I love CRT displays, but I think an LCD is still fine, and it's definitely the more reasonable option. CRTs are inefficient space-wise, use far more power than an LCD, and are slowly becoming a collector's item. Plus, if you are using a CRT TV, you need to either own the actual consoles plus either the games themselves or a flash cart, or go through a lot of effort and potentially need special equipment to output a 15kHz analog signal from a computer/modern emulation device. I think a good shader to mimic scanlines and an analog signal like in your screenshot is the ideal compromise, but ultimately it's fine to just leave it to personal preference.
That being said, if you do have the ability to play these old games on a CRT, for sure go for it! No shaders can mimic the look of a CRT in motion, and games like Sonic where the screen scrolls very quickly especially benefit from it a lot imo.
There's a pretty big leap between "Most posting happens during work hours" and "Many federal civil service workers spend most of their workdays complaining about their jobs on Reddit." It's not like it matters if people are shit posting at work all day anyways but their data doesn't even back up what they are saying.