
joined 1 year ago
[–] 18 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Eh, easy mode is for those who need or want to use it. Ditto for hard or impossible modes. Adult, teenager, troglodyte, don't really matter what ya are

[–] 29 points 9 months ago (1 children)

If I understand it right:


Bard = he's got game

(Bar)barian = he's still not very bright (adding a handful of chicks you wanna flirt with to a single chat...yeah, not a good idea lol)

[–] 12 points 9 months ago (1 children)

That was...stupidly easy lol Thank you so much!


Edit: Solved!

Bit of a weird question, but yeah.

I like to have the games I'm currently cycling through favorited in my start menu since i keep the majority of my desktop icon free save for my file manager and trash bin. Thing is, right now I'm playing through both Daggerfall Unity and my GoG version of Pillars of Eternity (installed using the offline installers and WINE. Using Heroic resulted in it not launching because it couldn't find the Data folder for whatever reason) which were both added as Non Steam games. Is there any way to add shortcuts for them to my Start menu, or am i just gonna have to suck it up and make them Desktop shortcuts?

(Using KDE on EndeavourOS, if it matters at all)

[–] 11 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

It really depends. A lot of them are hurt in some way shape or form and in a desperate situation like qooqie mentions and get pushed back into a corner over and over until they violently lash out, and a lot of others have a genuine disdain for other people or a warped personality/prespective on something (like Elliot Rogers and his entitlement to a girlfriend/sex) and rather than try and quell it or get help, they let it fester until they eventuallty also lash out.

The end result is the same. Either they get inspired to do heinous actions because there's no other option in their head to stop whatever they precieve as a problem, or they look at someone else that did them before and think "they had the right idea" and emulate them.

[–] 0 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

So basically, "they're trashing KDE, Gnome, SystemD, etc, so I'm gonna trash XFCE/MATE/GRUB/anything that isn't the latest bleeding edge stuff?"

Cuz that's what i get outta that whole, article...that and that you really, really like to swear.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

And you could have asked this in a dozen different ways without resorting to the same misuse of words that the overly radicalized ignorants of both side of the democratic or republican spectrum choose to throw at each other. But fair, I didn't answer your question.

It's more to do with both the politics (Cali is a Blue State, meaning the majority of those that vote lean more towards Democratic, Liberal, more progressive/open-minded values. Texas is a Red State and leans in the opposite way. Republican, Conservative, more "old fashioned" values. Note that this isn't always the case, and you can and will find a mixture of idiologies across it. Well, i can only personally speak for Texas since I live there, but that's everywhere in the US, i want to say, not just these two titianic states) the cultures of the two places (both in the American side and Mexican side and how they mingled with each other throughout thier histories), and what region they're located at. And there's probably more factors I'm missing that contribute to why they are the way they are, like difference in educations of the two states, and just how different living in one place is to the other that yeah, it's very complicated and can't be distilled down to just "the gays" or "the artists".

[–] 15 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Holy massive oversimplification, Batman....




Outta all the words you could've chosen, you went with the two that people throw at heavy Conservative and Heavy Liberal places because it makes them sound worse than they actually are (and, i'm going to guess, because they don't know what either a facist state or a communist state actually look and function like). Interesting.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Oh yeah, on the level of Extinction Events, we haven't survived one yet. Hopefully we will in some way, shape or form (hopefully as ourselves), but you never know. That's why i said, or tried to say, "worry, but don't claw your hair off because of it just yet". Because if that punch is coming, there's no sense in worrying about it--better to brace for it as best we can, you know?

When i said "we've survived worse before" tho, it was in response to the OP's worries of the state of the United States. The question itself was kinda broad and they didn't really get specific, but at the same time...i highly doubt this is the worst it's gotten for the States (or any country, really) besides in the area of climate change, but that's not exclusive to the US, that's everwhere.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago (3 children)

By reminding myself that unless some space rock suddenly hits us or the sun decides to explode super early, we're fine. And if you look at our history as a species, we'll continue to be fine. We've endured far worse things than this before and we'll do it again and again. We're good at that. Stupidly good. Whatever rough spots we're facing now is going to pass. It's always passed. Can't be bad all the time, after all. As for global warming causing a potential extinction event? It...more than likely won't happen in our life time, so, worry, but don't, like, believe it'll happen tomorrow or that we're already actually facing The Great Dying 2.0. We're maybe at the crossroads, but not there yet.

