
joined 4 years ago
[–] 30 points 1 month ago (1 children)

There's a pretty big leap between "Most posting happens during work hours" and "Many federal civil service workers spend most of their workdays complaining about their jobs on Reddit." It's not like it matters if people are shit posting at work all day anyways but their data doesn't even back up what they are saying.


Windows only for now. Linux/Mac coming soon but apparently they ran into trouble with those versions and need a little more work. I was able to run it in Proton by changing starship.cfg.json to this:

"Window": {
        "AudioBackend": "sdl",
        "Backend": {
            "Id": 1,
            "Name": "OpenGL"
[–] 7 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I love CRT displays, but I think an LCD is still fine, and it's definitely the more reasonable option. CRTs are inefficient space-wise, use far more power than an LCD, and are slowly becoming a collector's item. Plus, if you are using a CRT TV, you need to either own the actual consoles plus either the games themselves or a flash cart, or go through a lot of effort and potentially need special equipment to output a 15kHz analog signal from a computer/modern emulation device. I think a good shader to mimic scanlines and an analog signal like in your screenshot is the ideal compromise, but ultimately it's fine to just leave it to personal preference.

That being said, if you do have the ability to play these old games on a CRT, for sure go for it! No shaders can mimic the look of a CRT in motion, and games like Sonic where the screen scrolls very quickly especially benefit from it a lot imo.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

Cool! I've never played this game before, but I remember having fun with the bit of OpenTTD I played. I'll have to give this a try sometime soon.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago

oh cool! thanks for letting me know. too bad you weren’t able to find anyone to summon you, but good to know there’s still some pvp’ers at least. i might just end up pirating it after all, and if the game goes on sale i can just start another character if i really want to.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Yep it still averages like 200 players online. Probably not even worth it to be honest, but I don’t know, I really enjoy the online in these games so I’d like to try at least. I’m a little worried I won’t run in to anybody, but when I played Demon’s Souls PS3 there was usually only like 10-20 people online through RPCN and I still managed to get invaded and invade, never co-op though sadly.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago

Nice, I hope you enjoy them! I’ve never played 2, I’ve heard it’s pretty different from the first game.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago

Wilds looks like fun but I’m skipping it because Capcom decided to shit it up with Denuvo visible-disgust

[–] 4 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (5 children)

I’m finishing Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow probably either tonight or tomorrow, another really fun game! I don’t know if I like it more or less than Symphony of the Night yet. I think it did some stuff better, like I think the soul system is a lot more enjoyable than having to hunt around the castle for sub-weapons if you want a specific one. I like that there’s more types of weapons too, but I ended up just using the normal swords the whole time because I liked being able to cancel the attack by landing too much lol.

I’m not sure what’s next yet! I really wanted to play Dark Souls II, but I’d like to play the vanilla version, and I don’t have $40 to spend on a game right now. I’d usually just pirate it, but I want to be able to play online too so I guess I have to be patient. Hopefully it goes on sale sometime soon. Otherwise I don’t have anything specific in mind. Maybe I can finally get around to Final Fantasy VI? I’ve been wanting to give Metal Gear Solid 2 another try as well now that I can emulate the PS3 version.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago (2 children)

PokéRogue looks interesting, I’ll have to try that out at some point. There’s another fun Pokémon roguelite that’s a hack of Emerald that I had a good time with, you might like that one too.

.45 Parabellum Bloodhound looks really cool too! Did you ever play Parasite Eve? The combat looks like it’s very inspired by that game.

[–] 5 points 6 months ago

For DS Games Rhythm Heaven is really fun, it's basically a collection of rhythm mini-games. Another good one is Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer, from the same series as Pokemon Mystery Dungeon but with less focus on the story and more traditional roguelike mechanics. For 3DS, someone already said it but Shin Megami Tensei IV is a fantastic RPG.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago

hold him accountable how

[–] 7 points 9 months ago

Traveling across Cuba in 1959, immediately after the overthrow of the U.S.-supported right-wing Batista dictatorship, Mike Faulkner witnessed "a spectacle of almost unrelieved poverty." The rural pop­ulation lived in makeshift shacks without minimal sanitation. Malnourished children went barefoot in the dirt and suffered "the familiar plague of parasites common to the Third World." There were almost no doctors or schools. And through much of the year, families that depended solely on the seasonal sugar harvest lived close to starvation (Monthly Review, 3/96). How does that victimization­ in prerevolutionary Cuba measure against the much more widely publicized repression that came after the revolution, when Castro's communists executed a few hundred of the previous regime's police assassins and torturers, drove assorted upper-class moneybags into exile, and intimidated various other opponents of radical reforms into silence?

Today, Cuba is a different place. For all its mistakes and abuses, the Cuban Revolution brought sanitation, schools, health clinics, jobs, housing, and human services to a level not found throughout most of the Third World and in many parts of the First World. Infant mortality in Cuba has dropped from 60 per 1000 in 1960 to 9.7 per 1000 by 1991, while life expectancy rose from 55 to 75 in that same period. Smallpox, malaria, tuberculosis, typhoid, polio, and numer­ous other diseases have been wiped out by improved living standards and public health programs. Cuba has enjoyed a level of literacy higher than in the United States and a life expectancy that compares well with advanced industrial nations (NACLA Report on the Americas, September/October 1995). Other peoples besides the Cubans have benefited. As Fidel Castro tells it:

The [Cuban] revolution has sent teachers, doctors, and workers to dozens of Third World countries without charging a penny. It shed its own blood fighting colonialism, fighting apartheid, and fascism. . . . At one point we had 25,000 Third World students studying on schol­arships. We still have many scholarship students from Africa and other countries. In addition, our country has treated more children [13,000] who were victims of the Chernobyl tragedy than all other countries put together. They don't talk about that, and that's why they blockade us-the country with the most teachers per capita of all countries in the world, including developed countries. The country with the most doctors per capita of all countries [one for every 214 inhabitants]. The country with the most art instructors per capita of all countries in the world. The country with the most sports instructors in the world. That gives you an idea of the effort involved. A country where life expectancy is more than 75 years. Why are they blockading Cuba? Because no other country has done more for its people. It's the hatred of the ideas that Cuba repre­sents. (Monthly Review, 6/95).

Cuba's sin in the eyes of global capitalists is not its "lack of democ­racy." Most Third World capitalist regimes are far more repressive. Cuba's real sin is that it has tried to develop an alternative to the global capitalist system, an egalitarian socio-economic order that placed corporate property under public ownership, abolished capi­talist investors as a class entity, and put people before profits and national independence before IMF servitude.

Excerpt from Blackshirts and Reds, since Parenti and Castro himself put it better than I could.

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