
joined 9 months ago
[–] 3 points 4 months ago (1 children)

lol yeah, the grey sticky stuff 😋

[–] 4 points 4 months ago

me being autistic at the same time not knowing that was looked down upon: you gonna finish your fries??

[–] 3 points 4 months ago (4 children)

yoooo, my first adult bed, furniture set, and laptop were from the trash. rich kids in college towns throw out the best stuff. it was a Compaq, and the only problem was overheating because it needed that heat sink lube.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Is asking questions about basic things an ADHD thing? I thought it was an autism thing.

[–] 20 points 4 months ago (5 children)

Yep, already dropped of my mail-in ballot in person and received an email from the county election supervisor that my vote counted 🤠

[–] 15 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I would censor the work f--k because it might come off like you're being passive aggressive and aren't really trying. Reminds of the time the actor that played Burke on Grey's Anatomy called the actor that played George a fa---t, then made a public apology saying he's sorry he called him a fa---t and that he wont say fa---t again, except he said the word. People got even more pissed, and I think he was fired from the show. 🤦

I previously made a comment on how I've learned to apologize if you're interested.

[–] 6 points 4 months ago (1 children)

ive been disconnected. what happened?

[–] 39 points 4 months ago

exactly what i was thinking about. it was such a tense and shameful period.


These might be the good old days. Go outside, feel the grass, say wassup to your neighbors,... whatever you do that means community, because sh*t might get bad for a while.

[–] 0 points 4 months ago

thx! updated the title 🌳🌳🌳

[–] 4 points 4 months ago

you got it, dude 👶👍

[–] 3 points 4 months ago (12 children)

“the sticks” doesn’t mean poor

Is there an informal term that would describe poor rural neighborhoods similar to ghetto/barrio?

[–] 5 points 4 months ago

When you’re poor, everything smells like whatever’s on sale.

That's right!! For me, it was like whatever I had that was nice. If someone got me a nice shirt, I would protect that shirt and only wear it to special events that I knew would not place the shirt in any danger (physical activity, stains from cooking or painting, etc.). I kind of still do that and have a few shirts that are ~20 years old, a backpack that is 23 years old, and a multi-tool that's about 21 yrs old. Never though that was associated with growing up poor, but it makes sense now.


Things in poor neighborhoods are done differently than in middle- and upper- class neighborhoods. People that grow up in poor neighborhoods develop behaviors, customs, and beliefs that are different from other neighborhoods because they are part of surviving in the struggle. When they move on up, some of those behaviors, customs, and beliefs are no longer necessary and can even be harmful (e.g. strong reactions to perceived attacks). Others may actually provide an advantage (e.g. living through power outages). Regardless, these changes can cause a sense of estrangement from their childhood and original culture, leading to some resistance. Given all that:

What did you change and what did you keep?


I've had my dog for 2.5 years now. This might seem like a silly question to most, but I'm kind of oblivious to some things that are obvious to most people (e.g. having allergies, knowing when I'm hungry, when I should go to the doctor, etc.) so I would appreciate helpful responses.


  • If my dog gets on my bed, I sleep poorly until I change the sheets.
  • If I sleep with my dog in my room, I wake up tired and like I had trouble breathing all night. It's like if my airway was smaller/tighter. I've already been assessed for sleep apnea and they said I'm okay.
  • Even without my dog in the room or on the sheets, when I sleep at home, I wake up pretty tired and it takes me a while to get going in the morning. This doesn't happen when I sleep elsewhere like at hotels.
  • If I clean up my house really well and change the air filter, it seems like I have more energy for a few days.
  • If I take a cetrizine (Zertec) or loratadine (Claratin), I feel a little better in the morning, but it's not like if I slept elsewhere. I don't feel fine, just a little less bad.
  • Basically, I'm always tired when I sleep at home.
  • If I pet a dog and touch my eyes immediately after, my eyes get itchy until I wash them out. This will happen with their saliva as well.
  • If I run my forearm across a dog's back from tail to head and the dog has thick fur, I will get hives from the fur slightly poking my soft skin.
  • If they lick my skin and I don't rinse it off, I may get hives too.


