They are only expensive up front. When you account for maintenance and the difference between the cost of gas and the cost of electricity, a lot of electrics come out well ahead within several years of purchase. That's also not counting the societal costs in health issues, premature death, and the geopolitical turmoil caused by dependance on oil.
Not that electrics are a panacea for the societal costs of automobiles. Micro particles from tire wear is still a big issue, and rare earth minerals have geopolitical consequences of their own. But, on balance, electrics are cheaper for individuals and for society.
You would think that the Democrat's consistent record of utter failure would count for something, but I think it has the opposite effect. The worse things get, the more insecure people feel. Insecurity makes voters risk-averse. Republicans capitalize on that with calls for a return to an American that never really existed. Democrats capitalize on it by making Democratic voters scared of new leadership.
I try to explain it with AIDS as an example. AIDS is a horrible disease, but it doesn't kill you. It just sets you up to die from another opportunistic infection like pneumonia. The fascists are pneumonia, and the neoliberals are AIDS. It's the fascism that kills you, but it's the neoliberalism that was the underlying cause that should have been dealt with.