Great picks and I fully agree with the TNG before DS9 recommendation which I will share with my friend soon. Thank you.
Oh, absolutely. It might take a while, but I'll let you all know which 3 episodes each made it to the final round and how project Trekkie Assimilation went on. ^^
Good. Fuck JKR.
Fuck JKR and the horse she rode in on!
That list is amazing! There are a lot of episodes I hold dear. Also thanks for adding TAS.
My friend is absolutely open to older shows. I somehow forgot about "Data's Day". I don't know how that one slipped past me, but it's truly great for beginners of Star Trek. I appreciate it!
Thanks, Body and Soul is so goofy, I love it! ^^
That would be Balance of Terror. Easily in my top 3 episodes of the entire franchise.
Those are pretty great. Thank you. Also nice you included the movies. And you picked 2 of my 3 favourite TOS episodes! :D
I love those suggestions. And yes, I think they are very suitable for someone new to the franchise. Thank you.
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