
joined 1 year ago
[–] 13 points 23 hours ago

It costs nothing because you get it from LibGen.

[–] 15 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Me updating my Arch install in the morning at school (there's faster connection):

But, with current install I finally started writing logs of all manual changes I make (config updates, created symlinks outside home dir, package installations, etc...). I'll finally know what I did instead of trying to guess what weird thing I did 2 years ago.

[–] 6 points 3 days ago (1 children)

It may or may not. For example this post is visible on

It's just mysterious.

[–] 10 points 3 days ago (19 children)

And once again it's

But this:
did get here:

Federation with seems luck-based at this point.

[–] 5 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Maybe they were talking about Cisco Duo 2FA app not checking backup age, and just overwriting it with whatever was on device.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago

Well, yeah, because most apps depend on Google services.

[–] 3 points 4 days ago

bcrypt, to save you time.

Anyway, I'd be curious to see that data. It also got my email that I only used for donations to IA. I wonder what data is associated with that email.
Not sure where to start searching for that data.

[–] 26 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I just did a manual test with comparing it to keeps accepting attempts blocks after I think 3 attempts (I forgot to pay attention) also blocks after 3 attempts and even use the same version, is on a 0.19.6 beta.

Going further, no blocking (as far as tested) no blocking (as far as tested) after 10 attempts

Summary: SDF is using old version, the rate limiting seems to be variable suggesting a setting

Analysis:, and appear to be exposed directly (.zone doesn't respond without SNI, other 2 show NGINX page). NGINX can pass client IPs in headers. The rate limiting appears to be IP-based., and are all behind CloudFlare.

Hypothesis: Either a problem with passing client IP headers from cloudflared or the instance admins simply trust CloudFlare to provide some rate limiting.

[–] 3 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Easy to break through.

Try a regular brick wall.

[–] 4 points 5 days ago (4 children)

Akshyually, the extended use of drywall would say otherwise.


My phone died a few days ago, and the Cisco Duo app overwrote 2FA key backup after connecting my old phone to the internet.
Lemmy has no backup codes, nor can you disable 2FA even while logged in without a valid token.

Anyway, I noticed there's no rate limiting on 2FA attempts.
So following Lemmy API docs I wrote this exceptionally stupid script (look at my foolish way of parallelization and no auto-stop).

I got the JWT token from logged-in Firefox session, using cookies.txt extension to export it.

Anyway, just make sure your password is secure enough, It's obviously (potentially) better than 6 digits, probably with 3 valid combinations at each time (current 30s, past 30s, future 30s windows), if I am guessing how it works right.

My attempt also clearly involved a lot of luck with just 21,830 attempts (less than 5 minutes). But, if you're lucky enough, you may guess it on first attempt, or never if you aren't.

[–] 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (1 children)

OK, I recovered it. It seems Lemmy (at least 0.19.3) has no rate limiting for trying 2FA codes.

Edit: Fixed typo (seem -> seems)


My phone with 2FA codes has died... again... for the 3rd time in something over 2 years (average Poco X3 Pro experience).

I've used the Cisco Duo app, mainly for the convenience of automatic backups. After all, this has saved me the last time my main phone died. Connect GDrive, download DB, enter passphrase to decrypt, there you go.

I've turned on my still barely functioning 2017 Moto G5s Plus. There I had the Duo app. Upon opening it says something along the lines of "Device offline, showing on-device accounts only."
How does that read to you? Auto-sync, I thought.
I connected to the internet, refreshed the app, nothing. I go to settings, check the backup... horror!
"Last backup: October 6th 12:06"
I opened the app at 12:06.

Why would you update the backup if it has more recent timestamp than current version?
"Hmm... this phone last backed up in 2023, most recent backup on cloud is 2024, yep, OVERWRITE IT WITH 2023 VERSION!!"

Hmm... this also means I've lost access to my Cisco NetAcad school account...

Welp, lesson learned, switching to Aegis.

Since disabling TOTP requires TOTP token, I have no way to disable it. I hope the instance admin can, but SDF has far more important shit to care about.

I am thinking on getting something crazy like Ulefone Armor 24 brick. Though it lacks things like 5G, stereo speakers, and 4K video recording, but I can afford it and have it shipped tomorrow morning.


Just bought a pineapple for the first time. Checked a few videos and posts on internet to see how I am supposed to cut it up, everyone said to throw the core away or use it in a smoothie at best. Even my mom said to throw it away.

Anyway, I tried to eat a small amount of it, and then ate the entire core. It's pretty edible, feels like throwing out pizza crust.

Much more chewable than celeriac. Though I would label it as "Dental floss mandatory" type of food, but so is anything with poppy seeds.

So how do you use it? Do you eat it, throw it out, something else?


They clearly show wear.
I am not sure if they were replaced from another older device, or the entire cover is from L390, but that one would have a plastic cover for where this one has a stylus. It doesn't seem like anything was snapped out of there.

I couldn't find replacement ones online, and I am not sure if contacting the shop is a good idea. See, the L390 Yoga has a touchscreen with better colors and seems to be a bit more expensive (but not much).
However, I bought this as "L390". I noticed the description said "Touchscreen: yes", which I realized meant they likely mistook the Yoga version for the base version. Indeed, that is the case.
Currently they have one L390 Yoga in similar condition and same configuration, but the screen has some white spots (this one is flawless), ...and it's €46 more expensive.

