If you say so. My strategy has gotten a hell of a lot closer to hurting the establishment than any of yours though.
Did you see me guilt trip anyone? I'm just mocking your unbelievably self-unaware rant attacking people who did vote for a candidate that had a chance. I don't do guilt trips, but stupid is as stupid does.
Than other third parties... Exactly what percentage of elected offices in the US are held by third parties?
Keep working on that third party strategy. It sure worked for you guys this past election... And in 2016.... and in every other damn year.
Your link is to one study at one point in time with the mutations that were currently prevalent and the vaccines at that time. Beyond all those limitations, it was also only looking at identified breakthrough infections.
Here is a counter example study.
People have a tendency to cherry pick and misinterpret studies. That's what experts are for.
Laboratory conditions? How exactly do you think trials are carried out?
If she's not a complete idiot, she probably already has more retirement savings than the average gen-xer. Assuming the pyramid scheme that is our stock market keeps growing, she might have already saved all she needs to. If the bubble collapses, she will just be living in a mad max apocalypse with the rest of us.
I don't really disagree except that I think it's a mix of not wanting to appear biased and actually being biased. The mainstream media establishment actually views left wing "extremists" as more threatening than right wing extremists. The right doesn't challenge power, and the left does.
I am so fucking sick of media's knee jerk reaction to both-sides this shit. It's all right wing reactionaries, be they Muslim, Christian, Atheist, or other. The problem is right wing extremism, not political polarization.
The question is, does "glorifying violence" encourage people to be violent? Barring other factors, studies have not found that to be the case. There are some studies that show video games actually reduce stress hormones by giving people a release, and this might actually lower violence.
It's a lot different to connect violent rhetoric with gay bashing, refer to gays as predators, then provide a template for how to ambush them.
Not true. No body ever claimed 100% effectiveness. Effectiveness claims were never once shown to be dishonest or incorrect, though they were often misinterpreted. Vaccine effectiveness also went down as the virus mutated and the formulations had to play catch-up. Even so, they were always highly effective (not 100%) at preventing hospitalization and death.
What fucked up the communication was a boatload of misinformation and distortions from the usual right wing conspiracy theory sources.