
joined 2 years ago
[–] 4 points 4 days ago

We're God's creation but God is a lazy kid that rushed the science project for the whole semester in six days and barely half assed it hoping no one digs too deep into it

[–] 5 points 1 week ago

I'd say some rather familiar smells

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Loneliness is my pet. Low maintenance, no noise or weird smells in my house.
100% recommended

[–] -4 points 1 week ago

Whoever wrote the caption doesn't understand shit about masculinity or frailty

[–] 35 points 2 weeks ago

The FBI is trying to trick me into feeling guilty, too bad I was the firstborn of a single mother and this shit does not work on me anymore

[–] 17 points 2 weeks ago

I love myself a bit of Streisand effect in the late afternoon

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Please don't eat in your lab. That's how you get contamination poisoning

[–] 1 points 4 weeks ago

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know ethnic cleansing had sub-cathegories

[–] 12 points 1 month ago (1 children)

The yellow slice is not centered and it's upsetting me

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

I think you got it backwards, I mean the new one doesn't have cohesion: the parallel stories don't really match with each other


When we get too involved in online matters, disconnecting from the internet and getting a hold of the real world is an analogy to the Greek Philosoper's work


Maybe they keep typing "Erth" and this brings them to the goddamn Triangulum Galaxy or some sht



PARIS, Sept 12 (Reuters) - Apple must stop selling its iPhone 12 model in France due to above-threshold radiation levels, France's junior minister for the digital economy told newspaper Le Parisien in an interview published on Tuesday.

France's radiation watchdog ANFR notified Apple of its decision to ban iPhone 12 sales after it had carried out tests which showed the smartphone's Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) was slightly higher than legally allowed, Jean-Noel Barrot told the paper.

Apple did not immediately reply to a Reuters request for comment.

Barrot said a software update would be sufficient to fix the radiation issues linked to the phone which the U.S. company has been selling since 2020.

"Apple is expected to respond within two weeks", he said, adding: "If they fail to do so, I am prepared to order a recall of all iPhones 12 in circulation. The rule is the same for everyone, including the digital giants."

The European Union has set safety limits for SAR values linked to exposure to mobile phones, which could increase the risk of some forms of cancer according to scientific studies.

The French watchdog will now pass on its findings to regulators in other EU member states. "In practical terms, this decision could have a snowball effect", said Barrot.

In 2020, France widened regulations requiring retailers to display the radiation value of products on packaging beyond cell phones, including tablets and other electronic devices.

Reporting by Tassilo Hummel; Editing by Aurora Ellis


The issue can be seen here, in the section where I'm talking about spoilers.

When using backslash breaks while describing the Markdown syntax for spoilers, I noticed that Jerboa has some difficulties handling the rendering.

In my text I wrote

\:\:\: spoiler **warning! spoiler!**  
the butler did it  

but Jerboa rendered as if it was

-warning! spoiler!
the butler did it

If the same post is accessed by browser, it's rendered correctly so I don't think it's a syntax error


Hey everyone, I figured that some new users might not know that comments and posts have a formatting standard called Markdown.
In simple terms, Markdown is a (semi)universal language that uses formatting symbols to give a certain style to a portion of text.
This quick guide can help you to write in a way that's more appealing and easy to read.

New line put two spaces at the end of the line you want to break Line__
New paragraph return two times at the end of the paragraph Line↵↵
Horizontal rule between each paragraph put three "-" or "*" ***
Bold put your text between two "**" or "__" **Bold** or __Bold__
Italic put your text between two "*" or "_" *Italic* or _Italic_
~Sub~script put your text between two "~" ~Subscript~
^Super^script put your text between two "^" ^Superscript^
Inline code put your text between two "`" `sudo rm -rf /`
Headings and Titles put one or more "#" at the beginning of the line # Headings for level 1, ## Headings for level 2...
Blockquotes put ">" at the beginning of the line > Blockquote
Links put the the text between [ ] and the link between ( ) [Links]( )
Images Images like links but you put "!" before the first square bracket ![Images]( )

You can also do unordered lists using "-" at the beginning of each line:

- Salt
- Potatoes
- Beans

will become

  • Salt
  • Potatoes
  • Beans

Or ordered list by putting "1." at the beginning of each line:

1. Salt
2. Potatoes
3. Beans

will become

  1. Salt
  2. Potatoes
  3. Beans

You can save other users from spoilers by encasing a paragraph between a section that starts with ":::" followed by a space and the word "spoiler" + the title of the spoiler and ends with ":::". The spoiler will be hidden inside a menu and you'll be able to see it if you click on it

warning! spoiler!
the butler did it

will become

warning! spoiler!the butler did it

In the end you can also format big code blocks by putting "```" at the beginning and at the end of each paragraph

println("Hello World!")

will become

    println("Hello World!")  

Last but not least remember that you can always use break formatting syntax by putting "\" in front of a character:
so if I want "^" in my text without having the rest of the paragraph in superscript, I'm simply going to write "\^"

Now go and have fun!

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