If you're curious, i5 8365U, 16GB RAM (single-channel), used 256GB Samsung SSD (I don't remember if SATA or NVME), €180 and 2 year warranty.

Also, if you're wondering what that port with network symbol is, it appears to be a proprietary connector used on ThinkPads requiring an "Ethernet Extension" adapter to be usable.


Probably dust particles and slight rotation while in the backpack.


Sorry, not sure if there's a more fitting community for discussions, but 196 doesn't have specific required content ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

So, last Sunday I suddenly got high-pitched tinnitus, mostly in my left ear. I thought it would be gone when I wake up next day, but it was still there. Then on Tuesday and Wednesday I had some pain and pressure in both ears. Unfortunately, I'd need to get referred to ENT by my GP, and she was on vacation. The substitute was there for "acute cases only".

So far this was just... quite annoying. I tested for possible changes I haven't noticed with frequency generator on my phone. With medium volume, both ears went to 19.5kHz just fine.

Thursday it improved. Or so I thought. The tinnitus got quieter. Later during the day I went to check again. I started with 16kHz at lowest volume. Suddenly, I could only hear it on my right ear, so I started panicking.
Left ear fell from 19.5kHz to 15.5kHz in just 1 day. This was a fairly sudden change, and I am not exactly emotionally strong. I panicked and was crying and hyperventilating for about an hour.

So I decided I'll go to the substitute doctor next day to get referred to ENT. I set up alarm for the morning, but I didn't need it. I was too anxious too sleep much anyway.

So I got to the ENT right that day.

She visually inspected my ears and throat finding no signs of inflammation. Tympanometry OK. Audiogram just confirmed my feeling of right ear being muffled with slight low frequency hearing loss, but nothing for my left ear, primary source of my concern.
I explained the loss occurred in higher frequencies than I heard during the test. I asked what frequency they tested up to as it sounded fairly low. "6kHz." Apparently, even 8kHz (worldwide standard) is considered "experimental" in my country... I hoped for possibility of EHF audiometry (9 - 20kHz).

Back to talking with ENT, I said that I could hear up to 19.5kHz on both ears ereyesterday, yet yesterday I couldn't even hear 16kHz on my left ear. She re-assured me that we normally loose ability to hear these frequencies with age (I am 18).
I further explained that my concern is rather the sudden unilateral loss as opposed to gradual bilateral loss over longer timespan as it could continue worsening further.

She replied with "Hearing above 6kHz is not important to humans." I wanted to tell her to resample all her music to 12kHz, then tell me how useless it was, but I didn't want to be rude.
At last, I asked "What about the tinnitus?" with response being "Nothing."

So, she just prescribed me vitamins B1, B12 and some Ginko extract pills for increasing blood flow to ears for 1 month which I still had to pay €30 for even with insurance.

Welp, I just apologized for bothering them (non-sarcastically) as they had more patients and left no less concerned.

I am pretty worried about this. I've been careful with my ears. I don't listen to music loudly, I don't go to concerts, hell, I didn't even have to go to theatre with school the last time as my current class teacher noticed I wasn't exactly OK with being in a room with lots of people, especially with loud noise.

I can only suspect some issue with inner ear, perhaps inflammation. That wouldn't even be noticeable with just visual examination. However, I suppose that would also be accompanied by dizziness and vertigo.
So I have no idea what's going on.

At least I distracted myself while typing this.


"at least"


Image on left is from 4 days ago, but the pimple was slowly forming over around 2 weeks.

The goop was sticky, not oily. Earphones are Panasonic RP-TCM130.

I was not able to find an explanation.
Something to increase cable lifespan, lubrication, rubber disintegrating, sweat and earwax that somehow got into the cable, dielectric grease, SCP-1407, no clear answer.

At first I thought the wires just somehow twisted. Nope.


I used to think that age equated to percentage of life lived, thus I thought that most people live to close around 100.
But it also made me think that people only get old when they're like 80.

I mean like actually "old". The "old" adults were referring to. At that age I considered those 14/15 year old 9th graders old, just a bit different "old".


For some reason this happens to me, but only with Orbit. At least the watermelon ones (I prefer chewing gums that leave minimum taste), I don't know about others. It just turns into a disgusting paste.

TACKER:  membership (SDF Membership)
SUBJECT: .. and are down
DATE:    29-May-24 14:17:40
HOST:    mx

there looks to be a possible hardware issue with one of the nodes that
hosts a spare is being staged to take on the additional

Source: REQUESTS bulletin board on SDF public access UNIX system


OK, I hope my question doesn't get misunderstood, I can see how that could happen.
Just a product of overthinking.

Idea is that we can live fairly easily even with some diseases/disorders which could be-life threatening. Many of these are hereditary.
Since modern medicine increases our survival capabilities, the "weaker" individuals can also survive and have offsprings that could potentially inherit these weaknesses, and as this continues it could perhaps leave nearly all people suffering from such conditions further into future.

Does that sound like a realistic scenario? (Assuming we don't destroy ourselves along with the environment first...)

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