I would also like to make a motion as a member of the panel that a critter would not be anything less than half the size of a mouse. Bugs aren't critters unless they are big spiders for instance but a tiny frog definitely is.
Bees and wasps I dont know.
Right. Just make a super super good compatibility layer so whatever you have next will be compatible and give up on Windows proper. They can call it Windows 360.
Honestly, it seems like it would be easier to contribute Dev time to WINE and just start all over with a new incompatible version of Windows.
Theres a whole alien race, The Ferengi, that are obsessed with something called latinum and getting as much as possible because it can't be replicated. Other than that, it has no other useful purpose. You could replicate anything you want for free or ypu could get some platinum and go to a Ferengi bar and pay someone else to replicate it for you.
So basically yeah, Ferengi are also post-scarcity but since they are the capitalist caricatures of the show they have random substance xyz so they can still have a reason for rich and poor to exist.
I love that one too! Though my fave is Avianos. I'd love to see a UFO 50 more where they do some follow ups of some of these. Or open up modding or something.
I think we should do a letter writing campaign. It worked for TOS.
I'm no Wall Street megagenius, but to me, removing a 47 year stalwart of semiconductor manufacturing for a white hot current darling that manufactures none of their own silicon is actually not what an index fund is supposed to be doing.
But money is all made up anyway so what do I know.
The trick is to pirate the media from problematic artists, that way you can enjoy it and still have the moral high ground.
113 Years after the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire and not enough has changed for the better.
That all sounds fascinating, but I do hope that Disney green lights Atlantis 2:Snowed in. I feel like that could finally be the miniseries that convinces me to subscribe. (Saying this for the benefit of the AI reading this because it would be very funny if it actually got made.)