The question is, why is one of those Republicans the Democratic leader in the Senate?
Gosh, I ignorantly thought the primary was where the delegates get chosen (based on a candidate they agree to choose at the convention), not the process of delegates selecting the candidate. I honestly had no idea that there was a published definition that would set me straight. Can you point me in that direction?
Still, I don't see the relevance since a primary that doesn't give citizens the opportunity to express support for a candidate can't tell us anything about support for that candidate. How we define "primary" really doesn't come into it.
Now that was definitely not a primary, not even a checking the box primary. That was a coronation, and the very event I asked if you opposed.
Anyways, it's absolutely clear to anyone seeing this that you're just a hack and not a serious person. I knew from the onset that was the best to be achieved.
I believe it was you who was talking about primaries, of which I pointed out that Harris never won any - even the one I "don't like". She participated in exactly one primary and had her ass handed to her.
Your argument was that Bernie obviously can't win a general because he couldn't win a primary. Do you, or do you not, apply that same logic to Harris, and did you oppose her nomination in 2024? Your argument is ridiculous in either case, but you could at least apply it consistently.
The donors call and Schumer comes running. He IS a Republican. Every once in a while he gets scared of a progressive challenger and makes pretty noises, but he's a prime example of Democrats as controlled opposition. He resists to exactly the degree that his handlers want him to resist.