LA is in the subtropics latitude, which means that the 4 seasons don't exist. Instead there is the wet season (spring, summer) and the dry season (autumn, winter). So because we are coming to the mid-ending of the dry season, that's when most of the wildfires hit, as the soil is at its driest.
joined 1 year ago
for single random events that is true, but you cant consistently get patterns of random events. you cant infinitely flip a coin and get a tail every time.
i feel like whats missing in this discussion is the effect of quantum mechanics on consciousness. there is some research that shows that randomness introduced by quantum particles can affect synapses, and theoretically consciousness. and I think that even on infinite scales you can't really get the same exact quantum patterns, they will never repeat, or else it wouldn't really be random.
yeah i guess because its subtropic its kind of shifted, tho in a weirder way than i thought. thank you for the on the ground account