What your saying, no. Your basis for saying it? Absolutely. You have made zero arguments for this interpretation of the constitution beyond an appeal to the authority of "the courts". When "the courts," is actually"one court" that we all know is beyond corrupted by the corporations who benefit, your appeal to authority becomes meaningless.
Trump isn't eligible either under the 14th amendment. So what? There are no laws anymore.
What your missing is that it's not "the courts" it's "the court". The corrupt as fuck Supreme Court made a ruling that lesser courts are obliged to follow. There is no intellectually rigorous reasoning, just corruption in the highest court in the land.
I have no doubt that Trump is capable of giving the order. As it stands, there is no way the order is obeyed. Trump will of course start trying to install loyalists in military leadership, but I doubt even the generals could successfully get such an order obeyed today. The entire military culture would need to be replaced, and I think the protections against that will require more time than Trump has to do it.
Thankfully, incompetence is a core trait of fascism, and I don't think Trump or his people have the juice.
Democrats by principal shouldn't be supporting Israel's genocide, but clearly they are. What makes you think third party politicians will be any different? Bernie is a Democrat and isn't corrupt or pro-genocide. At best I'd say the jury is still out on Jill Stein's loyalties. Third party politicians can be corrupted, and corrupt politicians can infiltrate third parties on false pretence. No, third parties aren't the solution to this particular problem.
That's about as likely as America performing a preemptive nuclear strike on China. The international "fallout" would be pretty much the same.
"The West" wasn't fair, but "America" would be. It's not like China is a monolith either. It might be more monolithic than the US, but I guess we really have the wait and see if that holds. Fuck.
Israel will be fine, as long as they keep spending a fraction of a percent of the US aid they receive to buy US media and politicians.
It's just the best thing that will happen for the next four years.
Trump has never really been one of "their own". They see him like Jed Clampett. He has some degree of wealth, but the elites can't stand him. Of course that doesn't keep them from kissing his ass as president.
The US already spends more per person on socialized healthcare than most countries that have universal socialized medicine. Our current system just inserts grifty billionaires into the money stream before the money gets to actual healthcare.
It's not even going to be a fine. The indications the judge has given are that it will be a felony record and nothing more.