Is that so? Am I? Well, if you say so.
idk what to tell you if you think shit like "not all men" and "lose weight fatty" isn't reactionary. this is why your website sucks, not the other stuff
Yeah, the ones that sound exactly like this guy lol
holy shit dude lol you have read nothing in this thread
Looots of stuff like this adding up, yeah.
Why though? If you’re gonna be concerned about health at least be consistent. Her post history contains nothing about covid that isn’t jokes. I can indeed make a pretty good assumption about this shit because how many masked faces do you see out and about anymore? But you and me both know what this is, because it’s about fat people. It’s certainly not about health.
would you like to know another public health issue that is currently on par with cancer for the amount of damage it's doing? that no one talks about, cares to mitigate, or even acknowledges anymore? with a concerted effort on the part of almost every government on earth to conceal the damage it's doing? when is the last time you heard a doctor seriously mention covid in the last two years? you people love to come out of the woodwork and profess how much Health and Wellness you care about whenever A Fat does or says anything but you motherfuckers stopped wearing masks and giving a shit about the actual fire in the room since 2022 when everyone else stopped because it lost the capitalists lots of money and made your treats stop, i bet. but go on and tell me how much you really care about the health and well-being of fat people specifically, sure
I know what you're trying to do but you do have a problem and need help.
Could you not have posted this entire thing without this one sentence? It betrays whatever intention you have, here.
e. actually nah I don't really think any of this was necessary at all, in fact.
Agreed. I was mostly just posting I guess a preemptive selfcrit here because I was one of the upbears 😓 I want to say I had that more charitable reading of an otherwise offensive sentiment in mind when doing so but it’s just as likely I was projecting my own perspective i described above on garden variety chauvinism I was too sloppy to recognize and I don’t want to give the illusion that I support that. I feel a bit silly for it but I will own that
The original wording of this post I remember was pretty bad but I have to admit I don’t think plastic surgery would be anywhere near as popular outside of a medical context were it not for the very outrageous beauty standards that exist in the world today which compels women to conform more and more just to be seen as valid, real, worthy. It is anyone’s choice in this society to do what they want with their bodies of course (though I do think it is another discussion altogether how much agency can actually be claimed when forces of coercion are so strong as modern-day standards of beauty) but I’m not going to sit here and say I don’t think it’s even a little bit tragic what people are compelled to do to themselves in pursuit of this. I don’t believe it is a liberatory or empowering thing most of the time at all. frogman could have said it like that, I think a more charitable reading like that could have been got out of it, but that’s not what was said, yeah.
Do the majority of infections clear completely?
The numbers are still unclear. Keep in mind that HIV/AIDS, TB et al have had a much longer time around to be studied. The researcher I quoted above mentioned studying HIV for 20 years. COVID is only approaching the end of year 5. In spite of its recency, we do still have a wealth of data to tell us how threatening it is, anyway. Being re-infected several times per year is certainly not tipping the odds in anyone’s favor, either.
The safest thing to do is also, thankfully, the simplest: wearing a well-fitting, N95-grade respirator whenever one is away from their home. These types of respirators are, regardless of anything you may have heard, extremely effective at protecting you and others from infecting one another, even one-way.
You'll know a video of me in public is fake because it won't be wearing a mask. Easiest solution in the world