Other than that? I do as a few have already mentioned here and try and make the world just a slightly better place. Helping others in my community out, being kind and considerate to the people around me, trying to not get frustrated at drivers out on the road (this is tough NGL), that kinda thing.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

It keeps getting mentioned because it's the new Bethesda game (also its kind of a big deal being their first new IP in, what, 20 years?), it hasn't been even a year since it dropped (so it's still fresh to people), and it has more content coming. And because every new update will stir the old users again and bring a new wave of users that will also keep mentioning its improvements and its flaws.

And i mean, even aside from that, Oblivion and Morrowind still get mentioned to this day (in both good ways and bad), and they're much older. Same's going to happen to Starfield. It's just the way it is.

[–] 10 points 9 months ago

Thank you for your contribution. Mod Authors in general are GOATed for what they do, but the ones that do tiny things like these are some unsung heroes, IMO.

[–] 7 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Yup. That second bit should be a golden standard, but...honestly? Knowing companies hire psychiatrists and all that jazz that tell them exactly what they need to put out there to get people to buy, install FOMO, hit addicts where it hurts, or just wear them down till they eventually say "yes", and that its not just for games, it becomes kinda murky for me to just throw all the blame at the people buying. Not saying that people shouldn't do their do dilagence (and after a while, to learn to ignore said marketing tricks. Fool me once and all that), they absolutely should, just that the other side are also hitting bellow the belt every chance they can in order to make a sale.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

...But honestly, I'm not really sure how close I got to the actual Gnome 2 look. I dig it tho.

OS: EndeavourOS

Theme: Orchis (Red)

Icons: Reversal (Red)

Terminal: XFCE Terminal

Window Manager: Xfwm4

Shell: ZSH

Wallpaper: Not really sure, I've had it for a while. Artist is LAM tho


Exactly what it says on the (dramatic) title.

We always hear about Biblically accurate angels: the burning wheels with tons of eyes, the strange looking creatures that sound like they come from the anime "Evangelion", the cherubim with 4 faces, but I had a thought while watching The Exorcist: Believer (it was....not good for anyone wondering. At all. The disrespect Regan's mom had towards Merrin and Karras after they died saving her daughter was baffling to listen to, especially...but i digress) a couple of days ago, specifically, if that's how the demonically possessed are said to more or less act in the Judeo-Christian scriptures, or if they're they completely different to what we see in movies and games. I'm guessing it's more than likely the second one, right, but I'm curious about the details like the signs someone's possessed, the demon's endgoal, and what they look like, basically everything you can gimme to sate this curiosity or to send me on a rabbit hole, if you'd be so kind?


Weird question, maybe pointless, and yeah, kinda petty I will admit, but eh, there's no stupid questions and I kinda got curious after an interaction (see after the dots if your curious).

IDK, everytime someone hits someone else with "figure it out yourself" to a question, all I hear is: "There's nothing to figure out, but I'm just gonna disengage while trying to save face". Of course, it's not for 100% of cases, but I mean, if you can't even muster up a basic laconic explanation, and instead go "figure it out" to a question that's being sincerely asked....IDK, man, it really makes you think on who needs to figure what out lol

Is that just me or nah?


Some background: I made the mistake of actually engaging with a Youtube comment today. I know, I know, rookie mistake, but some of them can lead to intetesting convos. It basically went something like this:

Random: (talking about Baldur's Gate 3's Character Creator) It's 2023, a game shouldn't need modders to add things you can do in unmodded Skyrim. They failed

Me: There's a lotta things you can do here that you can't do in Skyrim and vice versa, not just in character creation. That's...kinda normal, so what's the problem here?

Random: I like how you say BG3's character creator's better but never offered any examples. Continue to not understand basic concepts.

Me: Listen. I'm not picking a fight, just trying to understand the complaints here. Also, never said it was better, just that there are things that you can't do in Skyrim that you can in BG3 and vice versa. But if you want a list on things you can do: gives list and other examples, even on what you can do in Skyrim but not in BG3's CC. There's differences, but yeah, not every game's gonna try and emulate Skyrim or Witcher "but better" (and even if they do, they'll always be something they won't do as well).

Random: your opinion is subjective, so is mine. I dismiss your points and subjectively choose mine.

Me: And that's valid, man! Hey, so, about those basic concepts i couldn't get, what exactly were they?

Random: figure it out yourself


I did say it was petty lmao

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