Yes, the pressure is immense and I suspect most would not miss it if they could just let it go and could experience life without it.
joined 2 years ago
Reduce, reuse, recycle in that order of priority.
The economics of Christmas spending is mind boggling. It's not a harmless once a year indulgence.
Thank you, I'm grateful for anyone who gets where I'm coming from with this.
That's awesome, but let's not ignore the billions in profits, and questionable spending, and plastic waste production that goes on every year because people feel cultural pressure to buy things for other adults. For every one thoughtful person like you, there's a thousand buying junk nobody wants or needs.
Thank you for the adult perspective.
I don't see it as that black and white. Kids get special treatment in many different contexts.
Thank you, well said.
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I've worked at a lot of different places and in my experience it varies a lot.
Some bosses cut everybody slack. Some bosses are jerks and cut nobody any slack. I would say most of them play favorites with their employees (some are blatant about it, some are more subtle). Some bosses cut the workers with kids more slack. Some bosses cut the workers with kids less slack.
Anecdotal evidence is like that. It's emotionally compelling, but doesn't really tell us what's going on in the bigger picture.