
joined 1 year ago
[–] 103 points 19 hours ago (1 children)

After his 40 minute solo dance party, he’s probably exhausted.

[–] 7 points 2 days ago

It is not, in fact, cheaper to impose the death penalty.

I was given the con side of the death penalty to argue once in forensics. I was actually pro death penalty and one reason was that I thought it was cheaper. I went to do research on this because it was certainly a point I’d have to contend with from the pro side.

It is vastly more expensive to execute a prisoner than to imprison them for life.

Now you might think, hey that’s a link to a group that wants to get rid of the death penalty, of course they are going to say it’s more expensive. Go read the studies, I did, and again and again it is far more expensive to execute.

Why? Because we, pretty reasonably, put a high burden in front of the state before we allow them to kill a citizen. The legal process for both reaching the death penalty and then the numerous appeals to that decision is not cheap. It is a massive cost that the taxpayer has to bear to uphold the ruling and actually carry out the execution.

So it is far cheaper to house a person for life, and this shouldn’t really be that shocking. The prisons are built, the daily care of a prisoner is minimal, we provide them with the barest living conditions and food. The number of people we even could execute is a tiny percent of the prison population, so it’s not like they are taking up some huge amount of space and require us to build huge facilities to house them. If you could thanos snap every prisoner that could reasonably be executed out of existence, you wouldn’t free up enough prison housing space to close even a single facility, even more so when you consider that these prisoners are a handful in each facility.

The danger with “common sense” things that confirm our beliefs is that they can be wrong. The world is more complicated than it seems. I used to believe that it was cheaper to execute than to house. I was forced to argue the other side and because I’m competitive and want to win I did the research. I’m glad I did, it taught me an important lesson in not just believing something because it felt obviously correct.

All told, I’m not really sure I’m even against the death penalty. Some people are irredeemable and their deaths don’t weigh heavy on me. On the other hand, the idea of making it any easier for the state to execute me if they want to is unsettling. The common arguments in favor of the death penalty don’t really hold up. I’m an atheist, so I don’t believe the person is going to some eternal torture, they simply cease to exist. And it’s more expensive. From a practical standpoint I see little benefit for imposing the death penalty, but I understand the point of view of people being so reprehensible they don’t deserve to live even if it’s a high cost on society.

If you would like to continue arguing in favor of the death penalty though, you’ll do yourself a favor to go research the subject. It is more complicated and nuanced than you might think at first glance. And at the end of the day, if the thing you care about is cost, you’d never execute another person. It is far far more expensive to execute a prison than to house them.

[–] 1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)
[–] 15 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Hurricane Milton wouldn’t attack his namesake, that’s just bad form

[–] 44 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Let’s say he was dictator for one day only, just as a fun thought experiment.

That is also awful

Imagine someone walking into your house and saying, “I’m only going to ignore the law for 15 minutes while I’m here tonight.” Sorry, what the absolute fuck. Even if they kept their word that’s a monstrous thing to say, what the fuck are you going to do for those 15 minutes?!

That’s when you kick that fucker out of your house. So America, let’s kick that fucker out of this house.

[–] 15 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I heard from the woman that broke Jewish space lasers that “they” have the ability to move hurricanes. And so I guess “they” wanted to protect trumps orange house because “they” are secretly working for project 2025 and there’s probably a level Q drop coming soon to explain how this is all part of the plan but also is part of a different plan that true Americans have to fight like hell against…

God even play acting one of the brainwormed people for a paragraph is exhausting

[–] 29 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Fun fact about Eric Schmidt: he’s a moron

And you might be thinking, well yea, I can read the headline. But that’s not even what I’m talking about.

Inside google a bunch of engineers wanted to make chrome, you know that browser everyone uses and gives google an even more unfair strategic advantage. They literally had to hide this effort from Eric Schmidt because he’s a bean counting moron. He has negative strategic vision and would have killed the project.

Listening to this man prognosticate about anything is pointless. This is a man leading google that couldn’t see the value in owning the browser platform, he might be the dumbest person on earth.

[–] 39 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Seems an effective government would have organized taking this stuff to a landfill that was operating properly and would correctly store the debris.

Sounds like he sent trucks to a non operating landfill, then decided “landfills are just big fields you dump stuff right? It can’t possibly be more complicated than that”

Here’s a video about all the actual engineering that goes into proper waste management. Maybe the people that operated that landfill had roped it off because they knew no one would be there to correctly manage debris drop off

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (8 children)

We had a bunch of stalls in the 90s without doors, but the janitors told us it was just because asshole kids would break the doors for fun and the school would run out of money to repair them.

Even just partially damaging a door can make it a dangerous enough that the school would rather take it down than risk a lawsuit.

Made more sense to me than some sort of anti masturbation strategy. High school kids are fucking dumb as shit and I can definitely imagine them breaking stall doors for fun

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

I suppose you might get to kill people but that doesn’t mean that the law is going to be ok with that. Proportionality of force is a thing. Stand your ground states are doing their best to change that, but that’s a very mixed bag.

If you shoot and kill someone for blocking your waymo and being a creep, in most places you are going to have to convince a district attorney and a jury that you were justified in ending their life. Even if you do that and escape criminal liability, you’ll then have to convince more people not to hold you liable in civil court.

Sounds pretty cool to go “I got a shooty bang bang so if I feel threatened in any way I can come out blasting.” It is true in the moment, but if you place any value on your future liberty, money, and time you might want to consider the ramifications of killing another human being.

Finally, even if society decides you shouldn’t face any criminal or civil penalty for killing someone, you will have to face yourself. Sitting behind a keyboard it sounds badass to shoot someone that’s pissing you off. In the moment you will probably feel justified. Many a young man sent to war or employed as a police officer didn’t think that taking a life would change them, only to find the reality of taking a life is not what the action movies promised. Self doubt, self loathing, ptsd, depression, these are all common reactions to reckoning with the fact that you are the cause of another persons death.

It is hard to feel like a righteous badass as you watch a grieving widow mourn someone that may have even done something stupid or wrong, knowing that their child has no father now and their wife no partner. Are these people jerks and creeps, sure, is the punishment for being a jerk or creep death, rarely. It is a heavy burden to carry to end another.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago

Yea that’s fair. I agree, it’s shitty to work someone until they are about to get overtime and then swap them out to avoid paying overtime.

I would agree that to “stiff” someone of something is to deprive them of something they’ve earned, like not paying out overtime once someone has worked it.

I wonder why they bother, it’s not like the thing he said isn’t already shitty.

Thanks for the example, have a cool day

[–] 50 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

I remember when I first heard the “we will build the wall and Mexico will pay for it”. I thought, “oh they must be taking him out of context that makes no sense”. Nope

He is pretty consistently advancing absolutely batshit insane things. I don’t think he actually gets taken out of context that often, not because the media is fair, but because the shit he says is so goddamn insane there’s no need.

Is there something in recent memory where you think there was a headline that misconstrued what he said?

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