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[–] RaskolnikovsAxe@lemmy.ca 7 points 6 days ago (4 children)

Every life matters

You started from a faulty assumption. Nazi lives don't matter.

[–] RaskolnikovsAxe@lemmy.ca 4 points 6 days ago


[–] RaskolnikovsAxe@lemmy.ca 3 points 6 days ago

The problem with this quote is that everyone thinks they're the strong men. In other words, it's mostly useless rhetoric that doesn't really identify the problem.

[–] RaskolnikovsAxe@lemmy.ca 18 points 6 days ago (2 children)

All of this bullshit because some fucking guy couldn't properly set his windage.

[–] RaskolnikovsAxe@lemmy.ca 5 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (2 children)

Yeah, a carbon tax that results in perhaps a percent of price inflation is just nowhere near as serious - neither in kind nor degree - as 25% across the board tariffs. And if we need to have emission reduction measures in place to trade with the EU, and trading with the EU is now an existential priority, then frankly he can sit down and shut up. The adults are talking.

(the above assumes all the talk of economic annexation is bluster, which is no longer a foregone conclusion)

[–] RaskolnikovsAxe@lemmy.ca 4 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

both leaders here keep talking about how we Canadians fought hand in hand in , took in Americans in 9/11 etc.

I agree they are all saying this, but I sense a difference in intent between Poilievre and the rest.

Maybe it's my bias, but I feel that Poilievre is saying these things with the intent to convince the Americans - i.e., it's for the American audience. By contrast, Carney and others are saying these things more for the Canadian audience - to explain why it's justified to be angry at the Americans and we need to grow up and kick them to the curb.

For Carney and others, it's a rallying cry; for Poilievre it's an attempt at appeasement.

[–] RaskolnikovsAxe@lemmy.ca 5 points 6 days ago (4 children)

This is a good observation. He wants to change his messaging because he sees the writing on the wall. Running around yelling about how shitty the country is, insulting his fellow countrymen, riding a wave of animosity towards minorities, etc. - this is the opposite of unifying. It's reinforcing the teams. He sees it's failing now, but he can't bring himself to actually attack Trump or the GOP. He has to lean into platitudes and empty shows of strength. At the end of the day, it makes him look like he's not angry enough at the US...probably because he's not. He doesn't have an affinity or an understanding of this country beyond narrow political gain, because he's never spent a day of his adult life outside of politics.

[–] RaskolnikovsAxe@lemmy.ca 21 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Billionaires should not exist. You don't get to be a billionaire without exploiting people - for that matter once you get over about 10M you're probably stepping on people, or exploiting systems, in order to continue growing your wealth. And why, exactly? It's a sickness that gets worse the richer someone gets. It's been studied and confirmed that people who have excessive wealth convince themselves that they deserve it, they earned it individually, and that they are special and more valuable than others. So instead of riding off into the sunset, they feed their addiction by buying outsized and unearned power in order to shape the laws so that they can make more money. Just fuck off already - you won at capitalism, now get the fuck out of the way and stop screwing over everyone else and making our lives miserable.

Beyond 100M we should just take it all for the state. 100% tax rate. If you want to keep earning beyond that, then great, you will have the glory of contributing to the public good.

But since billionaires have convinced idiots to advocate against the idiots' own interest, and argue that the billionaires can't be constrained in any way, then this will never happen in the current social context. So next best thing is to do as Bill says. Put the fear of God into them.

[–] RaskolnikovsAxe@lemmy.ca 10 points 1 week ago

Canada should use this as an opportunity to cancel dairy quotas in CUSMA. RFK advocates for raw milk. The pubic safety is at risk.

It also gives the US a solid economic fuck you that costs us nothing. We don't really export any milk to them, so all it does is remove the competition in our dairy market. And CUSMA is dead anyway, Trump killed it.

[–] RaskolnikovsAxe@lemmy.ca 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

What does that have to do with anything.

Your comment stated that Trudeau was a pathological liar, but he's better than the 'alt right'. I assume alt right refers to the PPC, not the CPC, and I assumed you made THAT comparison (LPC to PPC), skipping over CPC, because you support the CPC.

My assumption about your CPC support may be incorrect, but it sure seems to be buttressed by the fact that you stated that Trudeau is an egregious liar, when in reality his dishonesty is no worse than many other politicians, and in regard to bold faced lies about facts (as opposed to, say, broken election promises) he's nowhere near as bad as Poilievre.

This why I asked you if you could identify any of Poilievre's many lies, misinformation, or disinformation. Because I suspected you might avoid answering it, as you predictably did. And given that the entire post and originating article is about the CPC, I don't think it's really off topic to ask about them. So, can you tell me where Poilievre has lied?

[–] RaskolnikovsAxe@lemmy.ca 3 points 1 week ago

Poilievre has an incredibly lucky moment right now. Never has a Canadian leader had a moment like this, in the last century, maybe ever. He has a fantastically weak Liberal leader that has dragged his party down, and a disastrous US leader who threatens Canada. All Poilievre has to do is step in front of all of this and present a unifying vision. But he can't do it. He's incapable of being a leader. He can't seem to put his petty politics of anger aside and face the reality that the country has an existential threat and that the priorities have changed. Even when he proposes something reasonable (Arctic defense) he has to borrow a Trump move to get there (decimate foreign aid, even though soft power and diplomacy is the reason we have any friends at all right now). He is the very epitome of short term, ideological thinking. Ultimately he represents the populist right wing that will exacerbate wealth inequality and the resulting oligarchy..and we can all see the endgame of this movement playing out to the south of us.

No fucking thank you.

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