I didn't react well to being implicated in "handing the government to a criminal and his fascist cronies in order to prove a point". Criticism of voters in general gets under my skin because it's so counter productive.
It seems like every horrible thing about Trump never gets any attention because of the other horrible things about Trump.
I'm certainly convinced that you are a Democrat. I can tell because you ignored what I said and gave the rant you wanted to give, completely oblivious to the fact that none if it applies to what I said. You can't get any more Democratic than that. Scolding voters is not a great strategy.
fuck handing the government to a criminal and his fascist cronies in order to prove a point.
Know why Democrats lose so many damn elections? They don't know how to fucking listen to what people are saying. That you think this has anything to do with my comment is absolutely bizarre. Neither I, nor the voter I'm talking about cost the Democrats a damn thing.
The USA is nearly completely lost to the oligarchs and we played right into their hands.
No fucking kidding. You're half way to the truth. Now you just have to embrace the reality that "oligarchs" includes the Clintons, Obamas, Pelosis, Schumers, and (to a lesser degree) Biden's. Then you will really understand how truly fucked this country is.
we just elected a group who will strip away even more of the power we had
Who's "we"? The main difference between Republicans and Democrats is that the Republicans have no shame. Democrats feel kind of bad about screwing us for their handlers, so they throw us a bone from time to time. In that dynamic, what's happening now was inevitable and it was just a matter of when.
We should have overthrown the Democrats in 2020 to create a new dynamic, but we missed our chance. Nobody knows when or if we will get another. The Republicans will never be any better than they are until they have to face an emboldened and left-populist Democratic party. The party we have is light years from being that.
not voting because of a single issue is the real virtue signaling.
You're just making assertions, not arguments. You're also not paying attention because this makes zero sense as a response to my argument.
My entire point was that signaling is all than many voters can do because their vote is irrelevant. Skipping the presidential race is a signal too.
Also, fuck referring to the mass slaughter of civilians as just a "single issue".
You didn't comment on the article, you responded to my point on a singular common justification.
Trump and Harris both support the genocide making (theoretical) me uncomfortable voting for either. If my vote might matter, then I would hold my nose and vote for the lesser evil. If not, then I'd rather signal my disapproval of both.
Saying that my vote always matters is a nice cliche, but you know perfectly well that in a bunch of states it's just not true. If my vote put Harris over the top in Illinois, it's an absolute certainty that she got destroyed nationally. So, even if my vote mattered, it wouldn't matter that it mattered.
If the only real consequence of my vote is an impotent signal of approval, then not voting is an impotent signal of disapproval. That matters just as much, if not more.
You say that yoyur the one to argue, but you made no argument. Why should someone in a solid red or blue state bother to vote for a Democratic presidential candidate that supports genocide? (I'm excluding other races here to keep it simple)
If you really like a candidate, then I can see voting for them even if you know your vote is ultimately irrelevant. But, if you justifiably hate both candidates, one marginally less, a lesser of two evils argument only holds weight when your vote might actually matter.
Not according to the article. Lots of voters in solid red or blue states didn't see a point, and who am I to argue. Thanks to gerrymandering, this is often true even for local races. Why vote for a party that supports genocide when your vote is nothing but virtue signaling for a party bereft of virtue?
Nah bro
What the fuck? Letting that bitch off is either insane or corrupt.
Um sure? As long as she is up for it. I love her, I don't own her. Keep it safe, sane, and consensual, then who am I to argue.
Most of Trump's cabinet ranges from morally indifferent to outright hostile to human beings. The only exception I think I see is RFK Jr. who is just batshit insane.