Just want to say this it sucks that you're experiencing issues with something that should be so easy, always frustrating when something like that happens. Can assure you it's not an issue with Mint though, hopefully this doesn't put you off from using such a great distro.
Even suggesting REDACTED repulses the people who it would serve the most. Completely uninformed and lack of critical thinking.
I forget the word for this, outpoopification? Insufficification? It escapes me.
Because of Atomic right?
Sumguyonline keeping things real for the masses
hey, if you type in your pw, it will show as stars
********* see!
What about yours?
Linux Mint is terrific, also recommend it to new Linux users. I just want things easy, clean, and fast. Also, fuck Microsoft.
Debian + KDE
The creator of Zig is a dope dude, one of the best Killer Queen players to have played the game.
The billionaires have won, we are not getting the implementation of AI that helps us the most until we FIGHT the class war.
They are fucking losers, saved you a click.
Bill Belichick became a game developer!