
joined 5 months ago
[–] Lets_Eat_Grandma@lemm.ee 5 points 5 days ago (5 children)

Plus like 50% tax right? Isn’t that how Australia works?

[–] Lets_Eat_Grandma@lemm.ee 31 points 5 days ago (5 children)

Yeah yeah, we've got hurricanes because a democrat is in office, we don't drill enough oil and drive hummers, and the rich haven't been given enough tax breaks. Plus If dumpy was in office he would just tell the hurricanes to stop and they would. We're a joke to hurricanes.

Oh, and immigrants worship Zeus and summon storms from the ocean so they're evil, build a wall and deport the non-whites.

Got it.

[–] Lets_Eat_Grandma@lemm.ee 1 points 6 days ago

People make throwaways all the time for services like this. I expect lemmy to be no different.

Monthly active users would be a better statistic to track imo. That gives you a real idea as to how big the community is.

Anecdotally, content wise does seem better than a few months ago. Unfortunately lots of it seems to be highly polarizing and hateful stuff when you look at all communities. Othering seems to be as strong as ever, if not stronger. Probably because hate groups can just setup their own instances or take over parts of existing ones without much blowback like they would get on other sites.

[–] Lets_Eat_Grandma@lemm.ee 35 points 1 week ago (10 children)

I really hate graphs that start at 99% and top off at 100%

The gain is really next to nothing in the 2 months shown in this graph. It goes from ~1,456,000 to 1,468,000.... which is a 00.8% increase, less than 1%.

[–] Lets_Eat_Grandma@lemm.ee 17 points 1 week ago

I mean in trumps court of law musk can’t lose.

If dumpy wins, for sure no class action.

If dumpy loses, his Supreme Court will still side with the conservative side anyway, so probably still no class action.

[–] Lets_Eat_Grandma@lemm.ee 17 points 1 week ago

I don't know about lowering military budget or education or healthcare budgets at all. The key seems to be the control what those funds are spent on, to funnel them to industries and beneficiaries who support the people who get voted into office.

I truly think the great majority of policy is set based on quid pro quo.

Even anti-abortion has many economical opportunities. Morning after pills will spike. Neighboring state abortion clinics will explode in business. Labor in areas where abortions by the poors is not available will see a growing demand in baby products and immediately and eventually a very low cost labor base to manufacture goods to sell elsewhere.

I do not believe politicians are dumb, on the contrary I think they have no sense of morality. The leadership of the party are vicious sociopathic megalomaniacs. They are experts at propaganda and manipulation via the media, where they work hand in hand with billionaire media owners.

Short and near term financial gains can buy you a ticket to salvation after the planet is ruined in 50-250 years. If they need to buy luxury proprety and loads of ~~slaves~~ servants to retain their standing and quality of life, they are going to do that. If they are afraid of foreign powers taking control they have no issues starting proxy wars via russia or israel so the american people can spend hundreds of billions of dollars funding the military industrial complex contracts that them and their buddies benefit from, meanwhile sending the young high potential competitors to their children or grandchildren off to die on the front line.

Anyway, the last thing they want to do is focus on taking care of the american people. IGMFY is the name of the game. The few rare exceptions like Bernie spin their wheels trying to effect real change and the majority of the other politicians try to stay out of the line of fire while promoting things that benefit themselves, typically only affecting them behind the scenes.

[–] Lets_Eat_Grandma@lemm.ee 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Billionaires and big businesses often do bipartisan ~~bribes~~ donations to make sure the laws enacted or struck down are in favor.

Even if they didn't do it directly, they're going to do the whole shell game so noone knows it's them. Not to mention going through a lawyer to pay your bribes to all manner of people like porn stars and other people you've raped, wronged or who just have dirt on you.

In a world of superpacs political donations are coming from big donors way above and beyond legal campaign ~~bribe~~ donation limits.

[–] Lets_Eat_Grandma@lemm.ee 56 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (4 children)

Mozilla isn't google. They took it back and encouraged the guy to reach out in the future if any issues arise.

BFD, it's not like they banned his account, just one gimped extension that doesn't do the whole ad blocking experience and even then only because he didn't do anything to try and reverse it. Then after it's restored he throws his tantrum and removes it.

With all the extensions out there false positive detections of malicious apps are going to happen. Nobody has unlimited resources to hire boatloads of devs to review every single line of code of every extension for every update done. That's an insane expectation.

[–] Lets_Eat_Grandma@lemm.ee 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

So if I tell the ai - create a canvas 12" x 12" and put 00FF13 colored paint via a 1" brush aligned 13 degrees in the upper left quadrant 2 inches down and to the right, then another in the bottom right quadrant 3" from the bottom and 2" from the right of 1200FF paint, is that not way more specific than buying paint at a store, doing some guestimation mixing of colors and splattering some on a canvas haphazardly?

Just trying to understand where the line of ML assisted art becomes non-artistic/non-copywritable. Is there a technical criteria? what about artists woh use Photoshop with ML derived filters for their final product? are those also not owned by the artist the moment that the ml tool is applied?

What if you create the model yourself with only your own training data? e.g. you are the only sole creator of the entire tool/model itself.

So many possibilities that create questions...

[–] Lets_Eat_Grandma@lemm.ee 2 points 2 weeks ago

We’ve never had real communism.

I don’t think human nature will allow for true communism at scale. Like all political organizations beyond a handful of people, corruption is de facto present and completely at odds with the theory.

People can swear up and down that it’s doable but I truly don’t think it could ever be by humans. We are too selfish.

[–] Lets_Eat_Grandma@lemm.ee 96 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

He will say absolutely anything to get in power and avoid the catastrophe that awaits should he fail.

With all the crimes he’s committed that are well documented and easily proven and thus far only some convicted but not sentenced, he’s walking a tightrope. If he falters the consequences are dire.

At best his debts catch up to him and his family legacy is in tatters.

At worst he is in prison for the rest of his life from a treason charge.

If he wins no judge will sentence him until he’s out of office, which he may never be with all the GOP groundwork being laid to create a puppet dictatorship controlled by conservative oligarchs.

[–] Lets_Eat_Grandma@lemm.ee -1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

It has to be fixed in a tangible medium.

Hard disks are pretty tangible.

But if they are not as you suggest, does this mean all digital photography is not copyright able?

So many arguments as to why this shouldn’t be subject to copyright seem to fail simple questions of logic.

If the output of ML isn’t copyright able, then the inputs should not be subject to copyright either. The whole system is broken and only serves to enrich the few at the expense of the many. It doesn’t protect the small time artists, only the exceptionally wealthy ones who earn more than the typical worker will make in many lifetimes.

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