
joined 2 months ago

Walking this earth is a maddening experience. Drinking from the fountain of knowledge may have been my fatal mistake, as I can no longer deny the cruelty that pervades this world, and I have to concede that the failure of the modern human being is killing us. Nature is beautiful—mountains with snowy peaks touching the sky, strange and cute animals that elicit our curiosity, and vast oceans teeming with life. Its forests, whose refreshing scent instantly captures you, calming even the most troubled souls, are perfection exemplified, and none can resist its call. The animals and insects of our forests can create a harmonious symphony, especially as the joyful birds sing along. Everywhere we set our eyes on this earth we see the beauty of nature. Each season has its own distinctive personality, inspiring and filling us with wonder. Life is a magnificent phenomenon, and we are killing it. But humans are part of this breathtaking world too. I do concede to our current and past flaws; however, no lingering sin of mankind can justify the suffering we witness today. My head is filled with bad memories, and yet, even if I experienced terrible things, I never gave up on believing in the limitless potential of all. I know what we're capable of achieving, and I hope to never sink so low as to believe the beauty of humanity is just a mask. If nature is beautiful in all its aspects, so are we. Humans create beauty themselves, such as art, and essentially, it's an extension of us. I wouldn't wish my worst enemies with what I endured. May you never suffer the cruelty of others, becoming a sort of entertainment for them, a punching bag to release their anger. And most importantly, may you never have those haunting words, words announcing a brother’s death with the images of a devastated mother fully etched in your mind, the echo of her cries replaying again and again, as though it's a Greek tragedy stuck in a loop.

I only want the best life for everyone and for them to experience the good side of our ephemeral yet beautiful existence. This world is fragile and our lifespan is very short. Time is an hourglass and we shouldn't waste it worrying about its sand gradually dissipating, the hours elapsing as the beauty passes us by. That being said, we are killing this planet, and many of us are forced to worry about the consequences. Temperatures are rising and many people view this as a good thing. “Oh, the weather is nice today,” they will say cheerfully. Then add in, “And especially for a winter’s day!” Many say this without any hint of irony. It’s frustrating to hear. Some are becoming so optimistic as to view this warmth as a good thing to happen. I blame the liberals, of course, such hopium dealers they are, promoters of endless voting and peaceful protests. These liberals and their fascist allies truly are an enigma to me. Now, I worry about what I will find if I continue trying to understand them, and I fear that, at most, I can still learn something valuable and, at worst, I'll dig some shit whose stench will cling to life eternally. Liberals claim to be lovers, rather than fighters, but will they not fight for what they love?

Friends, I am afraid, even quite terrified, and soon I will be petrified, perhaps rendered useless and relegated to counting grains of sand in my hourglass. I feel awful and depressed. The fate of this world is a heavy burden to carry, alienating and a lonesome road to travel. Depression is a silent killer; it grows and grows until it's too late, and before you know it, you're already in the psych ward. I won't give up, nor should any of you do so. We suffered a lot but we can endure much more. Our scars and wounds are a testament to our strength. We traveled far away from where we began, ceaselessly bleeding to our destination. However, we are not where we want to be yet, but we'll get there in due time. Life is a constant struggle and when we are alone, this fight seems impossible to win. One day we'll have our paradise on earth when people come to their senses, and instead of thinking about an unreachable heaven high above, we will bring it down here by working together. Unfortunately, it does look like many prefer to bring the hell from below and unleash its fiery punishment on us all. I sometimes think that we never wanted paradise but instead preferred to be punished in hell. Today, forest fires are so common that it's almost hell on earth! That liberal Joe Biden ought to be thrown far into those woods; wild dogs could devour his burnt corpse, but then again, it would be a death too good for this annihilator of humanity. A similar fate should be reserved for Trump, of course.

Our leaders serve only capital and its profiteers. They offer us no compassion and we should reciprocate in equal measure. Liberalism is a two-headed demon, one head a little less frightening than the other, but both feed on life and expect to shit gold indefinitely. Taming this demon is not an option, and the solution is an age-old one involving a guillotine. The potential everybody holds is fascinating. Politicians are certainly not doing enough to cultivate this quality we have—a quality we should not only appreciate but nourish as soon as possible. The beauty of nature, with its complexities and mysteries, is in all of us. A British demon once claimed there was no such thing as a society, and only individuals and families existed. As a human being, I must disagree with this demon and would even say that there are only societies. No one can live alone, and it's even worse without being part of a community. I can personally attest to this terrible fate. If you want to imagine loneliness, picture yourself on death row, forever waiting for the executioner. Our Western world is crumbling apart, tearing us asunder and leaving many alienated. My mind, body and my environment feel out of sync, when those three should be united as one. Perhaps I am experiencing a final stage of alienation—alienation from myself…