
joined 2 years ago
[–] Tinidril@midwest.social 6 points 2 months ago (11 children)

Yes. Neoliberalism fails wherever it is tried, and the US managed to export it across the western world. What's going on in the US isn't unique and the same dynamics apply.

[–] Tinidril@midwest.social 8 points 2 months ago (30 children)

Fuck no. Biden, Harris, and the Democratic consultancy machine did not run a presidency or a campaign that came within a million miles of supporting that claim.

In a populist age, like we are in, what beats right wing populists (fascists) is left wing populists. The Biden presidency nudged the party in that direction, but neither he nor Harris were capable of running a populist campaign.

[–] Tinidril@midwest.social 108 points 2 months ago (9 children)

San Francisco will rename a post office in honor of the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein

And here I thought I would never have to hear her name again. Fucking clueless neoliberal Democrats. It's not enough she got rich fucking us over, now we're expected to honor the memory of it. Wasn't there a sewage treatment plant in need of a name?

[–] Tinidril@midwest.social 22 points 2 months ago

If you are currently in the process of saving instead of withdrawing in retirement, then falling stock prices are just buying opportunities. If the grocery store puts eggs on sale, you wouldn't fret that the eggs currently in your fridge aren't worth as much.

When you think of it that way, it gets a lot easier to hang on after a crash, and you might start looking for ways to buy even more at bargain prices.

[–] Tinidril@midwest.social 15 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Oligarchs don't have nationalities, just spheres of influence. There is not one billionaire who actually gives a rat's ass about America as a country. They have built their own nation separate from ours in everything but an overlap in geography.

They have privatized the courts with forced arbitration. They have privatized the military with security contractors. They have their own travel on private planes. They have their own stock market in private equity. They don't know us, and they don't see us.

The CEO assassination was an unwelcome reminder that we still exist with individual agency, and that shocks and horrifies them more than whatever physical threat it might represent. They hate us and long for the day when automation can fully replace us.

[–] Tinidril@midwest.social 6 points 2 months ago

Power comes from the people. The only legitimate reason to cede any power to the state is to protect and defend the freedoms of all . Giving the state dominion of life and death over prisoners is entirely unnecessary to the freedoms of anyone and is actually hostile to them.

[–] Tinidril@midwest.social 16 points 2 months ago

Amazing how Democrats are top notch at organizing when it comes to anything other than passing legislation or beating Republicans.

[–] Tinidril@midwest.social 4 points 2 months ago (1 children)

There were really two reasonable profiles to expect, right wing or Islamic extremist. He seems to have split the difference in an odd way. It will be interesting to see how this impacts the election. He is an immigrant, so that could help AfD, but he is also (at least) fascist adjacent which could hurt them.

[–] Tinidril@midwest.social 2 points 2 months ago

Shit, now what do I do with all this gasoline?

[–] Tinidril@midwest.social 2 points 2 months ago

And you know these guys are all posting in right wing forums about the dangers of scary trans people using the "wrong" bathrooms.

[–] Tinidril@midwest.social 20 points 2 months ago (5 children)

This is really bad. The driver is from Saudi Arabia. AfD was already leading for the upcoming election, and now it's going to be a sweep. Fascism is back in control of Germany and this time America has already fallen. Get ready for interesting times.

[–] Tinidril@midwest.social 13 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Sounds like Republicans to me. Trumpists especially.

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