  • I'm mostly fine throughout the day with regards to what I assume are allergies. My nose is fine, and I rarely sneeze. It's only related to sleep.
  • My nose doesn't get stuffy like I see in other people.

Writing this out, it seems like it's highly probable. If so, what options do I have?

  • Could it be something else causing the sleep issues at home?
  • Is this a reason to see a doctor?
  • Are there meds that work better than Zertec & Claritin and wont make me feel funky like with Benadryl?
  • Do I need to accept that I can't have a dog?
  • Maybe I can make my dog an outside dog? But that seems terrible for a dog that's been inside their whole life and follows me everywhere I go in the house (she's a Rottie). I don't want to sleep poorly and be at 60% for another 10 years.

This is a lot 😬

Edit: Alright, I've got an appt with the doc in 2 weeks. Thanks for the help, everyone!


If you never lived where it snows and were moving North to where it does snow, what would you have liked to have known? What would you do to prepare?



An accepting, humorous, and social community to request and share drawings inspired by this post. No drawing is bad unless it violates the rules.

How to

  1. Make a post requesting a specific drawing.
  2. Respond to posts/requests by commenting their submission to the request.
  3. Respond to submissions as you please.


  1. Drawings must somehow match the request
  2. Do not submit your own drawing in a post. Instead, submit it as a comment to your post.
  3. Follow instance rules


  1. Fun enjoyable drawings without considerable concern for their quality
  2. Improvised drawings
  3. Ridiculousness
  4. Enjoyable praise and conversations
  5. Participation of users that are "bad" at drawing
  6. High quality drawings that are humorous or creative

Is there a bot for creating reminders on Lemmy? Say for example I see a comment that I would like to be reminded of in 3 months, I could reply to the comment with "remindme 3 months" or "remindme February 2, 2025" and on Feb 2, I get a direct message in my inbox reminding of the comment with a link.


Looking for the perspective of anyone that has lived anywhere in the USA and moved to Puerto Rico. What's it like, what's different, what's nicer, what was unexpected, and would you recommend the move?


With winter coming up, I have two options for home heating.

Central unit

  • I can use the central unit and close/open vents throughout the house to heat up only the individual rooms I want. This would heat up rooms very quickly. However, to make this work, the living room with the thermostat will also need to be heated so that the thermostat reads the proper temperature. The living room is by far the largest space at about 2.5 times the size of the largest room.

Oil-filled radiator

  • I can use an oil-filled radiator to heat up an individual room. This would be much slower, but I wouldn't have to heat up the entire living room. However, the oil-filled heater might not be as efficient as the central unit. I don't know. I plan to rarely heat up the living, no more than once per month.

Edit: The central heating unit is actually a heating kit made up of a few coils that is added to the central a/c.

Edit 2: Where I live, it might freeze once per year over night for a few hours.

Which would be more efficient on the electrical bill, and would t be considerable or negligible?


Meme: Sad Pablo Escobar meme moping around

Caption: Me waiting for the hot water to reach the sink every morning


Meme: Sad Pablo Escobar meme moping around

Caption: Me waiting for the hot water to reach the sink every morning


The universe is humongous.

  • The hard drive space is practically limited to the Big Bang on one end and the heat death of the universe on the other, but it contains all of the data for everything that exists. That's massive.

  • The RAM is massive because it's handling all the variables and changes of the present.

  • The cache is much smaller as established by the study that found the universe is not locally real. Things only happen once they are observed, but it happens almost instantaneously. Still, the cache is massive because it is handling everything that is being observed at the same time. That's a lot of things.

All of the above are massive extremes. However,

  • The processing speed is limited at the speed of light. In comparison to the others, the speed of light is soooooo ridiculously slow, causing a bottle neck.

PS - Massive because it's mass I've observed. Not really tho, you silly goat. Big bang while I swig Tang and watch a twig hang.


Obviously, I've heard of table salt (NaCl), but I've also heard of others substances being called salts. What do they mean by something being a salt?

There's the regular Clorox bleach that we use with whites, but then there is non-chlorine bleach. What is a bleach?

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