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[–] 2 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago)

Since Psychopathy and Sociopathy are ranges rather than absolutes, it's estimated that about 4% of humans are Psychopaths or Sociopaths and we're talking about the what's basically the handful of people in a universe of over 300 million who seeks and achieves positions at the top of the Power Duopoly in the US in a domain well know for it's cut-throating and backstabbing, I would say that the odds heavily favour the explanation of them being very high on the Sociopath (or Psychopath) - so called "well adjusted Sociopaths" - spectrum than them being normal people who are "relaxed about personally enabling the murder of tens of thousands of children".

The image of a Sociopaths or Psychopath who actively seeks to inflict horrible pain on others for their own pleasure is incredibly atypical and Hollywoodesque - being high on those scales just means having no empathy for others, including their suffering or joy, and the result is that a Sociopath or Psychopath simply does that which they think is better for themselves and they can get away with (they care about the consequences for themselves, not for others), with absolutely no consideration for how that makes others feel, hence harm or even death of others is fine since that has the same emotional resonance for them as breaking an inanimate object.

[–] 1 points 21 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago) (1 children)

Fossil Fuels are decreasing as a percentage of the overall energy supply that powers so much of the Economy and Industrial and Agricultural production in Western Economies are a small fraction of the total (less than 20% together).

Nowadays it's not about the West making things with pillaged resources from the Global South, it's all Financialization and the Ultra-Wealthy extracting the last leftover wealth from everybody, everything and everywhere like the endgame in a Monopoly Game.

Oil by itself is not enough justification, IMHO.

Besides, Israel is being the very opposite of a force for stability in the region, which isn't going to help the Petro-Dollar.

(If you go check the Gold markets, it's never been this high, something which possibly signals increasing distrust in the US Dollar and other main currencies)

[–] 7 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 23 hours ago)

The Economy is not booming, it's only the prices of Assets such as houses that are in a bubble.

Last time around the "wealth" (even if illusory) was spreading a lot more and causing all sorts of things to grow by feeding consumption, as well as a general feeling of prosperity (until it turned out it was illusory and the whole castle of cards fell) whilst this time around it's pretty much only large asset owners who are actually gaining from this whilst the rest just increasingly feel poorer and more treading water ever harder merelly not to drown.

It's a different Economic climate and even a different feeling for most people, even if both periods share the house price bubble.

PS: And, by the way, this is not just in the US.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

The only way to equate Israel with the Jewish Religion is to be a Racist - it requires one to believe that "Jews are all the same" hence they are all represented by Israel. This is expecially Racist given that there are many Jews who are openly critical of Israel, its actions and even its existence - it doesn't get much more obviously Racist than when non-Jews claim to know better about Jewishness and who represents All Jews than actual people who are Jews.

This is how you spot the Racists: not just the obvious ones but also the kind that playacts as anti-Racist whilst in practice, as I pointed out, holding extremelly prejudiced views viewing, judging and treating other human beings as "etnic group members" rather than people - they'll tell you all about what people of other etnicities are like and how you should support or not people based entirelly on the ethnicity they were born into.

In my personal experience Britain is riddled with Racist thinking, but a lot of it was disguised as "support of 'good' races" (only they carefully avoided the word "race"), except when it came to Muslims since discrimination against them has long been treated as acceptable.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

You can chose to dip you hands in the blood of thousands of dead children by activelly rewarding a candidate who is enabling their murder, or you can chose not to.

Given the lack of Democracy in the American system, that means that you either participate hence end up with blood on your hands no matter which of the two electable candidates you vote for or do not participate.The choices of others who do participate are irrelevant for that decision.

Justifying your choice of supporting a enabler of child murder candidate because others might chose the candidate you dislike the most and hence makes you fear for yourself, is not the high moral standpoint you seem to think it is.

Absolutely, it's a though choice. However this preaching you and those like you are doing about "Not voting is a vote for Trump" is not done from the top of a Moral High Horse, it's from the top of the pile of the bloody bones of tens of thousands of murdered children which is still growing, and driven by at best selfish self-preservation not any kind of selfless moral principle.

So spare us the bullshit.

[–] 13 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (5 children)

The slaughter of innocent children makes no difference to sociopaths.

If there is one thing this Genocide on its way to Holocaust has shown us. is that the Democrat Party leadership are without a doubt sociopaths of the worst kind: a normal person with the power they have would not be actively helping it by sending the Neue Nazis the very weapons which they know are being used to massacre children.

There really is no other possible conclusion: no normal person would go "yeah but our campaign contributions from the AIPAC are more important than tens of thousands of dead children" or "yeah but the profits of the MIC shareholders are more important than tens of thousands of dead children".

[–] 14 points 1 day ago (3 children)

So a re-run of 2006-2007, but this time around there wasn't even an actual boom preceeding this.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

Well, you definitelly have "room for growth" with it, especially if you don't care about the fan running (i.e. sustained loads above 20% or so) which in my case and since the thing is in my living room I would rather not have (especially since Mini-Pcs tend to have smaller fans which have to rotate faster hence are more noisy).

[–] 4 points 1 day ago

I read it as being particularly good at it, since everybody does indeed do pattern matching and can spot details.

That format of presentation - especially when the choice was clearly made to go for more points rather than more depth per point - is unsuitable for precise, detailed explanations, so expecting otherwise isn't exactly logic.

As somebody who, judging by everything else in there matches that particular part of the spectrum (though never formally diagnosed) I've always had an eye for details and am big at figuring things out via pattern matching (I.e. notice that certain combinations of things tend to go along with certain other combinations of things or outcomes) which is also what powers the "skip" thinking (you can jump directly to a list of possibly explanations by recognizing that it shares a pattern with something else whose explanation I already have and then work backwards from there to confirm if indeed one of those possible explanations is the correct one).

I've studied and worked in highly intellectual areas (Science and Technology) and have seldom come across others with a similar style of thinking so to me it makes sense that in that graph those things are there in the sense of more/better than most.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Same here.

Set up a mini PC with one some months ago as a home media box (with Kodi on Lubuntu) in my living room, which also works as a NAS and Torrent client over always on VPN.

CPU usage tends to be below 10% and you almost never hear the fan on the box turn on.

All this on a machine with a TDP of 15W.

I'd say the N100 is massivelly overpowered to be used just as a NAS.

[–] 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

It's called Stockholm Syndrome: people without options often end up genuinelly believing that the guy who tortures them only twice a week rather than daily is "deep down a good guy" and even "is our friend".

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I suspect sometime ago it switched from belief in him to most market players believing that "enough people will believe this guy's shit that the line will go up so best jump in early", essentially a self-made prophecy as long as enough people believe that others believe.

In that sense this result of his presentation pushing the line down A LOT means that even the idea that no matter how much he's lying he will move the market up is finished and his bullshit being a Midas Touch has now reached the natural endlife of becoming a Shit Touch.

That being so, has much more massive implications for Elon's business success and wealth as well as that of companies links to him, than merely the market losses in this one instance, since he is very much a One Trick Pony whose "bullshitter of tech fanboys" trick has stopped working and nobody is going to be betting on Elon pushing the line up anymore, the core of his success in getting wildass ideas funded and his companies in non-Tech industries getting Tech-style market valuations.

The next couple of years for Elon are going to be really "interesting".

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