the homologue of the US Heritage Foundation.
Put it in writing for your family, friends, lawyer, so that they know what retirement strategy to pick.
Put that in writing.
It seems to be more of a selfish move to avoid a risk of getting fired with that referendum (loss of some privileges). He's been a useless waste of resources for all these years and he has contributed to the decay in social trust you see in many other places. And, yes, Georgescu would be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse.
And what's your strategy for communicating The Big Problem?
It's good to tie* long-term trends to experiences. People don't feel the global temperature average going up, but they do feel local temperature going up.
Here's a nice recent paper which includes Bucharest: Estimating future heat-related and cold-related mortality under climate change, demographic and adaptation scenarios in 854 European cities | Nature Medicine
Here's a nice platform to search for records... thanks to MSN:,Romania look at the red line.
E ridicol cât de mare e diferența.
Specifically, the conservative/fascist sphere has figured out, via brute testing, how to refine their "narative" stories and marketing of those stories, alongside with how to use social media for it (personalized messaging and astroturfing). They know how to hack the masses or at least the relevant electorate.
what in the flying fuck