Hopefully, we'll open Canada's doors to Americans like you soon. Sending you digital hugs my friend.
In Canada, the public discourse has finally caught up with this. We'll see how long Europe takes to get past the denial stage.
I mean, you could argue they're more like Fascist Italy. The parallel with Germany is mainly that they're already a great power.
The .ml mod history is full of people getting banned for whatever, and shoehorned into rule 1. I know, because every time my posts don't get votes for a while I go and check it, just in case.
Man, that must be tough for them. Lemmings run between solidly Democrat and contemplating critical support for Pol-Pot.
Honestly, it's been better than Reddit so far, probably because of who's self-selected into being here. In the long run, I expect it will be the same.
Like someone else said, there's prominent Marxist-Leninist instances, including this one to a degree, so this probably isn't the place if you want to talk about you're cool new landlord sidehustle (for one example). Most of Lemmy (like everywhere I've been, probably even NCD) leans left of the IRL center, but it sounds like that won't slip you up.
They've actually been pretty much tied with the Russians for the last year, I'd say. Russia's bigger, but also taking way more losses, so in the end the front line has stayed put.
Intellectual honesty tends not to be a primary motivator itself.
The half that didn't die as kids, you mean?
French nuclear program: Fin!
Interesting. Mine suggested packing it with vasoline and cotton to keep all water out. I actually just wore a shower cap kinda sideways.
Did you need surgery too?
Yes. That's a lot of older African-Americans, from what I've heard. Church every Sunday, but they'd chew off their own leg before they vote Trump.
My impression is that the average .world user is a progressive. Some stray towards centrism, some are communist. The Pol-Pot post I saw was on Hexbear.
IRL, well, you know.