People need to understand that running away from Windows to Linux because all of a sudden they don't like Windows anymore for (so many reasons...) is not a good idea. The differences between, and how you run each OS, are night and day.
You will bring all your lousy computing habits and lack of skill to Linux and you will find nothing but frustration. Linux will wipe your ass only so much for you and will never allow you to compute with it as you (do) in windows.
Linux ain't your panacea and the only satisfaction you will get is in re-wiring you.
Sure, ctrl+c will copy in linux, as it does in windows. Linux will (offer) an opportunity to change that, windows will (offer) go fuck yourself. windows is controlled by corporate demands and will shackle your hands and extract every bit of data it can from you whereas linux will allow you to hang yourself with every keystroke. And you will and it will be ugly and you will cry and you will blame anything but yourself.
"linux ate my hard drive'
'linux wrecked my partition'
'linux wrecked my.....'
No, it didn't, you did. Own it and go from there.
There are paradigms to understand and your pulling some random concept or demand out of the scheme of it to demand answers does nothing to alleviate your issue because anything underlying, aside from 'ooooh, squirrel" is left unaddressed. That's bad medicine.
Linux expects you to have a level of understanding about computing, under the gloss and hep-cat glitter of a fancy DE, because it will (let) you do whatever you want.
We are born knowing only how to suck and some people demand to stay that way. Linux is NOT for you, your personality precludes you from using it. Change your expectations and or demands and learn something first. Linux will not force you to learn the terminal, to use it to fix or do a thing. You damned well better, though. :)

Switching to something else because you've had it up to here with existing is a bad reason. Your mind is biased and loaded for prejudgement.