But I'm still not allowed to touch my cellphone while behind the wheel because the screen is too distracting, right?
Lancia is as good as dead. They only make (made?) one car, and only in the Italian market, and it was a slightly larger Fiat 500. Stellantis is struggling enough with the brands that are still making cars. I'd be shocked if Lancia comes back.
They keep trying this shit even though it never works. (Like there's literally no pictures of this actually, totally existent place. But it's a paradise. Trust me.)
If I ever say no to that question, I want you to take a gun and shoot me.
It's kind of funny when you consider that the VW design was a ripoff of the Czech-made Tatra T97.
This is what you get when you ban Spanish
Yeah, something seems off here. Russia has about a third of the population of the US, yet more active soldiers. Even still, with the huge amount of casualties in the "meat grinder"?
Do Americans even own suits?
Not really true. It's basically on the frontlines of oceanic territorial dispute with China, which means US interests as well.
If you have a better geometrical shape for memorializing a good boys' two favorite sticks, I'd like to hear it.
Thank you for your service