
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 hour ago

Damn skippy. We own all our cars hell just bought a 20 year old truck for 3300. Fuck paying 40 to 90k on fucking car. Plus all the computer bullshit where it can be expensive to fix, or worse car companies can shut down features or put them behind paywalls. Not happening for me.

I rather we had better public transportation though and not have to rely on cars to get around if I could I rather only have a small car or van that you use for long road trips and commute by bus or train.

[–] -3 points 1 day ago

Bats eat mosquitoes so we be killing off bats food supply. So just get bats and solve your mosquitoe problem.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I love to see her reprise her role in set in today's times. I loved this show!

[–] 1 points 3 days ago

Looks interesting but at same time looks like the old Crusing UsA game.

[–] 7 points 5 days ago

Yep no more overnight Walmart. Damn shame Covid plus Trump ruined everything.

[–] 10 points 5 days ago

Wasn't this motherfuckers show broken up and to be sold to pay the billions he owes? How is this asshole still allowed to go on the air and spew this bullshit?

[–] 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Yes exactly been twice as well and both times because my dad dragged me there as a kid. Said the wings are "good" they are terrible by the way.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

We have a space trucking movie that stars Dennis Hopper. A game based on that would be cool. It's on Amazon right now:

[–] 21 points 1 week ago

Yall doing that and meanwhile in America we are allowing one to run for the presidency.

[–] 17 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

As a US Cellular customer I don't like the sound of this at all. I have been a customer with US for over ten years and they treat me well even allow to extending your bill when needed. T mobile were assholes that if you didn't pay day it was due you phone was shut off no expectations.

Fuck T mobile got rid of them when back in 2011 they tried to send me a 1000 dollar bill and this was before high dollar smartphones. Didn't have any. When I challenged the bill they assisted thar owed that for two filp phones. I said pound sand and disputed and won when they tried to ding my credit later. Now I am getting fucked because they are trying buy out my carrier.

[–] 15 points 1 week ago

To be fair Trump is orange maybe orange people are dumb and inferior, we don't know haven't met any orange people. But his kids are all just as dumb so it definitely in the genes with them. The rest of us are human and come in all shades and intelligences.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago

Thanks now I have ptsd, worse sound every. I hated that when it happen. Question how come we never see this happen with PS3 snd above? Did they fix something or disk just made better?


This is bullshit. Apply spend 30 minutes doing assignments and when you get text saying congratulations they want to interview you think you get an interview.

This probably one of those fake job postings I heard about. Pisses me off. Haven't had to look for work in over 5 years and now I am stuck applying for shit jobs. There no normall way to find work these days.

Even was told now companies use "AI" to filter out resumes before a human even sees it.

Edit: Reached HR and they explained that it's not a mistake. They really do it this way. Apparently when Autumn Lyons wants to interview me it is fake because it's sent to thousands of people and they have only so many slots.

It suggested that I check the link several times a day until a slot comes available.

Well I am not playing that fucking game. You want to interview me then do so. Fucking assholes.


Why is one book in the middle of series narrated by someone else? The Zoey Ashe series did the same thing. Mildly frustrating.


I was eating at a restaurant and they had Faux news on (I know it sucks and hate that we have to see that garbage)

They were discussing the border and they claim that over 1.5 million people are trying to cross into the US from 150 plus other countries. Knowing how they can be so full of shit hard to imagine that being true.

But it did get me wondering there is a lot of people trying to cross and the ariel shots I seen If true we are talking about thousands trying to flee into the states.

Instead of trying to stop them from crossing why are we not addressing the cause? How come we aren't maybe trying to see if we can solve the problem that causing them from running away from their homes?

I am sure America is probably responsible for some of that turmoil so why we not discussing that and fixing our mess instead of trying pass bills closing our boarders?

Also on a side note sick of all the fucking mega fucks and racist rednecks throwing fits about the boarder. Unless your native American we all fucking immigrants. Especially all the caucuses.

Just why are we allowing this to cause us to almost on the brink of a civil war. Bad enough that we locking these people in cages. That something the Biden administration should have ended on day one of his administration.

So what could we be doing to fix this problem?


The Fucking ad covers the content I literally could not get back into his comic strip because of the Fucking unremoveable ad covering the content. Guess time for that ad blocker.


Yet the first act is going be U2? What are your thoughts?

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