Apparently not.
That's some serious cope from both sides, but you go ahead and hold on to that thread.
When Biden tried to just pause bomb shipments to Israel, the House passed legislation to force him to resume. If Biden pushed Israel enough, it's likely Congress would override him and take away whatever leverage he had over the situation. I think Biden's handling of Gaza was pathetic, but not that it rises to the level of criminality.
If Obama is a war criminal, then Carter is too. He armed and and enabled a genocide in Indonesia. A realistic take on foreign policy should recognize that it's going to be a dirty business, no matter who is in the Whitehouse.
But there are criminals and there are criminals. Running a disinformation campaign to justify invading a sovereign country is worthy of removal from office. Withholding aid from an ally that was specifically allocated by Congress in a scheme to try and create sort on a political opponent is worthy of removal from office. Lying about a blowjob isn't.
There is no evidence whatsoever that Biden is a "criminal" beyond a bunch of unsubstantiated bullshit that never amounted to anything. The Republican House was desperate to impeach Biden, and could never get it off the ground.
The Clintons are sketchy as fuck, but clearly know how to keep their scamming within the confines of the law. The same goes for Obama to a lesser degree.
It probably would have happened, but the ACA was like throwing gas on a fire or chumming for sharks. The individual mandate concept was specifically designed to derail actual reforms and accelerate wealth aggregation, and that's exactly what it did.
Do you think the Heritage Foundation was actually concerned about access to quality healthcare for everyone? We still spend even more person on healthcare than anywhere else on the planet, yet we still have 26 million Americans with no healthcare plan.
You sure about that?. What do you think Romneycare was based on? Romneycare had many of the same issues. It really doesn't help the case that Obamacare's implementation was worse.
There was no large scale takeover of healthcare by Wall Street. There is a big difference between commercialization and financialization. By pumping billions into health are and allowing investors to siphon those billions right back out again, the ACA created a feeding frenzy. I'm old enough to remember a healthcare system that was largely owned and managed by medical professionals, not hedge funds and private equity.
Then, of course, there are the larger impacts of income inequality that this exacerbated. The ACA was one of many things done by both Republicans and Democrats that turned this country into a Russian style oligarchy.
It's not incidental that the design for the ACA came from the same right wing think tank that produced project 2025. It's all part of the same project.
I'm certainly glad the ACA helped you, and it certainly did address some major issues, but it was also massive wealth transfer to the top, and it had led directly into the financialization of healthcare that's currently destroying the system. Doctors are leaving medicine in droves and regularly takes six months or more to get an appointment with many specialties.
It's not "the two parties". The Republicans impeachment efforts have universally been partisan witch hunts - even the successful one against Clinton. (And I am no fan of Clinton. He should have been ostracized by the Democrats a long time ago). W Bush and Trump both committed crimes worthy of removal from office. It's not the same at all.
Why? Because he beat a couple of old school moderate Republicans? He barely managed to beat Romney. Obama has charm, but he's not the powerhouse people think he is. He was a weak milquetoast president, and exactly the old style type politician that America has flat out rejected.
Democrats need to wake the fuck up. Returning to the old ways is not going to get us out of this mess. Obama and the Democratic establishment led us here.
Obama's got that boyish grin and professorial demeanor. That and being the first black President are all most people seem to need.
As President he capitulated to Wall Street on day one. His signature achievement was a healthcare plan that came from the same right wing think tank that brought us Project 2025. As party leader, he bankrupted the DNC allowing Hillary to helicopter in with cash and demand their loyalty in the 2016 primary. The moment he left the presidency he did a Wall Street tour collecting millions in "speaking fees". Since then he has been working behind the scenes to undercut every effort to move the Democratic party in a progressive direction that could have countered Trump's populism.
It's truly amazing that Democrats are still delusional about him.
The biggest failure was the Democrats who nominated Biden in 2020. That primary was the last offramp that could have avoided a fascist takeover, either in 2024 or 2028, with Trump or a Trump clone.
The return of Trump might just have bought us another shot in 2028, but it's not looking like the Democrats have learned much. Trump has a lot of similarities to Hoover and, as bad a President as he was, he was great for Democrats and progressivism. If the Democrats can get their heads out of their asses, the Trump Presidency might open a path to save the country - assuming we survive it.