or do I need to put pressure on their nail bed for them to respond, if they respond at all. If they’re sedated enough they won’t remember the pain but they would still feel pain. Again this is NOT referring to general anesthesia during surgery, that is too complex and anesthesiologist have a very difficult job ensuring people are adequately medicated for surgery while also ensuring that they treat the side effects of the anesthesia medications so they don’t just kill people.

The two do have some overlap and my previous statement assumes no chemical paralysis. There are also times where it is acceptable to just sedate someone, or do something emergent without sedation and then giving something like Versed which causes retrograde amnesia. The person may have been fully conscious and felt everything that just happened but still won’t remember it.

This is a bit of an oversimplification but I’d say firing of the nerves is pain. I don’t have literature available to support but I know giving babies anesthesia is very dangerous so I would like to believe that the reasons you listed where just an over simplified “it’s really okay to do X or Y because they won’t remember it” rather than explaining to a parent in a way that they would truly understand the risk of anesthesia for a baby AND still allow whatever procedure to be done or force a parent to knowingly elect to put their baby through pain and suffering for a procedure. But again, not a doctor and I don’t work with people/babies during surgery

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

Late but USA, wanted to share a personal experience. While at work I collapsed and had to take an ambulance to the hospital. I got sent the bills for everything. Including the ambulance ride. I stayed in the hospital overnight for observation. They couldn’t figure out what happened and I didn’t have symptoms anymore so I was discharged. Whole event cost maybe $500.

Here’s the kicker, I work(ed) as a paramedic for the ambulance company that transported me. I had insurance that was not from the company so prices were reasonable relative to what one would expect in the country. Had I been insured through work, well, the insurance provided by the company doesn’t cover transport by that company’s ambulance.